
  Chapter 1498 The Demon Searched

In the dim wooden house, a burst of flames suddenly ignited.

"You're finally here...I've been waiting for this moment for a long time."

Mexiga said solemnly on the side of the long table, her body that had no flesh and blood , trembling uncontrollably.

On the table, prophecy cards with gold borders and red backgrounds are neatly arranged, and across from Messika, a silhouette with flames all over her body is watching her silently.

"I miss you so much, and so do others."

Finally, the flames on the silhouette dissipated, revealing the male face below and the black wings behind her.

"After countless years, you finally called my name, and it led me to you. Follow me back to hell, Messika the Betrayer."

Dark His long hair was draped behind him, his face was soft and beautiful, but his eyes were very cold, and he held a red sword in his hand.

"Don't be in such a hurry..." Messika said embarrassingly.

"No one can refuse me." His tone was flat, but there was an overriding power in it.

"I know, I know..." Messika said repeatedly, "You have changed a lot over the years, but your power has not changed at all."

"I'm not here to talk to you." He closed his eyes, and after a few seconds, he reopened, "I'm here to take you, and throw you into the lake of fire burning with brimstone, and let you suffer forever Pain."

"You've been waiting for hundreds of years, so you don't have to rush for a while, right?" Saying that, Messika handed out the prophecy card on the side.

"I've seen this trick of yours a long time ago." He said indifferently, not taking the prophecy card in his eyes.

"You won't be afraid right?? Afraid to reveal your destiny?"

"Inferior aggression." He looked the head, a look of contempt in his eyes, "But I Never be afraid to look directly at your own destiny."

After he finished speaking, he sat across the long table and drew a prophecy card from Messika's hand.

On the front of the card, two familiar silhouettes were drawn, and Messika was stunned. She had only seen this card not long ago.

"Butch and Cecilia." It was not Messika herself who said this, but the person opposite her.

"I remember them deeply, and I think so do you, Messika the Betrayer." He sighed and turned the card over directly.

Without waiting for Messika to signal, he stretched out his hand again and drew another card from the deck.

After opening the prophecy card, a huge mushroom cloud jumped into the eyes, and the flames below were burning.

He looked carefully at the scene painted on the card, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, and then turned the card over.

"That's not right..." Messika seemed to have found something, and muttered to herself.

"What's wrong?" he asked casually, reaching out and drawing another card from the deck.

This time, there is no pattern that covers the surface of the card. On the front of the prophecy card, there is just a special arched symbol, which is Omega, which symbolizes the end of everything.

Looking at the three prophecy cards he drew out, this time, Messika finally realized the problem. Some of the cards he had just drawn were drawn by Rhodes and some by Inota not long ago.

Among them, the prophecy card symbolizing the doomsday judgment was cut out by Messika herself, which undoubtedly explained something to her.

"Why is this happening?" Messika covered her head, the purple crystal above her head flickered frantically, but she couldn't get any results.

"What's bothering you?" Noticing Messika's abnormality, he asked proudly, "Does it make you lose your mind just by feeling my fate?"


He stood up, walked around behind the long table, and said in Messika's ear: "You have seen my fate, and I will bring down the final judgment on the world. In the end, this world, where God is absent, will receive Completely ended."

He closed the last prophecy card and put his hand lightly on Messika's shoulder: "Ready to leave?"

In his ear Hearing his words, an inexplicable look flashed in Messika's eyes: "You mentioned God, how can you be sure that He does not exist?"

His face sank: "I In order to serve the gods, in the Holy War of expelling alien races, I made Supreme feats, and even so, I have never seen the real Divine Vestige symbolizing God, let alone the real God."

"When I was thrown into hell and burned by the Purgatory Fire, God never appeared in front of me. It was He who sympathized with the feathers on his body and refused to spend an ounce of strength for me, or was it He from the very beginning, It doesn't exist at all?"

He raised his head and uttered this remark aloud, like a compassionate apostle questioning the injustices that had occurred.

"Frankly, I'm looking forward to seeing him in front of me and stopping everything so I can ask him for myself when I'm suffering, when my faith is shaken. , where is He? Is it more important to test my piety than to enjoy my love?"

A strong imposing manner was released from him, and Messika trembled for a while. She couldn't say anything. After a while, she asked, "What if... what if God never appeared?" no answer.

"You know what? Not long ago, I found a man who opened my prophecy card, and what the card revealed was the meaning of God."

Seems to be Thinking of something, Messika quickly added: "It's not accurate to say that. To be precise, he has the potential to become a god."

"No one can become a god! Even me , I have never had such a thought." The man stared at him, a burst of anger in his heart, and immediately retorted.

Mexijia shook the head and said with emotion: "That can't be said... My destiny is to be thrown into the lake of fire burning with sulphur. I want to use his power to change my destiny, But he didn't achieve this, and he just made a slip of the tongue and made you come here."

"If, just if, it is his destiny to become a god, will anything change?" The amethyst rays of light above Messika's head flashed, and she said in a low voice.

Seeing that the man behind him did not answer, but the power on his body became more and more powerful, Messika took a long breath and let out a deep sigh: "After so many years, I have long known that there will be such a situation. One day, you don't have to believe everything I say, take me back to hell, Lucifer..."

"No, I'm suddenly a little interested in what you said, what's that man's name?"


"Rhodes," Merciga replied.

"Rhodes..." the man frowned, asked, "Where's the last name?"

"I don't know. He never mentioned it to anyone, maybe he doesn't have a last name at all." Xijia spread his hands, "But I have a hunch that you will see him soon."

"Okay, I wrote it down." The man said slowly.

The voice fell, and a blazing flame ignited from under his feet, and together with the Messika he touched, disappeared into the firelight.

(end of this chapter)

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