
  Chapter 1529 Plane Walker

With his own knowledge of treasure, Rhodes can see at a glance , The huge tent in front of you is a space treasure with unique effect.

Under the tent, there is a special spell ceremony. The ceremony protects the tent itself. If someone wants to move the tent, or rush it into other spaces, it will be severely backlashed.

At the entrance of the tent, a group of Fire Elements guarded it, and they showed a vigilant look as Rhodes released his own breath.

"They are not naturally born elemental creatures, but made by mage." Aside, Rowlin seemed to feel something, and whispered close to Rhodes.

"I know," Rhodes replied slowly, recognizing the origin of the Fire Elements when he first saw them, long before Rowlin reminded him.

"Who are you? Why are you approaching the City of Fire?" Noticing the appearance of Rhodes, a Fire Element quickly stepped forward and asked at the same time.

It seems that they were worried that Rhodes could not understand one line, and the Fire Element people changed several other languages ​​that Rhodes could not understand, and what was said there.

"We are plane walkers, just arrived on this plane and want to know about the Divine Bird Phoenix, can you tell us?"

Seeing Rhodes didn't answer the question Instead, he clenched the blade that could summon lightning, and Rowlin reluctantly hooked the head and took the initiative to replied.

"How dare you play Divine Bird's idea..." Hearing Rowlin say this, the Fire Element man's expression changed suddenly, and he didn't know what he had done. The nearby Fire Element man gathered around, "You are not allowed to take a step near the city of flames."

"humph." Rhodes coldly snorted, when he was about to make a move, a mage took the initiative to walk out of the huge tent.

"My flame creatures, don't let them go, take these blasphemers into the prison in the city, and I will personally interrogate them." The red-haired, red-eyed male human mage said loudly.

"It's him..." Noticing the appearance of the mage, Inota approached Rhodes and exclaimed, "He is the plane walker Kant, and he is also the Guardian here, I came before When he got here, he also asked for the treasure."

Rhodes nods, in his perception, the mage who suddenly appeared, the comprehensive strength has reached the level of Legend, and there is a strong fire around him. Element magic element, it seems that it is still specializing in Fire Element magic. In the plane composed of flames, it can naturally exert stronger power.

"He has mastered a unique spell, and all creatures near him will be melted by high temperature. Apart from this, he likes to collect treasure the most, and it is probably for this reason that he puts us Stop it." Inota said quickly.

"Looks like you've heard of my existence, so I don't have to explain it to you. Listen, whether you leave or enter the city, you must hand over three treasures!" the human mage shouted said.

“Why?” Rhodes asked casually.

"Because this is the rule here! More importantly, my strength is stronger than yours. In Flame Land, I am the real Sovereign, disobeying my words, and the end is only dead end."

Intense flames were released from Kanter's body, and waves of heat moved towards all around, and the nearby Fire Element people also showed reverence in their eyes.

“putting it that way, you must have collected a lot of treasure,” Rhodes said.

"That's nature." The human mage stared at Rhodes in the distance, "What are you talking about, you quickly hand over the three treasures on your body, I mean three pieces per person. "

"I think you may have made a mistake..."

Rhodes' voice came over, and there was a trace of disdain in the human mage's eyes, just as he was about to say something, A strong sense of crisis suddenly spread in his body.

Without any hesitation, next moment, he flickered, trying to teleport away.

However, if you want to release one of the Water Element magics in the Fire Element plane, the momentary movement, no matter what level of mage, is extremely laborious and will be blocked by the power of the plane. .

The human mage, who always relies on the high temperature around the body to burn the enemy to the ground, also neglects the practice of teleportation. Even if it has been performed immediately, it still has not completely escaped this attack.

At this moment, his left arm was chopped off by Keegan, and the severe pain filled his mind, making him whimper uncontrollably.

"oh?" A doubtful voice reached the mage's ears, "I didn't expect you to be able to escape my attack. What I was going to cut off was your head."

Kant looked back and saw that Rhodes, out of nowhere, had come to where he was standing, and Rhodes was holding a scarlet dagger in his hand, staring at him indifferently.

"It's impossible... all the creatures that come close to me will be burned to the ground. How can you get close to me and not be burned to ashes by the flames?" Kanter asked in a trembling voice. If he hadn't noticed the attack in time, he would have been cut off the head in an instant, as Rhodes said.

Looking at the Rhodes in front of him, Kanter clearly felt something was wrong, but he couldn't tell what the reason was, as if there was some kind of special power in the person in front of him, far away more than he imagined.

"The temperature around you is really high, and this spell also surprises me, but compared to the original flame, it's still too far off, no, it's not worth mentioning at all." Rhodes let out a sneer, "Okay, it's time to end the fight."

Feeling the killing intent on Rhodes, the human mage's body trembled, and he hurriedly said, "Wait...I realize that I I am willing to hand over my treasure in exchange for my own life. My treasure was used by me to use the door of another dimension and put it in a space that only I know. If you kill me, you will get nothing."

"Okay, then you hand over your treasures, hand over ten... no, thirty treasures, and I'll let you go."

"Thirty treasures, this..." Kante was embarrassed for a while, and after noticing the indifferent look in Rhodes' eyes, he could only grit his teeth and accept all this.

After using the spell to stop the injury on his body, Kanter looked back at Rhodes: "How can I believe that you will let me go after I hand over the treasure?"

"You have no choice, I can kill you now." Rhodes said solemnly.

"Why should I hand over my treasure before I die if it's all death?" Kanter looked at Rhodes with some suspicion, "I won't take this unless you swear by your soul. treasure.”

(end of this chapter)

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