
  Chapter 1484 Angel and Holy Spirit

Standwick City.

The town that has been scorched by the fire of the apocalypse no longer has its prosperous scene. Except for the well-protected castle in the center, the nearby buildings have long since been reduced to ashes.

Walking among the ruins, Marcia stared at everything nearby, and tried her best to search for all possible living creatures.

The unique physique of the Holy Spirit made him not suffer any harm, but it could not save him from the pain in his heart, he saw with his own eyes one creature after another, being burnt to by the flames falling in the sky ashes, heartbroken.

Not far away, under a large cloud of dark ashes, there was suddenly a slight noise.

Masaiah looked in the direction of the sound in surprise, and saw a solid boulder with a sudden crack on the surface. smashed other parts.

Masaiah was stunned, and it was the original Lich who broke through the boulder.

"Damn...that Rhodes, how dare he do this to us." A Lich in a red robe walked out of the stone and complained dissatisfiedly, "I protect you all, You all owe me once now!"

There were only two Lichs who walked out of the boulder with her.

"My undead creatures...they are all dead here, I will definitely seek revenge on Rhodes..." Stephen said solemnly beside Lich in red.

"Let's survive first." Asri looked all around with a gloomy expression, "I still can't cast space spell, that power still affects me."

Suddenly, Asri raised his head, looked towards the sky not far away, and said urgently: "Not good, that spell is completely over, without the restraint of spell, we have been exposed to their sight. Inside."

At the end of Asri's line of sight, golden rays of light cut through the sky and were approaching her at an unimaginable speed, with an imposing manner of incomparably powerful, far from other creatures. able to contend.

"Get out of here! It's too late to be too late... See for yourself. After you survive, think about other things."

Speaking, Asri Raising his hand, he performed flying thaumaturgy for himself, and then moved towards the direction outside the city.

"Evil and filthy Lich, don't think about running away so easily!"

In the sky behind, the blond angel angrily roared, the blade in his hand exudes fiery fire The rays of light seem to be able to destroy all darkness.

"Damn, Asri, how dare you leave us here!" Seeing Asri fleeing first, Lich in red scolded, she also knew that now was not the time to argue about this.

Without too much hesitation, Lich in red cast a spell quickly, and the gravel deep underground penetrated the ashes on the ground and condensed on the surface of her body.

"Goodbye, Stephen." Lich in red slowly said, the whole person turned into a stone pillar, still maintaining the posture of staring at Stephen.

The only one who stayed in place was Stephen Lich. She put her hand on the stone pillar that Lich in red turned into, and there was only a cold touch in her hand.

Before Stephen could react, Angel's attack had already come to her side.

Golden rays of light fall from the sky. In front of this kind of rays of light, all evil is invisible. The darkness cannot even block it for a moment, so it is divided into two parts.

Stephen's body fell to the ground, the blonde angel swept across with a sword, and the red-clothed Lich turned into a stone pillar, which was hollow.

After cutting off the stone pillar from the root, the blonde angel saw the small passage under the stone pillar. The passage extends deep into the ground, so deep that there is no end to it, even he can't track the enemy below. .

"Holy Angel." On the side, Masaiah, who put everything in his eyes, greeted respectfully.

Facing Masaiah's greeting, the blonde angel snorted scolded: "Look, what have you done?"

"Me?" Doubt, "I didn't do anything."

"It is because you did nothing that this city suffered so much damage. You could have stopped that undead mage from casting spell, keep those evil people here forever, but you let them escape, and I don't know how many innocent creatures will be murdered by them!"

The blonde angel said dissatisfiedly, beside him The rays of light are more dazzling.

Facing the rebuke of the blonde angel, Marcia looked calm, and he slowly replied:

"Holy angel, is your faith still pious? Are you from your heart? I believe that all the sufferings and coincidences that happen in the world are the arrangement of the great God?"

"Of course I believe it, but those undead mage don't believe it, those heretic don't believe it, they don't believe it. Everything we do is destroying our beliefs, and for evil, we must eradicate it!" The blonde angel said firmly.

"If you truly believe that all this is arranged by God, then you should accept everything and let things develop naturally, without expecting any results in your heart, because God has already set everything up. It's arranged." Masaiah shook the head, "Judging from your questioning about me, your heart is full of dissatisfaction and anger. This is not the emotion that a pious person should have, but an arrogant person who has such thoughts. ."

"God said all evil should be eradicated, I was just doing what God's will and doing what I was supposed to do."

"God never said that. Passed." Marcia loudly said, "'I will look to God and entrust my affairs to him. He does major events beyond measure, miracles beyond measure...'"

golden text Surrounded by Masaiah, in exchange for another words from the blonde angel:

"Look around you, Masaiah the Holy Word, look at those who are in flames Burned to ashes, even souls, creatures that no longer exist, say these words of yours to those who died."

Masaiah's expression trembled, he moved towards all Looking around, the ashes of black had already buried his feet deeply, and every step he took, he was walking among dead creatures.

Masaiah held back the grief in her heart and said in a trembling voice, "This is just a test sent by God. God will use all kinds of suffering to test people who are not firm in their beliefs. You should be aware of this... "

"It is true that God will use suffering to test believers who are not firm in their faith, but what about ordinary pious creatures? Did they do something wrong?" Angel solemnly asked the blonde, "I know you always value The will of other creatures is unwilling to truly exert the power of the Holy Word, but sometimes, in the face of complete evil, only by eradicating it can we protect our faith."

"You think. Think about it." After speaking, the blonde angel waved her wings and rose to the sky.

(end of this chapter)

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