
  Chapter 1438 Rhodes' Strategies

In the Holy Land, see most of the branches of Uke, all Having poured into Golden's Transmission Gate, Rhodes looked overjoyed, and the whole project was now more than half successful.

Just as Rhodes was eagerly waiting for the Nether Sea Monster to exert its power, a sudden, strong sense of threat emerged around him.

The cloak behind was blown up by the strong wind, Rhodes not even think, immediately used teleportation to pull away and appeared in a safe place in the distance. Next moment, a deep crack appeared in the ground where Rhodes was originally.

"This is... a wind blade?" The farsighted pendant didn't see any obvious enemies, only the deep crack on the ground indicated to Rhodes that if he hadn't cast teleportation in time, he would have What happened.

To be able to use the power of the wind to launch such an attack, in Rhodes' impression, it seems that only a special existence has such power.

The eyeball on the farsighted pendant looked all around, and soon, at the very edge of the battlefield, Rhodes saw a silhouette rushing towards him.

A black clothed elf Swordsman is approaching Rhodes at an unimaginable speed. His entire body seems to be melted into the wind. No undead creature can stop him.

After receiving the message from the Spirit King, Eve, far away in the quiet city, immediately rushed back to the Holy Land.

Rhodes felt urgency in his heart. He knew that he had to solve the main goal of the trip as soon as possible. .

Seeing this, Rhodes put on the Titan Sword again and stabbed the blade deep into the roots of the tree that had been cut by the Blood Praise.

The next moment, an intense white light, surged from the blade in Rhodes' hands, then poured continuously into the inside of the roots.

In an instant, the electricity of silver white filled the entire area where Yuke was, and even Rhodes' feet felt a tingling sensation of numbness.

Blooms of dark smoke, along with the burning scorching aura, filled all around, and the tree roots around the Titan Sword had been destroyed.

After his last battle with the Unicorn, Rhodes discovered a new way to use the Titan's Sword. When the body of the Titan Sword is wrapped by other things, the body of the sword can continuously release lightning, destroying everything around it.

If this effect of the Titan Sword had been discovered earlier, Rhodes would have been able to directly kill the unicorn in the last battle with it. Unfortunately, the unicorn counterattacked in time. , and finally let her escape.

Relying on the effect of the Titan Sword, after destroying all the roots of Yuke, there is nothing else that can stop the ghost sea monster at this time.

The tentacles wrapped around the Wisdom Tree suddenly exerted force, and Yuke's entire torso was pushed into the Transmission Gate of bright yellow, along with the huge fleshy mass of the ghost sea monster. into it.

"no! ”

Behind, Yve, who was arriving slowly, finally came to the center of the battlefield. He quickly waved the blade in his hand, preparing to cut the undead mage in front of him into two pieces. .

Even though the undead mage wore a mask on his face, from the breath of his body, Yves had already confirmed his identity, it was his until now enemy, the evil lord Rhodes.

However, Rhodes had no intention of entanglement with him at all. He jumped and disappeared into the Transmission Gate in golden.

Looking at the sneer on the corner of Rhodes' mouth before Rhodes disappeared, Eve got even more angry and stepped forward quickly, preparing to enter the Transmission Gate to pursue him.

A dark green barrier suddenly appeared in front of the Transmission Gate, blocking Eve's path. Eve slashed his sword, but the blade bounced off the barrier.

In just a short moment, the Transmission Gate of bright yellow shrank rapidly, the space returned to calm, and there was no trace left.

Full of anger, Eve turned his eyes to the direction of the mana fluctuations, and saw a purple giant dragon sticking out his tongue under another bright yellow Transmission Gate covering the sky. , making faces at him.

As early as when Yves arrived, he found the huge Transmission Gate covered above his head. The countless fish corpse witches fell from this Transmission Gate and eroded the entire Holy Land. At that time, Yves had no time to deal with the Transmission Gate above his head because he was concerned about the situation in the center of the battlefield.

"Damn it!" Yves snarled, swung his blade, bringing up an unimaginable airflow, next moment, his figure came into the air.

Seeing his move, the purple giant dragon panicked for a while, and quickly disappeared into the Transmission Gate with the bright yellow overhead, avoiding the deadly attack.

In the sky above the head, the bright yellow Transmission Gate is still wide open, with no tendency to close at all. The undead giant dragon that was swept in the Holy Land, as early as when Eve appeared, returned first. In Transmission Gate, by this time, not even one end was left.

Looking at the Transmission Gate in front of me, I felt the ocean aura emanating from it, which was completely different from the land. Ive was startled, and the salty sea breeze seemed to be conveying to Ive. some kind of warning.

In the end, Eve returned to the ground, giving up the idea of ​​entering the Transmission Gate alone to pursue him.

With the departure of many undead creatures, the undead mage's raid on Holy Land has come to an end. Although there are still a large number of fish corpses around Holy Land, it is difficult to move on land. They couldn't make any waves, and they were quickly wiped out by the Guardian who arrived.

After confirming that there is no strong enemy, Yves seems to have remembered something. He passed over a group of injured creatures and came to a wooden house.

The door of the wooden house had already been opened, and the creatures in it were nowhere to be seen. After discovering this, Yves's expression changed, and he looked around in a panic. Finally, in the middle of the battlefield, he found the special creature. body shape.

Quickly came to the center of the battlefield, in front of the huge blackened tree stump, a silver-haired elf was sobbing in a low voice.

It seems to be influenced by him, and the other elves in the vicinity are also sad and can't bear to look at everything in the field.

Once, as a symbol of the peace and wisdom of the whole Eli, the great wise man Yuk has now disappeared, and only a black and broken stump is left.

Arella lowered her head deeply, but the tears couldn't help falling from his eyes.

Seeing this, Yves sighed and stepped forward slowly, without saying anything, just standing quietly behind the silver-haired elf in front of him.

The blade in his hand was tightly clenched by Yves, the flame of his will ignited in his eyes, and he would never allow Eli to suffer the destruction of the undead mage again.

After a long time, Yves turned to leave and found Guardian Eliza who came to support him.

"Send me back to the quiet city." Yves face darkened, making it difficult to see his true thoughts, "There is still a battle waiting for me there."

(end of chapter)

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