
  Chapter 1489 The Crystal of Doom

"Well, you're right."

The existence of the peeping eye allowed Rhodes to see through the thoughts in Badu's heart. He didn't even want the ogre to answer in words, Rhodes understood his attitude and could only helplessly said:

"I can't think of it. Go up to the rude ogre, you're so thoughtful, you're not like those dumb savages, you're human, is that also in the nature of ogre? If all ogre think of you, I can't figure out how you got stuck Crowlord's."

"I just know, never trust the words of the sorcerer, including the undead mage." Badu replied calmly, not proud of Rhodes' words.

"That's it, aside from the identity of the sorcerer, I will ask you a few irrelevant questions. You can choose to answer or not to answer." Rhodes thought for a while and changed his way. said.

Seeing Badu staring at him, Rhodes immediately said: "The battle for the throne is not over, you don't think of ways to expand your troops and deal with other enemies involved in the battle, but go to Bracada. What are you here for? Or what benefit did that sorcerer give you to make you do this?"

"I'm here to complete my mission and for the glory of Krulord. "Badu clearly didn't want to talk to Rhodes, even for such an inconsequential question, to give a detailed answer.

"What kind of honor is that you want to flood Trith with an avalanche?" Rhodes wondered.

As Rhodes spoke, Badu also fell into memory.

Crulord's battle for the throne is still going on, and the participants in the battle for the throne see the situation clearly and gradually turn into two powerful opposing forces.

The leader of one of these forces was York, whom Badu followed. The leader of the other force was a powerful one who killed Kilgor of the ancient Beamon with his own hands.

The friction between the two forces continued. Just as the final battle was about to come, the changes in Brakada seriously affected the progress of the battle for the throne.

The newly established magic guild of mage starts with the Barbarian of Crowlord. Without the protection of the forbidden magic ball, where can the ordinary Barbarian be the opponent of mage? The revenge from Bracada instantly smashed the defense line on the border of Krulord.

Seeing that no one can stop Mage's offensive, Kru Lord will return to the fate of being enslaved again, the rules of the battle for the throne have changed, who can resolve this crisis from Mage, who It is the True King of Crowlord.

The mighty Kilgor, leading his subordinates to follow, on the border of Krulod, confronted the mighty lord of Brakada, Legendary mage Bragg, and Yorke for a while. No action.

Badu is anxious, and he is very optimistic about York. York is also the only one selected by Badu among all the savage creatures. The presence.

Even so, Badu, who was anxious in his heart, couldn't think of any good strategy, let alone to solve it all. He could only watch the good news from Kilgor's side to repel the mage.

At this moment, a powerful sorcerer suddenly found Badu.

Badu has always distrusted mage, but the sorcerer used his words to move Badu.

With the help of the sorcerer, Badu led his men through the Transmission Gate and came to the top of Snow Mountain, where he prepared to trigger an avalanche and completely drown the city of Tris at the foot of the mountain.

When the headquarters of the newly built Magic Guild is flooded with snow and a lot of damage occurs, Mage's offensive against Krulord will be self-defeating, and Badu will also be able to fulfill his wish. Become the hero of all savage creatures in glory.

At this point, in the face of Rhodes' questioning, Badu was reluctant to answer, just turned his head to the side, and said nothing.

Rhodes didn't care about Badu's attitude. He had already used his peeping eyes to get all the thoughts of this ogre.

"With your meticulous mind, even if you are dazzled by honor, it is impossible to imagine that mage can cast spells to resist natural disasters such as avalanches. With the spellcasting ability of Legendary mage, this is not difficult. ."

Rhodes changed the subject and continued: "That sorcerer must have helped you, maybe a secret technique, more likely a one-off treasure, put it Hand it over."

Perhaps because of his own situation, ogre readily handed over the treasure on his body.

"This is..."

Looking at the treasure in his hand and feeling the heat coming from it, Rhodes looked surprised.


[Crystal of Doom]

Requirements: None

Special attribute: consumes all current health, cast Magic [Doomsday Judgment Lv1], the completion of magic depends on the holder's maximum health, the lower limit is 20%, and the upper limit is 80%. After the spell is cast, the Crystal of Doom will shatter and cannot be restored.

Evaluation: The crystallization of sulfur and cremation, activating the power contained in it, requires a painful price.


Looking at the crimson crystal in his hand, Rhodes was silent for a while, but he did not expect that what Badu had brought out was such a treasure with demonic power.

"What is this? Why do I feel a familiar aura, like the spell you taught me just now..." Seeing the crystal of doom in Rhodes' hands, Inota asked with some doubts.

"As you feel, in this crystal, there is the doomsday judgment..." Rhodes said solemnly, he seemed to remember something.

Rhodes recalled that the obvious sign of the arrival of the third expansion was that there were a large number of demon followers or demon followers praying for the end of the world.

Those believers who are crazy enough to lose their minds have accepted the power of demons and headed for one town after another, at the expense of their own lives. The coming of the Summon Doomsday Judgment has caused a loss of life everywhere, horrific.

And the medium through which those believers summon doomsday judgment comes is the "crystal of doomsday" in the hands of Rhodes.

The power of Doomsday is no joke. Even a minimum completion rate of 20% is enough to destroy the defenseless creatures in a large city.

Looking at Badu in front of him, Rhodes was able to confirm that the sorcerer in ogre's memory was a powerful doomsday believer, and his rank was likely to reach Legendary.

Similar to Badu, who has a strong obsession in his heart, but cannot unite his will to become a hero, he is the best temptation target for the devil.

Rhodes predicted that if he hadn't come here, this group of Barbarians under the leadership of Badu might really be able to completely destroy the city of Triss with the effect of the doomsday crystal.

(end of this chapter)

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