
  Chapter 1469 Masaiah

Holy rays of light descended from the sky, as the capital of Erathia, The city of Standwick is shrouded in a sea of ​​festivities.

In the sky, I do not know when a golden door appeared. In front of the door, a dazzling staircase appeared among the clouds, stretching down to the splendid palace in the city, and the road to the city in the cloud was already there. Appear.

People gathered in the square outside the palace to admire the rare sight.

The nobles in luxurious dresses stood outside the palace, facing the stands of the square. They didn't say a word, raised their heads high, and there was a hint of contempt in their eyes from time to time. Only when they raised their heads and looked towards the sky would they show a trace of solemnity.

In the center of the stand, Knight and the minister stood side by side, and standing in front of them was a silhouette of a woman.

She has brown, red curly hair, a stern yet heroic face, and is dressed in luxurious costumes for the celebration, with a long cloak trailing behind her. She is Catherine, the ruler of the Erathia Empire.

In the sky, the golden rays of light became more and more abundant. Just as everyone was looking forward to it, waiting for the moment when the door opened, suddenly, a guard ran in from the back in a panic.

The rude and offensive behavior of the guards aroused the dissatisfaction of many ministers, who all looked at him sideways, but he ignored them and did not have time to care about them.

He went straight to the Queen, one-knee kneels, and reported important matters to her.

"Lord Catherine, on the plain outside the city, signs of undead creatures' activity were found. Judging from the Death Aura on them, it should be Lich's personal visit, and there are more than one in number."


When reporting the report, the guard's expression was calm, even when he mentioned Lich, who was far higher than him, his expression did not change at all. He kneeled on the ground respectfully, waiting for the queen's reply.

After listening to what he said, Catherine's eyes narrowed: "I knew that those undead mage would not be safe and would definitely try to disrupt this ceremony."

See the back The minister looked flustered, unable to maintain his usual calm, Catherine frowned, and said, "Relax, I have already asked General Morgan, the blessed Knight, to be on guard outside the city, and those undead mage can't get close at all."

Her words seemed to contain a kind of power. After hearing these words, all the people who were in a panic, their beating hearts gradually calmed down, even if it was Lich who attacked, in this brief Moment doesn't seem too scary either.

At this moment, the people in the square burst into cheers. Catherine followed the sound and saw that in the sky, the door made of golden rays of light was slowly opening.

Holy rays of light emerge from the door, accompanied by bursts of brilliance, angel's pure figure emerges from it, he is like a god among the clouds, although looking down at everything below, in his eyes. Not the slightest bit of arrogance.

Anyone can feel a sense of kindness in the eyes of this angel, like an old friend who has been separated for a long time, and a family member who has finally been able to meet after being separated for many years.

Catherine's eyes narrowed slightly, looking towards Angel above her head, her hands clenched slowly by her side.


"The ceremony has begun, you don't have much time to repent."

In the courtyard in the clouds, Ma Ma in white clothes Saiya, said to Rowlin.

“I never deny my past, and I will never repent of what I have done.” Rowlin solemnly replied.

Marsiah listened to Rowlin's words, shook the head, a look of pity in his eyes, and his slender ears seemed to shrug at this moment.

At this moment, Rowlin looked into the distance as if he noticed something.

“What’s the exact schedule of the ceremony? Can you tell me?” she asked.

"First, angel will meet the king of Erathia, and share the glory of Supreme with the steadfast followers of the faith, and teach them."

He spoke in a calm tone. Answer, don't mind letting Rowlin know all this.

"After that, there is the trial of the undead mage, ceremony, to make them pay for the sins committed in the war. You are the last to be judged."

"After the trial is over , in order to celebrate the victory of the war, there will be a three-day carnival, but that has nothing to do with you, and you who refuse to repent will not be able to enjoy the glory of my waiting."

Rowlin coldly snorted, asked Said: "Aren't you an elf? The elf can also accept angel's guidance, become Holy Spirit, and still study the teachings here?"

Masaiah shook the head: "A long time ago, there was a The saint, at the cost of his own life, has exchanged such an opportunity for the elf, I inherited his power, but it is difficult to inherit his will, if you want to know, I can tell you the story about him.”

"I don't want to know at all." Rowlin replied in a deep voice, "According to what you said, those angels should be preparing for the ceremony now, and have no time to worry about the situation here..."

"What do you want to do?" Hearing Rowlin's words, Marcia's expression changed and she asked, "Don't blame me for not reminding you that you can't keep any mana in your soul state. If you try to cast spells, It will only hurt your own soul."

"I don't need you to tell me that." Rowlin replied, "I've been looking for this opportunity, didn't expect angel to relax until before the ceremony. Monitor here."

Speaking, Rowlin raised her hand, and a blazing lightning condensed in her hand, "You may not know, I have mastered a kind of mana that can be cast without mana. The spell."

Just as Rowlin was about to throw the lightning, she heard Marcia's words: "Stop casting spells."

His voice It was not loud, but when Rowlin heard it, it was like a thunder blasting in his ear, and it was like a dull bell, deeply imprinted in Rowlin's heart.

By the time Rowlin came back to his senses, the lightning in her hand had dissipated, and only a few mana fluctuations remained all around. It would take a long time to cast this spell again.

"What did you do? What power is this?" Rowlin asked in surprise.

If you don't understand the special power of Masaiah, even if the cooldown time is up, Rowlin's spell will be interrupted immediately, and the result will be no different from now.

"I didn't want to use this power. My will is not enough to match this power. Using it rashly now will create a gap between this power and my body." Marcia sighed With a sigh, he said, "But I can't let you escape, and please wait here in peace, the ceremony will start soon."

Following Marcia's words, Rowlin felt the original kind of exception.

Slowly, as if she had forgotten something, she just sat down with a thoughtful look on her face.

(end of this chapter)

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