
  Chapter 1446 On the Island

The angel who took away Rowlin's soul left Rhodes three days .

Rhodes has nothing to hesitate about the choice after three days. The only thing to consider is how to allocate the three days.

The day Rowlin settled on the island, Rhodes chose to stay on the island.

Due to the lack of soul, Rowlin has been unable to wake up, staring at Rowlin in this state with the farsighted pendant, Rhodes only felt a burst of heartache, and there were some other feelings in it.

According to the words of the angel, if Rowlin, who was in the beam of light, was not aware of the existence of the angel, and took the initiative to confuse the perception of the angel with his own breath, then the soul was taken away by the angel. Probably Rhodes at this time.

In addition to staying by Rowlin's side, Rhodes also took advantage of this time to check the system log.


“A suitable carrier detected.”

“Apocalypse can be activated, total count: 1.”


In the system log, the information about the doomsday appeared many times, and the trend of swiping the screen almost made Rhodes invisible to other useful information.

Like the prompt that appeared in the system log when Rhodes took out the magic dagger, Rhodes at this time had something else that could activate the effect of [Omen of Doom].

The Doomsday Omen is extremely difficult to obtain. Rhodes has only obtained Doomsday Omen twice in total, once by killing Durken and once by killing Wisdom Tree Yuk, which is also the reason for Rhodes' hesitation.

Thinking over and over again, Rhodes didn't just use the doomsday omens, but left this special credential.

During the day he stayed on the Water Element plane, Rhodes also found time to learn about what was happening on Death Island.

The original abandoned port on the island has now been rebuilt. The undead mage migrated from the city of Sao, under the leadership of Death Knight Kane, continues to transform and spread to the farther Sea Territory.

Apart from this , the potion factory on the island is still under construction, and it will take some time to complete it.

Many of the materials needed to build a potion factory, including potion refining materials, need to be transported from the main plane, coupled with the extremely abnormal element fluctuations on the Water Element plane, making Potions factories were built extremely slowly.

As for the Death Knight Vala named Rhodes who got a huge amount of EXP, Rhodes has never seen his figure.

The gesture in the perception tells Rhodes that Vala is in the Sea Territory, which is far away from the island. Due to the distance, spiritual imprint has been unable to give orders to the current Vala. Although I don't know what Vera is doing, I think he is actively transforming the creatures in the ocean.

After finishing other matters on the island, Rhodes returned to the house where Rowlin was housed, and just looked at Rowlin who fell asleep.

Looking at Rowlin sleeping, Rhodes couldn't help recalling what he had been through with her, and a bitter feeling came to his heart.

For some reason, Rhodes recalled Inota's words, and sometimes it's not bad to abandon strife and live happily like her.

But right now, Rhodes obviously doesn't have such a chance, Rowlin has fallen silent, angel has set the game for him, Rhodes won't back down at this time.


A knock on the door came from outside the room.

Rhodes opened the door, and then showed an unexpected look: "It's you?"

In the perception, the giant dragon in the sky did not warn Rhodes, Rhodes originally I thought it was Inota who had returned here, but never thought that a person he had never thought of appeared outside the door.

"Lord, is the battle going well?" A human woman greeted respectfully outside the door.

Her skin was soft and snow-white, like a newborn baby, without the slightest blemish on the surface, even a elf could not compare with it. Rhodes recognized that the person in front of him was Vita in human form.

"What are you doing here?" Rhodes solemnly asked, he didn't like being interrupted at times like this.

"I heard that Lord Rowlin has a physical problem, I came to visit her." Vita said slowly.

Listening to Vita's words, Rhodes didn't have any reason to stop her, and immediately let her into the room.

Looking at Rowlin, who lost his soul and still had a weak breath in his body, Vita quickly stepped forward with a look of grief in his eyes.

"How could this be, Lord Rowlin...you must get better." Vita whispered to herself.

Relying on the high base attribute, Rhodes listened to her words, however, Rhodes' attention was not on the matter in front of her.

When the door was opened, the cooldown time of the automatic detection of the farsighted pendant had just ended, and a special picture passed to Rhodes' mind.

On the hillside not far away, Messika in a dark blue robe is motionless, facing the direction of the wooden house, the amethyst above her head is shining rays of light, and she is thinking about something.

According to the enhanced effect of [Hyperopia Pendant], this treasure can automatically detect nearby unfavorable things for Rhodes every other day. Rhodes seems to realize something from this image of Messika.

Just as Rhodes was about to ask Mesega for a clarification, Vita took out a few potions from the space ring and handed them over to Rhodes.

"This is the potion I configured. If I feed Lord Rowlin a bottle every day, it will keep her body in the current state." After handing the potion to Rhodes, Vita walked around the room Looking around, "Where's the servant in charge of taking care of Lord Rowlin?"

After confirming that there was nothing wrong with the potions through the system log, and staring at Vita with the eyeball on the farsighted pendant, Rhodes realized that she was Seriously for Rowlin's sake.

Due to the blindness, Rhodes' original heroic speciality has also lost its due effect, and Peeping Eye cannot be used for a while.

Faced with Vita's question, Rhodes patted his hand, and outside the door, a group of skeletons walked in.

The corners of Vita's mouth twitched: "Don't tell me, you plan to let these undead creatures take care of Lord Rowlin."

"Is there any problem?" Rhodes asked coldly .

"Of course there is a problem!" Vita retorted Rhodes' words without fear, "I can feel that there is no death energy in Lord Rowlin's body, and let these undead creatures get close to her. , is undoubtedly a disaster."

With the arrival of angel's consciousness, Rowlin's original Soul Evocation Technique was completely destroyed, and now she can no longer be counted as an undead mage.

"I took this into consideration." Rhodes said solemnly, "These skeletons in front of you are not those corpse witches, but the lowest skeleton soldiers, and the death energy in them will not harm Rowlin. Too much impact."

(end of this chapter)

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