
  Chapter 1403 angel

As the many Eri were arguing, over their heads, three The name angel looked down at the earth, taking everything below into his eyes.

The angel's expression is either solemn or sympathetic, and holy golden rays of light are exuding from her body. Angel did not reveal his arrival, but there were still a very small number of sensitive creatures who discovered their existence, all of them were excited, trembling and unable to speak any words.

The supple feathers are neatly arranged and turned into large and soft wings, which completely cover the backs of these angels. What is even more remarkable is that there are more than one pair of wings behind these angels.

Appearing in the sky is not a simple angel, but the most high-level six-wing angel. Only the commander of Yunzhong City has such an identity and strength.

"What did you see?"

One of the three angels, an angel in golden armor, asked. His face is handsome, his facial features are three-dimensional, so perfect and without blemish that he seems to have been chiseled out with an awl.

“Disputes, pain, grief.”

The male angel with loose black hair replied. He did not wear armor, but wore a blue and white cloth. He did not look as dazzling as the first angel. Only the three pairs of huge wings behind him proved his extraordinaryness.

"Hope, Courage, Will."

The last of the three angels, the golden long-haired female angel, gave a completely different answer, the armor on her body It is extremely gorgeous and looks noble and noble. The face is not as cold as the first angel, but it looks more feminine.

The handsome angel with blond hair glanced at the two beside him, did not make a corresponding evaluation, but said: "The power to save them is in our hands. As long as you agree, this disaster will It can be resolved in an instant."

The female angel shook the head: "We discussed this issue. The catastrophe of the apocalypse has not yet come, and releasing the 'light of prayer' now will only waste this power."

Blonde Angel's breathing became heavy, and her eyes became a little hurried: "We can't wait any longer, evil has spread throughout the continent, and evil will devour the will of human beings. When you come, the world will be destroyed."

The female angel raised her hand and gently placed it in front of the blonde angel, with a little pity in her weak eyes: "I can feel you The pain in our hearts, but if we use the power of 'Light of Prayer' now, what should we do to face the demon in disaster?" With a firm look in his eyes, he said, "Even so, we should not allow evil to continue to grow, and all evil should be eradicated."

With that, he looked towards the black hair angel beside him: "Raphael Er, do you agree with my idea?"

"I agree with Gabriel's point of view more."

The black hair angel replied flatly, and at the same time, he raised his hand with one hand. Spread out, pointing to the Eri creatures gathered in front of the giant tree.

"Look at these creatures, no matter how hard or unbearable they have suffered, they have not given up hope, but have tried their best to fight against evil. Isn't this what you long to see? Did you arrive?"

The black hair angel sighed softly, and his solemn expression also wavered: "I have healed countless injured creatures and repaired their bodies, but it is difficult to appease them. mind. I know that creatures who have endured and not been defeated, and who have faith in their hearts, are powerful and evil cannot overcome them. You should trust their abilities and they can solve this crisis."

"No, they can't. Their only end is to be devoured by evil." The blonde angel also sighed, with a look of pain on his face, "putting it that way, you are not willing to hand it over. A part of the 'angel alliance'?"

The female angel glanced at the blonde angel with some concern, and with pity in her heart, let her hold the blonde angel's hand: "I promise you, if the evil gets out of control, if Everything here will really be destroyed by Evil Power, I will hand over the parts of the angel alliance, but before that, please trust them..."

This time, the blonde angel did not reject her Kindness, but clenched her hand: "Thank you, Gabriel. You, who have a noble character, must not bear to see those creatures die tragically, even after death, there is no peace, I know you will support me, you have always been My best brother."

Looking at the Eli creature below, recalling the Lich who made trouble, the black hair angel also showed an unbearable expression: "I think the same way. If evil is true If I want to swallow this place, even if I violate the warning in the revelation, I will hand over the parts of the angel alliance."

"I have always had a question." Released his hand, the blonde angel asked slowly, "How did you come up with the idea of ​​handing over the components of the 'angel alliance' to humans, and letting humans know about the apocalypse? What if the components are lost?"

Female angel He said solemnly: "It has been almost 400 years since the last catastrophe. He once said that in 400 years, the final judgment will be brought to the world. I counted the time and wanted to find a prophet. Make a revelation about the catastrophe."

She sighed: "didn't expect that after so many years, there is no pure prophet in Erathia, but only in the snowy area. The candidate."

"The ceremony has begun." As they were talking, black hair angel Seems to have found something, and immediately reminded.

The golden rays of light converged on the eyes of several angels, and the dense branches and leaves could not block their sight at all, so that they could see the lowest situation at a glance.

Under the gazes of several angels, a silver-haired elf in a green robe slowly came to the front of the huge tree.

"It's him, Eli's Spirit King." The female angel recognized the identity of the spirit at a glance.

"His spirit willpower is extremely pure. Although he is not human, he cannot become an angel like us, but he can still become a Holy Spirit." The blonde angel slowly said, "Are you ready to meet?"

On the ground below, a gust of breeze swept through, blowing the Spirit King's wide and emerald robes, his figure became illusory, and his translucent arms wanted to print on the tree. , leaving some traces of its own, but it passed through the surface of the bark and failed to receive any obstacles.

The silver-haired Spirit General turned around, looking at everything he knew, with a bit of relief in his eyes, and a bit of hope for other creatures, his body finally turned into pure energy, flowing into this place. Among the towering trees.

(end of this chapter)

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