
  Chapter 1510 The Flame Hide

After waiting in the cabin for a while, Inota also came here .

Seeing Inota appear, Rowlin took the initiative to meet her, and told her exactly what Rhodes had found.

"Very good! That pesky prophet is finally gone!" After hearing Rowlin's words, Inota burst into cheers, and there was unstoppable joy in his words.

Besides, Rhodes' corner of the mouth twitched, it seems that after drawing the prophecy card last time, Inota developed a deep disgust for the prophet, and this disgust has penetrated deep into her heart.

"This is not a good thing." With a sigh, Rhodes said, "Without the prophet, we have no way to predict the enemy's next move, and we can't seek revelation. The prophecy cards collected in Lakada are also useless at this moment."

Inota nodded, seemingly listening to Rhodes' words, but with unstoppable joy in his eyes.

"Maybe I have a way to..."

That's when Rowlin volunteered. She extended the hand and took the set of prophecy cards with a gold border and a red background from Rhodes.

"There is knowledge about prophecy in the tomes left by the prophets. It will take me a while to master it. Maybe soon, I will be able to use this set of cards for divination."

"This prophecy card symbolizes misfortune and will bring bad luck to the user. Are you sure you want to use this card?" Rhodes asked.

"Without the Prophet, only I can play the effect of this set of prophecy cards. Even if I suffer bad luck, I will not shirk."

Seeing Rowlin's eyes firmly nodded, Rhodes It's not easy to say anything. After checking the system log, he said: "I can already cast Fire Hide, it's time to go to the depths of the ocean to find Vala. Before that, I need to bring something with me."

Soon, led by Rhodes, they arrived at the dock on the edge of the island.

Over this period of development, much of the island's infrastructure has been built, including the all-important Potions Factory, and the shipyard where Rhodes is currently located.

Because of the lack of talents in this area, up to now, only small sailboats have been built on the island to accommodate a few people, but they are enough to meet the needs of ordinary undead mage.

With the continuous transformation of the Water Element plane, these small sailboats are used by the undead mage. If you stand on the cliff and look out, you can see many ships sailing in the ocean, as well as the undead above. mage.

"Lord Rhodes, according to your request, the ship is ready."

Through spiritual imprint, aware of the arrival of Rhodes, Death Knight Kane took the initiative to greet him. Soon, he led Rhodes and his party to a small boat.

"Are we going to take this boat and sail all the way to find that hydra?" Looking at the boat in front of him, Inota asked in surprise.

"No, we'll use the space spell to go directly. This is just a place to rest." Rhodes was a little helpless, and hurriedly replied, "I can't stand on the water all the time, right?"

After hearing Rhodes' answer, Inota lowered her head in disappointment.

Without saying much, Rhodes turned to look at Kane, who noticed that Kane seemed to have something to say.

"Lord Rhodes, we need more manpower. There are far too few people on the island, and even the Spell Academy of the Undead cannot be established, let alone transform all the creatures in the ocean. Please bring along as soon as possible. Bring more undead mage, I believe you can do it easily."

Kane leaned down and reported to Rhodes respectfully,

"Many people who don't know how to navigate Undead mage, the ship sank not long after going out to sea, apart from this, there are still many undead mage who can't swim and cannot transform into water at all. The Undead Spell Academy must open corresponding courses to teach them, and the Undead Spell Academy is opened. It also requires a large number of personnel."

After hearing Kane's report, Rhodes gave him a somewhat puzzled look: "I remember you once said that everything on the island is complete, and no more is needed. The existing manpower is enough to deal with it, why are you talking about this now?"

Kane sighed and said: "I used to have hatred for you in my heart, and I didn't put all the people on the island. To tell you the truth, but now I am different. Now I am deeply aware of my mistakes."

Under the influence of the dark holy word, the current Kane is extremely loyal to Rhodes, not Then hide everything on the island.

Rhodes thought for a moment, then said solemnly: "Okay. I'll bring in enough people soon, but right now, I have more urgent things to deal with."

"I wish you the best of luck." After that, Kane retired first.

After Kane left, Rhodes and his party boarded the ship.

Reaching out to hold Rowlin and Ino Tower, the flames rose from the ocean, disappeared along with the ship under Rhodes' feet.

The space changed for a while, and several people appeared in another Sea Territory.

Compared to the island covered by dark clouds, this Sea Territory is obviously much brighter. Inota looked curiously all around, calm and tranquil on the sea, nothing around, all the mysteries hidden under this ocean.

On the side, Rowlin looked at Rhodes, she looked at the ship under her feet, her face was faintly solemn: "big brother, where did you learn this spell?"

"Do you mean Fire Hide? It's bloodline power," Rhodes replied.

Rowlin shook the head: "I've been wondering, but I forgot to ask you. What happened to you when I was taken away by angel? Why did you get such a thing? Ability?"

Seeing the change in herself, it caught Rowlin's attention. Rhodes impossible told her about the existence of the system, so she thought about it and explained:

"Remember that we were together The Wisdom Tree that was destroyed? That Wisdom Tree is the enemy of the demons of hell, the demons of hell are very satisfied with our actions, so they gave me the bloodline that belongs to the demons, and also gave me these abilities. Anything that comes in contact with me can be Follow me across space."

"You said this ability is called 'Flame Hide', I have never noticed anything abnormal before, until now, I see that you can take a ship to cross space together..." Rowlin's words trembled slightly, and he said solemnly, "Have you ever tried, how many things can you carry across space at most?"

Listening to Rowlin's words, Rhodes couldn't help but frowned, regarding Rowlin's question. , he didn't think about it, Rhodes didn't think about the probability of failure when he led the ship across space together before.

In the system log, the description of Flame Hide only says that all things touched by Rhodes can follow him across space, including living creatures. Now it seems that this ability is obvious. Not as simple as Rhodes thought.

(end of this chapter)

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