
  Chapter 1460 Magic Eye Control


“mysterious spell” The level is satisfied, the wisdom level is satisfied, and by reading the books, you have learned [Magic Eye Control]."

"[Magic Eye Control]: You can control the magic creation 'Magic Eye', sharing belongs to the magic Eyes' vision, the controllable number is equivalent to the human level, the current character level is 5th and 9th level, and the maximum control number in normal state is 59. In the blind state, the number of controllable magic eyes will not be limited."

"You have learned the magic spell [Magic Eye Observation]"

"[Magic Eye Observation]: Use the power of the magic eye to observe potential enemies. Void Demon eyes are required. In the blind state, You can perform magic eye observation for other creatures."


After bringing these tomes back from Margaret, Rhodes leaned on the farsighted pendant It took a lot of effort to read the contents of the classics.

A day has passed, and at this time Rhodes has also mastered the secret technique of manipulating the magic eye.

Soon, Rhodes was back in the quiet room where Margaret was.

"It seems that you have mastered the secret technique in the book." Seeing Rhodes' appearance, the nearby magic eyes were watching him in response, Margaret said slowly, "In this case, you Why don't you make your own magic eye?"

"I don't have time." Rhodes solemnly replied, "There are three types of magic eyes that are recorded in the classics, no matter which type of magic eye. Eyes can't be created in a short time, I need those magical eyes of you."

Margaret nodded, Rhodes' behavior at this time was already in her expectation:

"Those of you who have read the classics should know by now that there are three types of demon eyes, namely, the traditional earth-moving demon eye, the improved floating demon eye, and the completely separated Void Demon eye. I can give Some of your first two kinds of demon eyes, as for the Void Demon eyes, you need to make your own."

"The first two are enough." Saying that, Rhodes raised his hand and placed Margaret shortly after. The tome that was handed to him before, took it out from the space ring and placed it on the table in the room.

"Don't you need to look at it again? Even the most devout believer of the magic eye needs a week to completely write down the contents of the classics." Margaret was a little puzzled. asked.

Rhodes shook his head: "I've got all the knowledge in the tome, I've written down all the key information, and it's no good to read it again."

Listening to Rhodes, Margaret didn't ask any further. Through the observation of the magic eye, she knew that there were many secrets in Rhodes.

"I still have the original editions of these books, which are thick books written in Braille, do you need them? I believe that with your comprehension ability, you will definitely be able to get a lot of inspiration from the original books. ' she asked.

Rhodes will brows frowned: "I don't need these, all you have to do now is to give me those eyes."

"Okay..." Margaery Te said helplessly, she waved her hand, and many demon eyes moved towards her approaching.

"Earthwalking Eyes are easy to manufacture, but they are very slow. They are usually fixed in one position. How do you plan to use them? I won't let you take my child to death. ."

Margaret suddenly asked before handing the magic eye to Rhodes.

As she said, due to her own constraints, the attribute of the Demon Eye is extremely poor, and even an ordinary person without power can easily kill him. If it is not used reasonably, it will undoubtedly be a disaster for these magic eyes.

"I will fix them on my undead giant dragon, and let them monitor the battle below for me from the sky." Rhodes solemnly replied. "As for those floating demon eyes, I'll let them follow me and act as my eyes."

Rhodes thought that his answer would satisfy Margaret, but her expression changed. But it became extremely ugly.

Not much to say, Margaret glanced at the magic eye in the room, under her signal, on the wall all around, the originally attached densely packed magic eye, in This brief moment flocked to Rhodes.

At the same time, the magic eye that could hide and float in the air also appeared beside Rhodes.

"I'll give you fifty Earthwalkers and twenty Floaters, which should be enough." Margaret said solemnly.

Being watched by the demon eyes of different sizes around him, feeling the curiosity in their eyes, Rhodes also felt a sense of wonder in his heart.

Let go of the consciousness that belongs to him and follow the method of [Magic Eye Control], and soon, Rhodes' spirit will establish a connection with the surrounding magic eyes.

In the perception, the entire world became different, Rhodes' eyes lit up, he seemed to see something, a fuzzy shadow, appeared in his sight.

However, Rhodes could never see the true face of the person before him, as if obscured by a dark curtain.

After discovering this, Rhodes slowly calmed his breathing, and soon, the blurry scene in front of him gradually became clear, and Rhodes realized that the silhouette he had seen before was actually himself.

In the perception, this feeling is amazing, Rhodes' vision is completely detached from his body, and he can see everything around him.

Previously, Rhodes also felt this kind of strangeness when using the farsighted pendant. However, a single farsighted pendant was no match for the large number of magic eyes.

Under the combined observation of many magic eyes, Rhodes' field of vision has been greatly improved, no longer like traditional creatures, can only see the front of the body, but can see all everything around.

The entire world, as if getting rid of the limitations of space, presented in Rhodes' mind with a more three-dimensional scene.

"How do you feel? Ordinary magic eye believers need to control each magic eye one by one in order to get used to the finally formed omnipotent vision. You who control so many magic eyes at once should be very unaccustomed to this kind of magic eye. Sight?"

Besides, Margaret asked slowly.

As soon as Margaret's words fell, the magic eyes that belonged to Rhodes all around turned around and pointed their pupils to Margaret in the distance.

Under the gaze of many demon eyes, Rhodes could see every wrinkle and even every hair on Margaret's body. If she planned to make any small moves, Rhodes is even more immediately detectable.

"I feel good, I've never felt better." Rhodes replied with a smile, the magic eye's sight, which is stronger than his original perception ability, can clearly see all aspects of the shrouded vision. .

With more magic eyes, Rhodes can expand his vision even further, eventually to the point of unimaginable.

(end of this chapter)

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