
  Chapter 1537 Grave Keeper II

"How could this be..."

After listening to the story of the tomb keeper, Rhodes was still thinking, and Inota looked lost and muttered.

"Gravekeeper, are you telling the truth? How did you know all this?" Rowlin, who was also touched, took the initiative to ask.

"A long time ago, I witnessed all this. As for whether this is true, it is up to you to believe it or not." The green-skinned old man replied.

Aside, Rhodes put his hands in front of him, his eyes lit with fire, looked directly at the old man, and made his own judgment: "He didn't lie."

Hero The existence of his special skills made Rhodes realize that what the grave keeper said was true. Apart from this, the information about the hero in his memory also made Rhodes very interested.

I don't know how long the tomb keeper in front of him has lived. Rhodes' peeping eye can't find any really useful information from his vast memory, only he is referring to the hero. Rhodes can only see some memory fragments.

This situation, Rhodes had only experienced in Messika before.

"You call yourself the gravekeeper, who are you guarding the grave for?" Rowlin demanded.

"For those who died, the flames that went out, and..."

"Okay, answer my question." Rhodes interrupted the gravekeeper forcefully. Answered, "Where are his eyes?"

"What eyes?" asked the grave keeper, glancing at Rhodes.

"It's the hero's eye. The eye he dug out should be taken away by you in the end, right?" Rhodes narrowed his eyes, stepped forward, and said in front of the gravekeeper.

"I didn't say that." The tombkeeper replied with the same expression.

"But you did." Rhodes raised his eyebrows and said loudly, "How dare you hide such crucial information from me! Do you know what it costs to deceive me?"

"But you did." p>

"I didn't deceive you, didn't you find out?" The gravekeeper shrugged, looking at Rhodes with an old face, a trace of bright light, "putting it that way, You have the ability to discern lies... no, it should be the ability to see through your heart, which is a rare ability."

At the same time, Rhodes, who was watching the tomb keeper, suddenly felt that something was wrong. The gravekeeper's heart suddenly filled with a lot of distracting thoughts. These distracting thoughts completely occupied his heart. His thinking was running at a rapid pace, but all he was thinking about was irrelevant information that could be ignored.

"What have you done..." Rhodes solemnly asked. When his heart was completely occupied by distractions, Rhodes got only these distracting thoughts through his peeping eyes, without the slightest thoughts of the grave guards.

"I didn't do anything, I was just thinking about some problems." The gravekeeper said slowly.

"Enough! Give me his eyes," Rhodes coldly snorted, said.

The grave keeper fell silent, watching Rhodes carefully. Rhodes raised his head slightly, he always felt that the green-skinned old man in front of him was looking at something on his body.

After a while, Rhodes heard the gravekeeper's voice: "You remind me of that hero. You have his token on you. Putting it that way, You were able to come here because you were guided by fate..."

Rhodes was a little puzzled and was about to ask when he saw the tomb keeper took out a red iron box. The heavy chains were wrapped round and round on the surface of the tin box, sending some kind of warning to Rhodes.

"What exists in the iron box is his eyes."

Rhodes took the iron box and was about to remove the chains wrapped around it, opened the iron box, and guarded the tomb. People hurriedly stopped him and said, "No...don't turn it on here."

"Why?" Rhodes asked.

"He is a hero born from a curse. Even after countless years have passed, the curse that remains in his eyes has not dissipated. If you are seen by his eyes, you will become bloodthirsty. monster..." The tomb guard reminded repeatedly.

"If I don't open the inspection, how can I believe everything you say?" Rhodes asked suspiciously, raising the iron box in his hand.

"Of course you will understand all of this."

With the words of the grave keeper, his heart instantly calmed down, and all the distracting thoughts dissipated. Under the action of the peeping eye, Rhodes also got the true thoughts of the grave keeper, so as to judge the accuracy of his remark.

After confirming that the grave keeper did not deceive himself, Rhodes looked around all around and asked, "Is there really no Phoenix here?"

The grave keeper nodded: "As far as I know, there is no Phoenix in the entire Flame Land."

"You just said that there is a token of the hero on me. What kind of token is it?" Rhodes stared directly The tomb guard in front of him asked.

"I won't admit wrong about your lenient cloak..." replied the gravekeeper.

Rhodes brows frowned , according to the gravekeeper, that hero is probably the former owner of the Ghost King cloak, and I don't know what happened to this Divine Item.

With a sigh, Rhodes turned around and asked Inota, who was beside him, "Do you want to eat him?"

"Um..." Inota looked in front of him The grave keeper glanced at the head, and looked at the head, "His skin is too loose, it doesn't look good."

"Okay." Rhodes nodded, looking at the grave keeper beside him again, "You're lucky, I won't just kill you, and I'll come to you when I come to Fire Element."

Like the mighty Legendary mage, Rhodes He is also dissatisfied with his own forces that only exist in the main plane, and he has already put his sights on other element planes.

Among the four elemental planes, the Water Element plane is undoubtedly the plane with the mildest climate. Except that there is no land and only an ocean, it has almost no shortcomings. The ocean is the source of life, and the number of ordinary creatures that exist on the Water Element plane is also the largest among all the element planes.

Compared with this, the Fire Element plane is much inferior. The land of lava flows everywhere, and the scalding temperature makes it unsuitable for ordinary creatures to survive. , Ordinary creatures simply cannot stay here for a long time. This also leads to the fact that the Fire Element plane has the fewest common creatures of any plane.

For these reasons, Rhodes doesn't want to put his main force on the Fire Element plane, but it's still a backup option, especially on the Fire Element not far away. The giant tent left by the Facewalker also gave Rhodes some ideas.

After putting the tin box into the space ring, Rhodes put his hand on Rowlin and Inota's shoulders, the light flashed, and they were disappeared together.

(end of this chapter)

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