
  Chapter 1405 Inota's teasing

In the underground space, Rhodes slammed his hand from the crystal ball He pulled away, his face completely gloomy.

"My child was killed by a powerful force." The blind old woman stood in front of Rhodes and said angrily, "What did you see? You'd better explain it to me!"

"I saw Eli's Jungle Guardians, they were having a ceremony...and those mighty angels," Rhodes said sullenly.

"Impossible, even angel can't find me, the child of Margaret the magic eye, those jungle guardians are even more impossible, they don't have this ability! You said you saw angel, don't you think? Can you still see Michael?"

The words of the blind old woman were full of distrust of Rhodes. Hearing her say that, Rhodes' mouth twitched a few times.

"You're right." Recalling the appearance of the blond angel, Rhodes' facial expression grave up, "I did see the supreme commander of Cloud City, Michael the arcangel, he A sword will kill your magic eye."

"Although I don't want to believe everything you said, my child told me that what you said is true." It seems that he found something, blind The old woman trembled slightly, and could not help but take a few steps back, "Who are you? Why can you see the dead again and see the arcangel?"

"Me?" Rhodes reached out his hand Pointing to himself, said solemnly, "I am the undead mage Rhodes, and I want to conquer this world."

At this moment, Rhodes suddenly noticed that behind the blind old woman, many Head-sized magic eyes, they stared at themselves, and there were a lot of bloodshot eyes in their anxious pupils, as if they were frightened by something.

No... Rhodes keenly noticed that these demon eyes were not looking at him, but looked towards his back.

Rhodes turned around quickly, and as soon as he turned around, he faced a python head that was bigger than his own head, and he was shocked.

In the deep and dark underground passage, only a little firelight illuminates the line of sight.

I don't know when, a huge python came to the back of Rhodes. Rhodes' previous keen perception was useless in this brief moment. If it wasn't for the abnormality revealed by those magic eyes, Rhodes would not know what happened. what.

The body flashed, Rhodes used teleportation to spread the distance, and appeared at the end of the passage. The Titan's arrow held in his hand burst out with a burst of bright rays of light, illuminating everything around.

The violent lightning is attached to the blade, ready to shoot at the enemy. Dodging and fighting back in one go, just before swinging the blade, Rhodes stopped, and he saw the whole picture of the python.

That is not a simple python, it has multiple forked heads, each head has horns, and there are no feet for walking, but a sturdy snake-shaped body.

More importantly, the scales on the snake are not the common cyan-gray color, but a bright purple, which Rhodes has never seen before.

After discovering this, Rhodes seemed to understand something, sensing the familiar imposing manner on the Hydra, his eyelids twitched involuntarily: "Inota, what are you doing?"


"hahaha ~" was accompanied by a burst of crisp laughter, a mist enveloped the purple hydra, and when the mist dissipated, what emerged from it was the figure of the purple-haired girl.

At this moment, she seemed to have found something happy, and she laughed from ear to ear: "I knew you would be frightened."

See you Rhodes' face was gloomy, and there was no smile on his face, and Inota couldn't help but lightly coughed, and at the same time restrained his smile.

Walking quickly to Rhodes, with a bit of grievance on her face, she asked tentatively, "Did I make you angry..."

"No. "

A cold voice came from Rhodes' mouth. As Inota approached, he had already released his sword-holding guard, but the lightning on the Titan's arrow had not dissipated.

The violent lightning with a full 480 damage points, so Rhodes is attached to the Titan's arrow as a way of lighting, which is a bit overkill.

"It's just that it's dangerous for you to be naughty like this." Rhodes sighed, with a bit of concern in his low words, "If it weren't for me not sensing any killing intent, and in the process of swinging the sword in time Stop, I'm afraid you've been seriously injured by lightning."

"I don't want to see you hurt, not even once. Don't do this again." Rhodes slowly said.

Inota stuck her tongue out, a little more smile on her face, put her hands behind her back, glanced at Rhodes quickly, and then looked at the nearby magic eye.

All the magical eyes stared at by Inota trembled, and the bloodshot in their eyeballs was even worse, as if they saw some kind of terrifying existence.

"..." Rhodes was helpless and stroked his forehead with his hand, "speaking of which, why did you turn into a hydra, just to scare me?"

"Also It's not because of you!" Hearing Rhodes say this, Inotar muttered.

"What's up with me? I want you to turn into a titan without turning you into a hydra." Rhodes spread his hands, puzzled.

"It was you who made me become a titan that made me want to become a bigger creature!" Inota pouted and defended.

"Bigger creatures? Are there creatures bigger than Titans? I remember Titans, the biggest creatures on land."

Rhodes got the system log Prompt, according to the information in [Titan's Body] when the bloodline was awakened, the Titan giant is the largest creature on land.

Speaking of this, Rhodes looked startled, and another thought suddenly flashed in his mind, "Wait, when you say the biggest creature, don't you mean..."

" That's right, it's the strange snake in the Water Element plane." Inota, lightly snorted, said.

"That strange snake is the biggest creature I've ever seen, and every head of it is bigger than a grown giant dragon. I have no doubt that it can swallow me in one bite." Recalling the past, Inota pursed her lips, and there was a little fear in her eyes.

Rhodes patted Inota's shoulders, trying to comfort her in this way: "The ultimate Nine Headed Snake...it's really strong, and I'm afraid it has stepped into the realm of the gods."

"I tried to become that strange snake, but I failed and only turned into a small hydra." Inota curled one's lip, seemingly dissatisfied with Rhodes' movements, "giant dragon's secret technique, only I can turn into a creature smaller than myself, I'm sorry I can't turn into a titan."

"Is that so..." Rhodes sighed, although he had already guessed the result, listening to Inota say so , there was still disappointment in his eyes.

"What kind of eyes do you have? Is it so important to become a Titan?" Inota asked angrily.

Rhodes was helpless, just about to explain, his attention was suddenly attracted by the information in the last few lines of the system log.

(end of this chapter)

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