
  Chapter 1551 Graal

"Lord Flam, all the ceremony materials are ready, as long as You can turn on the ceremony anytime you want."

In the golden palace, in front of the furnace built by Lava, a human covered in gray robes respectfully reported to the giant turned into flames.

"Excellent." Flame Giant replied with satisfaction, "Glar the Inquisitor, let my servants bring up the offering of ceremony, I can't wait, I will let ceremony now Go ahead!"

"Okay, my master." The human in front of him replied quickly, daring not to have any slights in his words.

Soon, at the Inquisitor's direction, a group of little monsters with dark red skin and jumping up and down were brought over.

Those responsible for escorting these little monsters are those fierce Fire Essence spirits with expressions of reverence. With the existence of high-level demons like the Fire Essence spirit, even if these little monsters feel uneasy in their hearts, they can't have any idea of ​​resistance.

"Throw them into the furnace," the Flame Giant commanded loudly.

After hearing her words, the nearby Fire Essence spirits were refreshed, with a fanatical look in their eyes, just like believers who received the inspiration of Spiritual God, they took action and used their own power. , drive the nearby little monsters into the furnace.

After sensing the meaning of Flame Giant's words and what was about to happen, panic arose from the formation of the little monsters, who tried to flee in all directions, but could not escape the control of the Fire Essence.

Seeing that all the nearby companions were burned to ashes, the remaining little monsters also seemed to accept their fate and no longer made any resistance. For the demons whose bloodline is everything, becoming the sacrifice of the high-level demon ceremony is also the irresistible fate of the little monsters.

As these little monsters were engulfed by lava, the fire in the furnace became more and more intense, the broken souls rose into the sky, and Flame Giant's eyes also showed a bit of longing.

"It's time." Seeing that the lava in the entire furnace was boiling, and bubbles were constantly pouring out from below, for a while, the entire lava lake seemed to come alive, and Flame Giant also made it. own decision.

Existing outside her body, the flaming flames became thinner, and her body turned transparent, revealing something golden and fiery that existed inside her.

It was a Phoenix who was imprisoned. She was supposed to be the incarnation of flames, and her body was being swallowed by flames little by little. With the action of the Flame Giant, Phoenix is ​​constantly swinging his body, trying to escape from the predicament in front of him, but it seems to be of no avail.

"Now, do you still want to escape? It's useless, you will fuse with me, and I can use your body to get a real body."

Relying on the connection in the flames, Phoenix's body had some connection with the Flame Giant. No matter how she struggled, she couldn't get rid of the Flame Giant's control, and could only watch her body gradually melt away.

Phoenix's ability to reborn from the ashes cannot be used in this brief moment. What Flame Giant has to do is to integrate Phoenix into the body to achieve a complete transformation.

Seeing that Phoenix still showed no sign of giving up, Flame Giant sneered. Under her guidance, the burned souls of the little monsters approached her body and quickly merged into it.

With the addition of these souls, Phoenix's struggles gradually stagnated, his eyes became cloudy, and he could no longer lift his strength.

As the process progressed, the nearby Fire Essence seemed to feel something, lowered his head one by one, respectfully looked at the giant turned into flames, and muttered something in his mouth .

In the huge furnace, a new combustion material has been added. This time, the material added to the furnace is Flame Giant itself.

She who would not have been hurt by any flames, in this brief moment, I don't know what kind of influence she was affected. Under the burning of the flames, her whole body began to shrink inwards, and the Phoenix existing in her body, The body also begins to melt, becoming one with the pure flame.


The Flame Giant, who shrank all over, let out a burst of wild laughter. The laughter was intermittent, but there was a strange sense of fulfillment in it. The nearby creatures were all shocked.

The ultimate flame, rising from the deepest depths of the lava lake, blazing rays of light, occupying the entire space, in this brief moment, even the golden palace itself began to show signs of melting.

As a ray of flame deep in lava merged into Flame Giant's body, some kind of special changes were constantly happening on her body.

The illusory body that was originally made of firelight has a physical existence in this brief moment. The streamer turned into her skin, and the flames constructed her flesh and blood. As her size continued to shrink, what appeared in the center of the furnace was no longer a Flame Giant overlooking everything, but a red-haired, red-eyed human woman.

"Lord Flam, your humble servant, sends you my sincere blessings. You have finally fulfilled your until now wish and have a body of your own..." Noticing the red in the furnace A woman, Inquisitor Graal said in a trembling voice.

At this time, the red-haired woman was raising her hand, feeling a little bit of her own body: "I haven't been so happy for a long time. The last time I was so happy was the Holy City Stand. Wick fell from the sky. Didn't expect after so long, I finally got my wish."

"Thanks to that undead mage to bring back the honorable Divine Bird Phoenix... It's strange, I and other judges have also gone to Flame Land to look for it, but we haven't found any trace of Phoenix, how did that undead mage do it?" Graar said with some doubts.

"humph." Hearing Graal mentioning this matter, Flam, who had just undergone Human Transformation, his face suddenly sank, "I hate undead mage the most. My servant, go take the 'Avengers' 'Release it to the surface world, and let him deal with the undead mage."

"This..." Hearing Frum say this, Glar showed a hesitant look, and confirmed again and again: "This will Wouldn't it be a little bad? You agreed to the undead mage's request."

"I just promised him that no Doomsday believers would attack his territory, but the Avengers weren't there Doomsday believers." Flam said solemnly, "And who gave you the guts to defy my orders?"

"I know it's wrong, Flam. Lord... please allow me to complete the task you assigned." Graar said quickly, he knew very well what would happen to those creatures who disobeyed Flam's orders.

"For the sake of this body, I forgive you for your offense this time, go and complete your mission. Remember to return the weapon that belongs to him to the 'Avengers'." Flam slowly said .

(end of this chapter)

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