
  Chapter 1598 The Cursed One
   As Rhodes uses the power of the Treasure Hunting Cane to explore the Treasure in the Treasure House , and when he picked up the [Conqueror], outside the treasure house, the arcangel who was shrouded in darkness also turned around abruptly, facing the huge door behind him, as if he had discovered something.

The signal from the perception clearly told her that an intruder had entered the treasure house in the cloud, and she uttered an angry rebuke into the darkness: "Sally, how dare you let people enter the treasure in the cloud, and let people's body Crime, contaminate this sacred land!"

"Which of your eyes saw that I let people in." In the darkness, a chuckle came out, "Maybe someone is taking advantage of our war. I slipped in by myself."

Sally's chuckle was exchanged for a blast that resounded through the sky. After avoiding the oncoming strikes, Sally was not feeling well. , The dark yellow robe on her body also showed signs of damage.

Maintaining the apparent ease, she glanced at the Treasure House in the Cloud with some worry, not knowing what was going on, whether Rhodes found the treasure she wanted.

She's just an arcangel, and she can handle it, but if two or more come, even she will have to struggle to escape.

At this time, in the Treasure House in the Clouds, after putting down the raiders, Rhodes seemed to feel something and looked around quickly.

I don't know if it was Rhodes' illusion, but he felt a peep from behind. Rhodes has always been acutely aware of such gazes, impossible to perceive errors.

Soon, Rhodes locked his gaze somewhere behind, and to Rhodes' surprise, there was clearly nothing there.

"Who's there? Why don't you show up?"

Speaking, Rhodes held the Titan's arrow in front of him, and there was a dazzling electric current on the sword. white light.

"wait a minute" came an unfamiliar male voice.

Under Rhodes' gaze, an illusory shadow emerged from the gold coin pile. He floated in the air like a ghost transformed from the undead mage. He had no feet under him, but his body maintained human beings. looks like.

Rhodes was a little puzzled. He didn't expect that such a creature would exist in the Treasure House in the Clouds. It seemed that he entered here earlier than himself.

"Who are you? How did you get here?" Rhodes asked quickly after thinking about it.

Perhaps due to the phantom's insubstantial relationship, Rhodes' peeping eye couldn't work on him, and after a little thought, Rhodes decided to ask him.

"Why didn't you take that powerful treasure?" the ghost asked Rhodes instead of answering him.

Rhodes frowned: "Did you hear what I'm saying?"

"Why didn't you take that powerful treasure?" The ghost's tone remained the same, even the expression changed. There was no change, and it was repeated to Rhodes.

"Because I don't need that treasure, I have a stronger treasure than it." Seeing that the state of the ghost seemed a little wrong, Rhodes thought for a while, and then replied.

Hearing Rhodes say this, the ghost lowered its head and muttered something.

Rhodes approached him suspiciously, wanting to hear what he was saying in order to get more information, but before Rhodes approached, the ghost rushed towards the [ solicitor].

Rhodes turned slightly to the side, allowing the ghost to approach the treasure.

The ghost stretched out his hands and tried to pick up the conqueror on the ground, but he couldn't do anything. His hand passed through the treasure and couldn't touch the treasure itself, with the gold coin underneath. is also like this.

Seeing this, Rhodes seemed to have found something, and took the initiative to swing the Titan's arrow, shooting a bolt of lightning. Lightning passed through the ghost's body, hitting the gold coin pile in the distance, causing the gold coin to splash around.

Rhodes realizes that the ghost cannot touch what he sees at all, neither the treasure in the treasure house in the cloud nor the magic released by Rhodes can be touched by him.

Apart from this, the ghost's body can freely pass through the gold coin, and even sink directly under the gold coin heap, which is also the reason why Rhodes didn't find him at first.

"Answer my question, who are you?" Rhodes asked.

"My name is Will..." The ghost seemed to have thought of something and slowly answered Rhodes' question. From his mouth, Rhodes also knew his name.

"Will, right? Why did you come here, this is a treasure house in the cloud guarded by angel, and ordinary creatures are not eligible to enter." Rhodes stared at the ghost, trying to understand his expression , to see his reaction.

Perhaps it was the reason that no one communicated for a long time, the tone of the ghost was a little unnatural: "I was deceived by a priest, he said that the treasure here can be chosen by me, I can take as much as I want, I ended up being what I am!"

Rhodes was silent, but the ghost continued: "I am the most beloved of griffins, Nicola Griffinhardt. Respected high priest, I'm still a hero! If you can help me get out of this area, I will definitely reward you."

"What?" Rhodes seemed to realize something, and his face changed. Change.

Nicholas Griffin Hart, it seems that in Sally's narration, the griffin heart king who caused the fall of Holy City, didn't expect the ghost in front of him, can actually call out this name, It seems that he entered the treasure house in the cloud at that time, and because of the curse, he was always trapped here.

"Do you know everything about Standwick? How did it fall?" Rhodes asked after a moment's thought.

"Do you mean the Holy City in the sky? Of course I know everything there, I know some powerful apostles. As for the fall, I don't understand what you mean, the Holy City hangs forever in the sky for Pilgrims from all over the world admire it." Speaking of this, the ghost instantly seemed to gain confidence, and his voice became louder.

Rhodes took a deep look at the ghost, and when he mentioned Holy City, the confidence and admiration on his face could not be disguised. He seemed to have no idea what was going on in Holy City. That is to say, he was trapped in the treasure house in the cloud earlier, and there is no way to escape.

Although Rhodes doesn't know why the ghost is trapped in the treasure house, even after several centuries, he has not been able to escape from it, but thinking about it, it should be with the treasure house stored in the treasure house , and the powerful curse that exists above.

"Is the Holy War over? Have those undead mage been wiped out?" the ghost asked, and he didn't seem to have any idea about the time he was trapped in the treasure house and what happened outside. Slightly noticed.

The existence of the ghost is undoubtedly a deep warning to Rhodes, proving to him the price of greed.

"As far as I know, no." Rhodes shrugged, replied.

(end of this chapter)

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