
  Chapter 1474 Trial II

Facing the trial of blonde angel, the scarred Fritz With a sneer, he spat on the ground in disdain.

"Go to hell, you phony Erathia!"

"Without the slightest repentance in your heart, I sentence your soul to complete silence."

The blond angel said loudly, and there was a unique majesty in his words.

Golden rays of light, released from the blade in his hand, the rays of light condensed into substance and turned into flames that scorched the soul.

Under the scorching of the rays of light, before Fritz uttered a word, his body was reduced to ashes, and even his soul was burned.

The human jailer was stunned and swallowed subconsciously. Seeing the blond angel's eyes again, he hurried to the next undead mage and said:

"This is The one is Aslan Kim. He was originally a resident of Chetham City, but he took refuge with those Lichs and betrayed the news of the evacuation of the residents in the city, resulting in nearly 10,000 residents in Chesham City who survived, and he was also affected by Lich. As a reward, he became an undead mage."

The blonde angel raised the blade and placed it on Aslan's head. Before he could speak, Aslan said:

"I am deeply aware of my mistakes and repent for all my actions. I am very sorry for those who died..."

Aslan's tone was sad, and his eyes even squeezed out With a few tears in his eyes, it looked as though he was completely remorseful.

However, looking at Aslan in front of him, there was a bit of anger in Angel's eyes.

"You're lying. You never feel any debt in your heart, and you're even proud of your undead mage. Lies make your crimes worse, and your soul will go to hell forever Be with the devil."

Speaking, the blonde angel waved his hand, and in front of Aslan opened a bright yellow Transmission Gate, at the end of the Transmission Gate, flames and lava were waiting for him.

Aslan looked at the scene inside the Transmission Gate tremblingly, and wailed for mercy: "Great angel, I realize my mistake, please give me another chance..."


"You never realize your sinful nature, and you will never truly repent. All evil should be eradicated."

The blond angel exclaimed, and then Aslan was sent to the Transmission Gate.

The Transmission Gate closes slowly. After Aslan disappeared, the human jailer introduced the next undead mage. The trial ceremony proceeded in an orderly manner.

At this time, in the cloud city above the sky, the pure white Holy Spirit also saw the situation below.

"The trial has already begun, and the one who executes the trial is actually Chief Archangel himself. There is no evil in his eyes. It seems that it won't be long before it's your turn to play."

Marcia said slowly, he looked at Rowlin beside him with a sincere look in his eyes.

"This will be your last chance. As long as you repent from the bottom of your heart, you will be able to receive salvation and grace."

However, Rowlin looked the head: "I have Just told you, I will not repent for the past, everything is my own choice."

Masaiah sighed, said: "You still have hope in your heart, it is in your heart. Are you waiting for him to come and save you? Unfortunately, he won't come."

At this moment, Rowlin seemed to sense something, and she looked at somewhere in the city, the soul In this state, I haven't had any turbulent hearts for a long time, and in this brief moment, my heart is beating violently.

Rowlin felt a familiar breath that would find her wherever she was taken.

Rowlin's face was calm and he replied: "Who knows..."

While the two were talking, a pure white Transmission appeared in front of Marcia. Gate.

"It's your turn to play, Chief Archangel has completed the trial of the other undead mage." Marcia said.

Knowing that resistance was useless, Rowlin slowly walked towards the Transmission Gate.

Before entering, Marcia sighed and whispered to her: "'You must guard your heart more than anything else, because it is the heart that produces the results of life.'"

The golden words shrouded Marcia, and Rowlin glanced at him suspiciously, not understanding what he meant.

Crossing the Transmission Gate, Rowlin came to the stand in the center of the square. Except for two undead mage who were weeping bitter tears, and a few well-equipped jailers, there was only one glow. the angel.

On the square, the densely packed people were watching her, guessing her and the identity of Marcia behind her.

"This...this is..."

Noticing the sudden appearance of Rowlin, the human jailer did not know her identity, and was a little nervous for a while.

"You don't know her identity, nor do you know the deep sin she bears." The blonde angel slowly said, and the human jailer suddenly felt like he was blessed by some kind of power, and his heart calmed down.

"Holy Spirit, let her speak her sins." Looking at Marcia who appeared with Rowlin, the blonde angel ordered.

"Yes, the holy archangel." Marcia replied respectfully, then looked towards Rowlin who was beside him, with a trace of unbearable in his eyes, "Speak out loud to all the people in the square what you All the sins committed, and your repentance."

There seems to be an irresistible force in Marcia's words, in this brief moment, Rowlin's own consciousness is irrelevant, she involuntarily to act according to what Masaiah said.

Under the gazes of all the creatures in the field, Rowlin opened his mouth tremblingly and said what was in his heart:

"I carry a deep sin on my shoulders, I kill people. , the number is not what a town can measure, I will kill these people and transformed into undead creatures. Apart from this, I will also teach the secret technique to the undead mage, let them join the battle and make more deaths. I let it go Big brother's actions made him ruin the happy lives of many people."

Rowlin tried to shut up and said nothing, but to no avail, a special force controlled her and let her She does what Impossible has done in the past.

Above the stands, Catherine put her arms in front of her. She looked at Marcia in the field, browsed tightly frowns, with a solemn look in her eyes.

Being controlled by this special power, Rowlin did not give up. She knew that these angels wanted to make her repent, but she had no such thoughts.

"I know the sins on my body. Maybe I've been a wicked person for a long time, but I will never repent for these sins. If all of this can make my big brother fulfill his wish, even if I'm surrounded by people Abandoned by God and being pointed at by thousands of people, I am also willing. Nothing can change my will, even if everything starts from scratch, I will still make the same choice.”

She said firmly. , as devout as a praying believer.

(end of this chapter)

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