
  Chapter 1540 The Scarlet Eye II

At Rhodes' suggestion, Margaret took out a A heavy hammer, and a thick string of twine.

"What are these?" Rhodes asked, frowning slightly, looking at the things Margaret took out.

"These are the tools to make you feel better in the remodeling ceremony. You can't be awake to remodel, right?" With that, Margaret picked up the hammer and was about to put it on Rhodes' head. smash.

"Don't you have a potion to make people faint? Do you have to use this thing?" Rhodes asked helplessly.

Margaret shook the head: "Unfortunately, sorcerers don't use these things, and many times we need to conduct experiments while creatures are awake to see how they really react...


"Forget it, let me do the transformation awake." Shook the head, Rhodes slowly said.

"However, the transformation process will bring great pain, which is not acceptable to ordinary people... If you keep struggling in the ceremony, it is likely that the transformation will fail." Marg Rita said hesitantly.

“Do you think I fear pain?” Rhodes asked.

Margaret shook the head hesitantly, and Rhodes threw a dagger at her, saying, "You can use this dagger for a while, it will become very sharp when it touches blood."

“I will…” Margaret replied.

"What are you waiting for, let's start the transformation?"

Under Margaret's instructions, Rhodes lay on a stone platform.

The crimson dagger stabbed into his eyes, the sorcerer's rune, began to flicker around the stone platform, a weakened fusion ceremony.

During the transformation, Rhodes' body on the stone platform trembled, not because of the pain in his eyes, but because of the only thing he could feel in his heart, the one who was about to gain powerful strength. Excitement and joy.

In the dark and quiet room, an old woman in gray who turned into a vampire is meticulously carrying out this special transformation ceremony. She looked at the man lying on the stone platform with a bit of frenzy in her eyes, as if she had seen the most perfect artwork.

With her meticulous operation, the remodeling of the ceremony was completed earlier than Rhodes expected.

Open your eyes again and see everything around you. It was a dark and quiet room, but in Rhodes' sight, it was as bright as day.

On the nearby wall, all the magic eyes that Rhodes glanced at all had mutation, falling from the wall, sharp teeth appeared on the surface, exuding the breath of undead creatures.

Turn on the system log, and Rhodes also sees the information he wants to see.


"You received a total of 145 points of weakness damage and entered a bleeding state..."

"You repaired the wound on your body, bleeding Status removed..."

"Your body has been transformed by the ceremony, and some changes have taken place..."

"You have regained your vision. You have gained new abilities [Scarlet Eye]..."

"[Scarlet Eye]: One of the auxiliary abilities of Soul Evocation Technique. Any existence that is watched by you and whose character level is lower than yours will be forcibly transformed into vampire.”


The description of the system log also made Rhodes realize what kind of ability he had acquired.

Not only that, the eyes that had been blinded by the attack of the sacred unicorn before were replaced with red eyes, and their vision was completely restored at this time.

However, after putting on the scarlet eyes, Rhodes at this time faced a new problem.

"Lord Rhodes, my transformation ceremony has been completed, how do you feel now?" Seeing Rhodes being silent, Margaret asked proactively, and respectfully handed the scarlet dagger back to the person in front of her. .

"I feel the power contained in this pair of eyeballs." After taking the crimson dagger, Rhodes sighed deeply, "but I still need magic eyes, even more In the past, I needed more..."

"The magic eyes here, you can take them away as long as you like." Margaret said repeatedly.

Glancing at Margaret, Rhodes knew that the Holy Word of Darkness had changed her will. If it were her who she used to be, she would not be so generous in handing over the magic eye to herself.

Just as Rhodes turned slightly, on the wall, even if it was just the magic eye swept by Rhodes' peripheral vision, he could not escape the fate of becoming a vampire.

Upon realizing this, Rhodes shook the head, then voluntarily closed his eyes.

It belongs to Rhodes' spiritual imprint, which instantly occupies those magical eyes that become vampire.

There are hundreds of these magic eyes, and even if they become undead creatures, it still does not affect their original efficacy, but makes these magic eyes more agile, and Rhodes intends to take them all away.

"That's right." As if thinking of something, Margaret took the initiative to say, "There is a secret technique in the Church of the Magic Eye, which enables the believers of the magic eye to have a close connection with their magic eye, so that Come on, the devotees of the magic eye can cast spells as a whole with these magic eyes, and I think you may need this secret technique."

"oh?" As Margaret said, Rhodes looked surprised, of course he understood how much the secret technique Margaret said could help him.

With this secret technique, when Rhodes casts any buff spell on himself, the spell's effect can be applied to all the magic eyes at the same time, increasing all the attributes of those magic eyes.

Apart from this, Rhodes can also act on the magic eyes around him when he casts teleportation, or when the flame hides, allowing them to follow him through space together. This is what Rhodes values ​​most. .

"Since there is such a secret technique, why didn't you take it out sooner?" Rhodes solemnly asked.

"This is a secret technique that only priests of the Church of the Magic Eye can master. I used to think that you haven't mastered this secret technique yet, but now it's different..." Margaret answer.

Speaking, she took out a special tome from the space ring and handed it to Rhodes. Rhodes said nothing, coldly snorted took it.

After solving the eye related problems, Rhodes didn't plan to stay in Margaret's quiet room for a long time, and got up to leave.

"How is your Eternal Demon eye research?" Rhodes asked Margaret slightly sideways before leaving.

"I'm having some difficulties..." Margaret sighed.

"What's the difficulty, is there not enough material? Maybe I can find a way to solve it."

"No...it's not the problem." Margaret shook the head, "It's the difficulty in sorcery. My knowledge of sorcery is not enough to solve this problem. I can only wait for my old friend to come, and I will ask him for advice..."

Rhodes , didn't say anything more, and then led the pile of demon eyes behind and left from the quiet room.

(end of this chapter)

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