
  Chapter 1526 Divine Bird

"What do you want me to do?" Listen to Fram Said, Rhodes thought about it and decided to listen to the specific requirements of the mission first, and then make other plans.

If Flam made a request that could never be fulfilled, Rhodes didn't mind using the previous method to destroy all creatures in the Fire God Palace until she agreed.

"In that distant and chaotic space, there is a Flame Land. On the Flame Land, the most noble creature is a Divine Bird made of fire. There is a place outside the main plane. area, I can't go there myself, my followers, and I don't have enough power, so I need the help of other creatures." Flame Giant explained slowly.

From Flam's words, Rhodes also realized what kind of creature the Divine Bird she was talking about was.

If Rhodes guessed right, the only creature that can afford the title of Divine Bird is Phoenix, which exists on the Fire Element plane, and the description of the Fire Element plane is also in line with Flam's mouth. Flame Land.

"I need the blood of this creature, and it would be great if you could bring back a living Divine Bird. Of course, if you only brought back its blood, I would count as well. You're done."

After Frum's request, Rhodes fell silent, thoughts flashing through his mind.

Although Rhodes didn't understand what the Flame Giant in front of him wanted the blood of Phoenix for, it wouldn't be a good thing to think about.

"How? That's the only condition I can give."

At the urging of Flame Giant, Rhodes nodded and said, "Okay. I'll find a way. Bring these things, but until then, you'd better take care of your Doomsday followers, I don't want to see them near Dia."

"That's it." Flame Giant said with satisfaction , "I believe that with your strength, it is not difficult to find those flame Divine Birds."

After fulfilling his requirements, Rhodes didn't want to stay here, after coldly snorted, body flashed, He left the Fire God Palace.

Arriving at the entrance of the Golden Palace, Rhodes found Karnathan, who had been waiting here for a long time.

"Let's go, my mission has been completed." Looking at the Death Knight in front of him, Rhodes slowly said, "Take me back to Sau City, you should know the location."

Kanathon leaned down slightly, and during the waiting period, her flame escape had also finished cooling down.

She extended the hand, resting it lightly on Rhodes' shoulders, and with a flash of flames, their figures disappeared instantly.

The space beside him changed for a while, and by the time Rhodes came back to his senses, he had returned to the vicinity of Sao City in Verning.

It is said to be nearby, but the location of Rhodes is actually in the underground of Sao City. Not long ago, according to Rhodes' orders, Karnathan dug a tangled and complicated underground passage under Verning, which was also Rhodes' preparation for the subsequent action.

In Rhodes' impression, the sorcerer in the third expansion piece is best at digging underground passages to launch raids. To prevent enemy raids, Rhodes must take the first step, in Sao The underground of the city is well defended.

After simply saying goodbye to Karnathan, Rhodes quickly boarded the Soul Evocation tower in the city, and passed the two-way monument in the tower to the island of the Water Element plane.

The familiar dark sky, coupled with the moisture from the ocean, once again appeared in Rhodes' perception, and he moved quickly towards Rowlin and Inota's abode, however, traveling to Halfway through, he suddenly noticed something abnormal.

Innumerable flowers filled the surrounding open space, dots of fluorescence surrounded the flowers, and the air was filled with bursts of fragrance, the smaller Fairy Maiden Hua Pixi, constantly in the flowers. fly. And in the very center of this sea of ​​flowers, a magnificent castle appeared.

If it weren't for the nearby Water Element with extremely rich magical elements, plus the awe-inspiring eyes of the surrounding undead mage, Rhodes would have thought that he had come to the wrong place.

"What are you doing..." Looking at the majestic castle that rose from the ground, Rhodes didn't know when he built the majestic castle on the island, his corner of the mouth twitched.

Breaking past the nearby undead mage guards and walking quickly to the center of the castle, Rhodes met Rowlin and Inota who were discussing the spell.

"Rhodes, you're back!" Seeing Rhodes returning, Inota said happily.

"Who can tell me what's going on around here? Those flowers, and this castle, what's going on?" Rhodes asked suspiciously.

"These all are the effects of the prophecy card." On the side, Rowlin put down the tome in his hand and explained, "big brother, during the time you were away, I discovered this set of prophecy cards. The real use of it."

Seeing Rhodes' doubts, Rowlin took the initiative to pick up the set of prophecy cards that originally belonged to the Prophet Messika, and took out one of them.

Rhodes moved towards the card Rowlin had drawn, which showed a black poisonous snake spitting out letters.

I don't know what Rowlin did, but the pattern on the card suddenly came alive. Under Rhodes' gaze, the black snake jumped out of the card and quickly crawled out of the tower.

Just halfway through, it suddenly became motionless as if it were still, and then the whole body became transparent, and finally turned into a haze, returning to the prophecy card in Rowlin's hand.

"The sorcery..." As if found something, Rhodes commented.

"As the big brother saw, all the prophecy cards have this effect. According to the books left by the prophet, now I can use the secret technique to make the words recorded on the card. Things appear in reality."

Rowlin's expression turned solemn, and he knew exactly what it meant: "Everything that's on the card, you can make it appear in the In reality?"

"Big brother disappointed." Rowlin sighed and looked at Rhodes in disappointment, "Now I can only activate lifeless existence, or life existence. , but lower tier cards. Similar to the castles that big brother saw, and those Fairy Maiden Hua. As for those prophecy cards with powerful heroes, I can't even activate them."

Feeling the loss in Rowlin's heart, Rhodes comforted: "Don't be discouraged, you have done a good job. I didn't expect these prophecy cards to have such a role..."

Even the system log has not detected the function of this set of prophecy cards. Perhaps only Messika himself can explain the secret of this treasure.

Faced with Rhodes' consolation, Rowlin just shook the head:

"During this time, I checked every prophecy card, except for the physical character and thing cards, There are also some powerful spell cards in there, like this one..."

(end of this chapter)

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