
  Chapter 1423 Torre

Under the dark night, in a town already occupied by undead creatures, is a piece of brightly lit.

Torre Moral stood in the midst of a group of powerful creatures, sweating all the time, which had already wet his shirt.

Torre didn't know if he was lucky or unlucky. As the undead mage who contributed extremely prominently in the battle with Eli, he was selected as one of the leaders of the undead mage and was eligible to join the meeting of this time in the City of Rain.

The nearest position to him, a burly centaur, is rubbing his giant axe, the centaur wears a hideous mask, and with its terrifying imposing manner, he doesn't even dare to dare. Take a second look.

And farther away, in the incomparably thick black mist, even the real Lich appeared. From the level of death energy, it overwhelmed all the existences around.

In the sky, the ghost dragon with a pale aura is flying freely, and at the end of the darkness, the huge figure of the bone monster is Faintly discernible.

Among these powerful creatures, Torrey's existence is so conspicuous, his breath is low and pitiful, not even comparable to a corpse witch.

Just as Torrey observed all around cautiously, wanting to see but not daring to see those powerful creatures, a special breath permeated all creatures.

"My God..." As an undead mage who joined the battle halfway, Torre swore that he had never felt such pure death energy, without any impurities.

The death energy emitted by undead creatures is often not so pure, and it is mixed with various emotions before their death. However, from this burst of death energy that suddenly diffused in the field, Torre only felt death. , pure death.

Not only Torre, but all the creatures around reacted to this death energy. Torrey followed their line of sight and saw a man in a large black robe who came to the field at some point.

The man's face is gloomy and his eyes are sharp, as if he can penetrate the heart. He looked all around slowly, and when his eyes swept across, Torrey only felt that he was being targeted by some kind of devouring Evil Spirit.

I don't know if it was Torrey's illusion, but the sight of the black robed man seemed to stop on him for a while.

The cold sweat dripped from Torrey's back, and he realized that the black robed man in front of him was the holder of the Divine Item, Rhodes, the evil leader who pushed the battle with one hand. All the corpse witch kings in the hands of ordinary undead mage are gifts from this man.

Tore had never seen the man before. Some people say that Rhodes is a lucky undead mage, who only got all this by the power of Divine Item, and some people say that Rhodes is simply an immortal Lich with a skeleton body.

It wasn't until he saw Rhodes with his own eyes that Torrey knew that those rumors in the past were false. The man in front of him had powers he could not imagine.

"Tell you the unfortunate news that Modo, one of the immortal Lichs, died at the hands of the defenders of the silent city."

The man who was shrouded in black robe slowly said , his low words resounded in the ears of all creatures as if with a kind of magic.

The information contained in the words caused an uproar in the field, and the one who reacted the most to the news was Lich in the dark fog:

"Hey... I warned Modo, but he didn't listen to my advice at all. After all, he has just been promoted to Lich, and his solidified soul will not last long. It is his own choice to die in the battlefield like this."

Black robed man coldly snorted in the field: "His death is worth it, at least I got the defense of the quiet city. Based on this information, we can formulate the means to capture the quiet city."


Beside Torrey, a dull female voice suddenly sounded, which also made him heart startled and subconsciously moved towards the direction where the voice came from.

"I don't recommend doing this." The centaur wearing a mask and holding a giant axe said slowly, and Torrey knew that she was the famous "horror centaur" on the battlefield.

"Most of the creatures in Eri are hiding in the forest of Tularion, praying that the last line of defense in the forest can bring them shelter. The quiet city goes directly to Tularion. The entrance to Holy Land, its importance, I think you should understand. Why are you against it?" black robed man solemnly asked.

"In the whole of Eri, there is still a lot of unoccupied land, the dense jungle has not been eroded, and more importantly, there are many creatures who are unwilling to leave their homeland, hiding in every corner of Eri. , I can easily find their location. The power of the undead mage has not been raised to the limit." The terrifying man retorted with reason.

"I used to think the same as you."

black robed man said aloud, all the creatures in the field could hear his this remark.

"Unfortunately, a lot of things have happened in Eri recently. Those elves have awakened an ancient Wisdom Tree. If they are given more time, the strength of those elves will gain their essence. Ascension, there is no time to continue to accumulate undead creatures."

The low voice of discussion reached Torre's ears, and many undead mage around showed a thoughtful look, the words of the black robed man , which they strongly agree with.

"This is the plan." Just as Torre was thinking about it, the man's words came again, "The large number of creatures in the Tularion Forest is exactly what we have to break through the quiet city. "I will lead some of the elite undead mage to cross the quiet city and attack the ordinary creatures directly behind, and you only need to be responsible for attacking the quiet city with all your strength, dragging them from the front. It's enough to keep the enemy's sight."

After hearing this news, Torrey's face showed deep fear, he had realized that the man in the field, simply put the man here. All undead mage are used as bait that can be sacrificed.

"I...I don't agree!" Torrey moved towards the direction where the voice came, and saw another selected undead mage leader, Orgn, who trembling with fear raised his objection opinion.

"Even the immortal Lich died at the hands of the defenders of the Silent City, how can we hold them back..." Ogorn questioned with trembling.

What terrified Torrey was that when the Ogn questioned, the black robed man's eyes showed a hint of joy.

The black robed man raised his hand, and the energy of death instantly drowned Ogn's body, and no sound came out. When the black mist dissipated, Ogn's body was only a skeleton.

"Undead mages, from the day you got the corpse witch king, you should have thought of this moment." The voice of black robed man slowly came out, "Now, who else disagrees with me? Order?"

Torry swallowed and there was absolute silence in the field.

(end of this chapter)

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