
  Chapter 1574 Thief Leader 1
  Led by black clothed thieves, Rhodes soon arrived In front of a quiet room at the end of the dark corridor.

Knocked on the door, and the black clothed thief stepped back respectfully, leaving Rhodes here.

There was no sound coming from the door, Rhodes let out a coldly snorted and pushed the door in without any hesitation.

Darkness completely shrouded the interior of the room, there was no light all around, and even the magic eye following Rhodes could only see some outlines in the darkness.

This discovery also surprised Rhodes slightly. The farsighted pendant he wears on his body provides good dark vision for the surrounding magic eyes. His vision should not be affected by darkness, and he didn't expect to still be unable to see anything clearly.

Outside the dark corridor, the hanging torch burns slowly, but it cannot illuminate the interior of the room at all, as if there is something inside that can swallow the light.

Without a word, Rhodes felt the gaze coming from the darkness. The thief leader, shrouded in shadow, was watching his own reaction, trying to see how he would deal with the darkness in front of him. What Rhodes does will also affect that person's attitude later on.

After realizing this, Rhodes raised his hand and lit a ball of Fireball, but the fire was instantly swallowed by the darkness. Even though the Fireball in Rhodes' hand was still burning, no light came out.

After discovering that ordinary rays of light could not dispel the darkness, Rhodes did not intend to continue trying.

The darkness in front of us may be composed of some kind of special spell ceremony, just like the Dark Sky Curtain above the City of the Dead, but it doesn't bother Rhodes.

There is no need to dispel the darkness, Rhodes chooses to blend in. The scarlet eyes he has, even in the darkest environment, can see everything around, and convert creatures lower than himself into vampires.

He took off the blindfold from the back of his head and immediately saw everything in the room.

Under the glance of the scarlet eye, everything that was originally shrouded in darkness appeared in Rhodes' eyes. He saw the common table and chairs in the quiet room, and also saw sitting on the chair, but with his feet A humanoid on the table.

Different from the cold and silent Legendary assassin in Rhodes' impression, she seems to have several points of sluggishness, her eyes slightly narrowed, as if she hadn't woken up. His feet trembled slightly, and the whole person was extremely relaxed.

"Hero..." Looking at the person in front of her, Rhodes immediately confirmed her hero status, which made Rhodes' heart secretly vigilant.

Aware of Rhodes' gaze, she looked suspicious, raised her hand and shook it in front of her, but Rhodes's gaze was always fixed in this direction.

"Can you see me?" she asked in surprise, the first time a voice came out from the darkness.

"What are you talking about?" Rhodes corner of the mouth twitched, "I heard that you are looking for me, you better show your intentions."

Looking at the thief in front of him Leader, Rhodes is ready for battle, and no matter which direction she launches a surprise attack via teleportation, Rhodes can immediately parry with her weapon.

"No, it's important," she insisted, as if she had noticed something, and raised two fingers, "Tell me, what time is it?"

"You Crazy?" Looking at the man in the dark, Rhodes frowned, said solemnly, "Don't tell me you came to me for this kind of frivolous thing."

Listen to Rhodes, She finally turned serious, put down her feet on the table, and drew a machete-like dagger from her waist.

Rhodes saw her actions clearly, and also drew the Titan's arrow, ready to fight.

Electricity surged through the sword of the Titan's Arrow, and the white light that should have bloomed was also swallowed by the darkness at this time. Except for the scarlet eye, which could see the scene in the dark, Rhodes beside Rhodes. Ordinary magic eyes, still can't see anything clearly.

"What are you doing? Why did you take out the weapon." Her voice came from the darkness.

"That's what I want to ask you, what are you going to do?" Rhodes said solemnly.

Hearing Rhodes say this, she had a look of surprise: "You can see me. No one has been able to do that since I got the Shadow Realm."

Rhodes didn't answer her words, but responded with silence.

From her words, Rhodes seemed to realize something and asked, "What do you mean? Also, what is the Shadow Realm?"

"You're in mine right now. In the Shadow Realm." She spread her hands and explained to Rhodes.

Suddenly, Rhodes felt a sense of greater threat than he had ever experienced before. The instinct formed by countless battles made Rhodes not even think, and immediately waved the Titan's arrow in his hand and moved towards the slash behind him.

The Titan's arrow with blazing lightning slashed in the end, and even for a short while, Rhodes could still see the afterimage left by the blade, which was in the room. that woman.

"What kind of power..." Rhodes said suspiciously, realizing what had just happened.

Without any premonition, and without any pre-movement, in just a short moment, she appeared beside Rhodes and tapped behind Rhodes with her hand, which also made Rhodes feel terrified. With a weapon in his hand, Rhodes will be severely wounded in just an instant.

Recognizing this, Rhodes stared at the woman in the dark.

In Rhodes' impression, no matter what kind of space spell, there will always be a certain pre-movement.

When mage casts teleportation, it needs to mobilize the magical elements in the body, and his eyes will look involuntarily in the direction of teleportation. Even if Archfiend's flame escapes, a clear flame will be ignited.

However, the woman in the dark did not leave any traces when she traveled through space. Rhodes didn't feel anything, she appeared behind him, and thinking of this, even Rhodes at this time, still felt lingering fears.

No... Rhodes seemed to have discovered something, not so much that her teleportation left no trace, but rather that the surrounding darkness was the trace she left.

Recalling all the rumors about the leader of the thieves, Rhodes now realizes why this lazy-looking woman can deal with those powerful Legendary creatures.

Looking at the woman in the dark, Rhodes felt a strong sense of oppression, as if in the depths of hell, facing the crazy Raging Flames Monarch, even stronger than then.

What appeared in front of Rhodes was the leader of the thieves at the top of Legendary. If you look at the rank, I am afraid that only the big snake on the Water Element plane can compare with it, even Rhodes at this time. , still have no certainty to defeat it, or even compete with it.

(end of this chapter)

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