
  Chapter 1548 Secret Information 1

Seeing Rhodes raising such a question, Alama seemed a little hesitant for a while , seems reluctant to say more on this issue.

However, looking at the arm that woke up, as if it had its own consciousness, and the unique pot of blood, Alama finally made a decision, he gritted his teeth, and asked Rhodes:

"Have you ever wondered what the most perfect creature in the world would look like? What kind of bloodline should exist in this creature? This question has plagued countless magicians, all those who study bloodline. All magicians want to use their own power to create the most perfect creatures, which is also the origin of the alien creature tournament."

"The most perfect creature?" Rhodes thought for a while, replied, " In my opinion, only beings whose strength surpasses all living beings can be called perfect beings. In those Erathia populations, such beings are also called 'gods', which are beyond the Legendary level."

After listening to Rhodes' answer, Allama shook the head: "The condition you mentioned is just a one-sided understanding of perfection. In the concept of the magician, the real perfection is reflected in the It is above the bloodline in living things."

"There is only one most perfect living creature, it stands at the apex of all living things, and naturally does not need to reproduce, but it does not exist independently. The bloodline nourishes everything, transforming any creature that touches its blood into a form similar to it, gaining its extraordinary powers," Allama added.

"The pursuit of perfection exists in the instincts of all living beings. Any creature that touches the blood of a perfect creature will involuntarily move towards that perfect form transformation... If we can get this blood earlier, My bloodstained monster will surely become the champion of the tournament..."

After listening to Allama's explanation, Rhodes frowned: "Up to now, only some ordinary creatures have come into contact with this blood, these ordinary creatures There is no powerful bloodline in the body, so it is vulnerable to other bloodlines. Will this affect your judgment?"

As Rhodes said, so far, he has not let himself There is a powerful bloodline in the body, such as giant dragon and Phoenix, to touch the blood in front of him, which may affect Alama's judgment.

Faced with Rhodes' question, Alama shook the head:

"If only ordinary creatures tried it, the result would be inaccurate. But this pot of bloodline, even My body can change...it's not an easy thing. I have bloodlines of several Legendary creatures fused in my body, and I think this has already explained something."

Listen to Allah Ma said that, Rhodes was nominee, and he understood why his body exuded the breath of Legendary creatures. With the blessing of bloodline power, he obtained the same rank as those Legendary creatures.

"And what about the legend you mentioned earlier? What was that?" Rhodes demanded.

Alama looked at Rhodes and fell silent for a while. After a while, he said, "I have seen such a story in a book left by an old monster magician."

"Many centuries ago, in the age of heroes of light, on the surface of the world, there was born a human being with all kinds of incredible powers, candle eyes, sin chains, holy words... any one of these. He is the incarnation of the gods walking on earth, even God himself. If there is any perfect creature on the world, it must be him."

Listening to Alama's remarks, Rhodes frowned inwardly.

"His body is different from ordinary people. Just like those alien creatures, an ordinary body cannot accommodate such a powerful force and must be transformed by ceremony, which also makes his body full of defects and Scar."

"And the blood in his body has such an effect, it can transform all creatures that touch his blood into a similar appearance to him, and gain unique power from him... According to the records in the ancient books, people at that time called this process 'giving stigmata'."

Hearing this, Rhodes turned slightly and asked Margaret beside him, "You know what? Is this information he said?"

"I've never heard of this information..." Margaret looked at the head in confusion, and the nearby magic eye shook with her movements.

"Don't say you haven't heard of it, I've been in the surface world for so long, and I've never heard of such information." Rhodes said solemnly, with a bit of doubt in his words, "But if this information They are all true, and their value may be beyond imagination."

"Go on." Rhodes instructed to Alama, "If the creature you are talking about really has such power , the entire world does not have any ability to threaten him, he will live forever, that is to say, he should be alive until now."

Alama sighed, he shook the head, said:

"This is what I will say next. The incarnation of God finally fell. According to the records in the ancient books, it was Angel who fell into hell who killed the incarnation of Death God. , which is now the arrogant king... Sure enough, angel is the most perfect creature."

Rhodes looked startled, and from Alama's narration, he got some incredible information, the eye of peeping His existence also made him realize that Alama was not lying at this time, and immediately asked: "What does all this you say have to do with the blood in front of you and the transformation that happened in my Death Knight? ?"

"Of course it does matter." Alama continued, "Before the incarnation of God fell, he put all his power into one hand, and he took the initiative to let this person in battle. One hand was chopped off and he was banished to an unknown place. Even after countless years, he is still waiting for the day he wakes up."

"You mean..." Listen At this point, Rhodes seems to have realized something.

"When I saw this basin of blood, I was extremely confused, what kind of creature could have such a special blood? But now, I have the answer." Alama said solemnly, he put his hands in front of him, but his body trembled uncontrollably.

"You say that the blood comes from the sea serpent in the depths of the ocean, but what I want to tell you is that that creature is simply not a sea serpent, but a part of the incarnation of God, inheriting the amount of Power of God. The palm of your hand. The head of the sea snake you see is just a finger after alienation. In ancient books, it was called the 'hand of God' by the magician who witnessed all this."

(end of chapter)

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