
  Chapter 1486 Prophecy Card

As Rhodes checked his base attribute, Death Knight Kane , also came behind him.

Sensing the breath behind, Rhodes closed the system log and turned to look at Kane.

"Lord Rhodes, I'm really happy to see you return safely." Kane greeted proactively.

Under Kane's gaze, Rhodes burst into flames and opened his eyes, blazing rays of light.

Being stared at by eyes like Rhodes, Kane only felt that everything he wanted to hide was exposed, and he no longer had any cover or disguise.

"The thoughts in your heart are not what you said." Looking at Kane, Rhodes slowly said: "You are complaining in your heart, complaining about those angels, why didn't you take this opportunity to kill me? , so that you can regain your freedom."

Kane eyes shrank, after reacting, he quickly said: "Lord Rhodes is really joking with me, how dare I have such an idea?"

"Kane." Rhodes' voice was low, and there seemed to be a special magic in his words, "I gave you great power, and I used the power of Divine Item to elevate you to the equivalent of epic creatures. rank, but your heart is full of disrespect to me, it really hurts my heart deeply."

"Fortunately, this kind of thing will never happen." Rhodes of the flame, said word by word.

"No..." Kane seemed to realize something, his body trembled, and there was a look of fear in his eyes.

"Kane, give your heart to me, you don't need to have your own consciousness. My orders are yours, do you understand?" Rhodes asked, his voice low , Hearing it in Kane's ears, it was like a thunder explosion.

With this remark from Rhodes, the fear in Kane's eyes gradually dissipated, and a frenzy emerged from his expression: "I see, Lord Rhodes."

"Great." Rhodes said with a smile, returning to his normal human form.

"Master Rhodes, according to your instructions, I gathered the undead creatures in the nearby ocean in a canyon on the island. What should I do next?" Kane lowered his head and asked.

"Let these undead creatures remain in their original state. When I need them, I will naturally teleport them with space spells." Rhodes slowly said.

Not long ago, during his battle with Eli, Rhodes had opened the gates of other dimensions, dropping undead bonefish from the sky at his enemies.

The way Rhodes descends these undead bone fish is not to find a random location in the ocean of the Water Element plane to open the door of different dimensions, and then let the undead bone fish pass through in turn, but to do it in advance. well prepared.

Under Rhodes' order, numerous undead bone fish had already gathered in the canyon on the edge of the island. As long as Rhodes cast spell, they could be teleported in large numbers in a short period of time.

It is Death Knight Kane who manages these undead bony fish for Rhodes.

Before going to save Rowlin, Rhodes had ordered Cain to gather the undead bony fish in the nearby ocean, ready to teleport them when needed, but it didn't work.

"Where's Vera? I haven't seen him in a while," Rhodes asked.

"I don't know where he went, but before he left, he took away countless undead creatures and seemed to be preparing for something..." Kane replied respectfully.

After inquiring, Rhodes waited for the Death Knight to leave, and after thinking about it, Rhodes came out of Messika's room again.

"You're here again." Before Rhodes approached, he saw Messika waiting for him outside the room. Messika seemed to have known about his arrival, "I thought there was no What stumped you that you had so many questions."

"I want to ask, how do I kill a Holy Spirit?" Ignoring Messika's quip, Rhodes solemnly asked .

"Holy Spirit? They can't be killed." Messika shook the head and said, "Holy Spirit is sheltered by a powerful force, they exist in the form of Spirit Physique and cannot harm anyone. , and will not be harmed by anyone."

Said, Messika seemed to think of something, and added: "Only the purest soul can be guided by angel, after death. Be the Holy Spirit. They are extremely rare, and I haven't heard anything about the Holy Spirit in a long time. Are you in trouble?"

"Yes." Rhodes slowly said, "One The Holy Spirit has the power of the Holy Word and stands in my way, and I must eradicate him."

"That will be difficult." The rays of light pierced the eyes of Rhodes and turned their gazes around.

"There is a Divine Sword in the depths of the earth, it is made of brimstone and fire, and it has the power to kill everything, including the Holy Spirit." Messika gave the answer, but this answer , but not what Rhodes wanted.

"You mean 'Blade of Doom', right?" Rhodes asked, frowning.

"It seems that you have heard of the existence of the Divine Sword, which saves me from explaining it."

"Is there any other way?" Rhodes asked reluctantly. .

"There may be a way to kill Holy Spirit, but the power of the Apocalypse Crystal allows me to see only one result." Messika shook the head and sighed, "including The same is true of revelation, until the results given by the revelation crystal are not fulfilled, I can't see other possibilities."

"Hey, if the treasure I once had was still there, I could do some divination for you. It's a pity that during the years when I slept, the treasure that belonged to me has long since disappeared, and I can't answer your confusion." Messika said with some frustration.

"Do you need a treasure with divination? I can collect some for you," Rhodes suggested.

"I can't use the normal treasure, I need the treasure that once belonged to me, a special set of prophecy cards." Messika said solemnly, "When I just woke up, I tried to use revelation The power of the crystal searched for my prophecy card, and it turned out that it was on the cold Snow Mountain, guarded by a group of powerful giant dragons, and finally had to give up."

Said, Messika Looking at Rhodes: "You can save Rowlin's soul from angel's hands. It shouldn't be a problem to take back my prophecy card. It's up to you to do it."

"wait a minute "

Hearing Messika say this, Rhodes seemed to have thought of something, and he asked in disbelief: "The prophecy card you are talking about is a gold-rimmed red background, with a pattern on the back and a pattern on the front. The text of golden is embedded right below, revealing the content of the card?"

Mexijia said with some surprise: "That's right. Have you seen my prophecy card?"

"I did see it."

Rhodes nods, but he can't think of the prophecy card that Maisijia said. It was the stack of cards he saw in the treasure house of the Dragon Kingdom.

"When my mana is restored, I will set out to find those cards for you, and when you get the prophecy card, you'd better give me an answer that satisfies me."

( End of this chapter)

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