
  Chapter 1399 Titan's Arrow

Due to the lack of Spring of Life, one of the bloodline abilities, the [Titan] Body] Awakening failed, but the other [Power of Thunder] was able to keep.

Under the blessing of [Power of Thunder], Rhodes obtained the Qi magic level +3, and the Qi magic mastered directly changed from the expert level to the Legendary Grade, which has been greatly improved.

What makes Rhodes a little regretful is that [Power of Thunder] can only upgrade the air magic to the Legendary Grade at the highest, as for the higher Divine Grade, it is not the Titan bloodline the power can reach.

No matter how ancient creatures, the power contained in bloodline can only elevate them to the level of Legendary creatures, no matter what kind of books, there is only one god recorded in since ancient times, That is the god of mage in Bracada.

The only way to obtain the special skills of Divine Grade corresponding to Divine Rank creatures is to use the power of Divine Items. Others, whether bloodline or their own comprehension, cannot achieve this.

And at the bottom of the system log, Rhodes found that he also got a new racing achievement.


“You got the racing achievement [Bloodline Power]”

“[Bloodline Power]: Awaken the bloodline power other than the primordial race .Base bonuses are all attribute +1. All boosts from bloodline are doubled when worn."


Just as Rhodes was checking his harvest, Enota seemed to Finding something, he stepped forward, approached Rhodes and sniffed lightly.

"...what are you doing?" Rhodes asked with a twitch at the corner of his mouth, noticing the abnormality on Inota's body.

Inota, who came to Rhodes, was no longer in the skeleton form used before, but returned to a human body.

Rhodes had seen this purple-haired girl in Erich's Domain of the Dead, so he was able to confirm Inota's identity at a glance.

"I can feel that there is a special aura on your body. It is the aura that comes from the bloodline, not only the bloodline of humans, but of even more ancient creatures..." Inota brows knit slightly and said with some doubts.

"Let's not talk about that...how did you become like this?" Rhodes couldn't help asking.

Inota's face was slightly red, and she looked at the empty head: "I'm tired of using the skeleton form, can't I change it?"

"That's it..." Rhodes touched the newly grown hair and sighed in his heart that the secret technique belonging to the giant dragon gave them the ability to change their forms at will. Even a real magician can hardly change so easily. own form.

At this moment, Rowlin seemed to have thought of something, handed a space ring to Rhodes, and said at the same time: "big brother, this is when I built the two-way monument, a man named Victoria on the island. The Death Knight from La gave it to me, saying it's what you need."

Rhodes took the space ring with some doubts, and after consuming mana to activate it, he felt the things in it, his face There was a surprised look on his face: "These are..."

"What's wrong? What's in the space ring?" Rowlin asked proactively, seeing Rhodes' expression change.

Soon, Rhodes regained his composure and said slowly: "That Death Knight really gave me a big surprise. With these, it should be able to solve Ann's problems."

Hearing Rhodes mention Ann's name, both Rowlin and Inota looked at him with concern.

"I'm going to Eli and see a sorcerer who has the ability to help Ann get back to normal. Are you going to come with me?" Rhodes asked.

"I'll go with you." Inotar answered immediately.

"...I stay in Sau City." Rowlin said with a sigh.

Rhodes looked at Rowlin with some doubts: "What's the matter, Rowlin? Don't you care about security?"

Rowlin pursed his lips, shook his head, and said, "I do I'm in I'an, but there are other things waiting for me in Sao, especially now, I can't just leave."

"I see." Rhodes nominates, from Rowlin's heart, Rhodes I could feel her worry.

Since Rowlin had no plans to go to Eli, after a simple farewell, Rhodes and Ino Tower returned to the Soul Evocation tower.

"You haven't told me what's going on with the bloodline in your body." Enota kept asking Rhodes this question as he returned.

To this Rhodes can only explain: "It seems to be a spell relationship, because I have been casting this spell, and it has given me this unique bloodline."

"What kind of spell has this ability?" Inotar was surprised for a while, and asked Rhodes, "Show it and let me see."

"You are not I've never seen me cast spells." Rhodes was helpless, but according to Inota's words, he raised his hand to condense a violent lightning bolt in front of him.

With the appearance of this lightning, the surrounding magic elements were chaotic. As a fairy dragon, Inota naturally understood the power of this spell.

Even Rhodes looked solemn when he looked at the lightning bolt in his hand. With the awakening of the Titan giant bloodline, under the blessing of [Power of Thunder], the level of the Titan's Arrow has been improved again, and now it has come to Lv4.


[Titan Arrow Lv4]: Fifth-order breath magic, special magic, not affected by spirit attribute. The base damage is 480, and the mana cost is 0. You can add mana, and for every additional mana invested, 6 points of damage will be added. Cooldown time 2 minutes. It cannot be raised in the usual way.


Compared with the Lv3 Titan Arrow, the biggest difference of the Lv4 Titan Arrow is that its base damage is doubled.

The base damage is as high as 480 points. As long as it hits the front, it is enough to kill most creatures in seconds. Even the physique and tough giant beast can only withstand four titans at most according to the panel damage. arrow.

The only thing that can limit the cooling time of Titan Arrow's casting, and it can't limit Rhodes at all. With the Divine Item [Titan Arrow] of the same name in his hand, it can be said that he has nothing to do with Titan Arrow's casting. Restriction, as long as the weapon is swung, there will be up to 480 damage of lightning shot out.

If you can master the Titan's Arrow of Lv4 before this, the battle between Rhodes and Erich will undoubtedly be much easier. Ordinary Titan shield, now the Titan Arrow has been able to directly shatter it.

"What a powerful spell, do you agree to teach it to me?" Enota asked Rhodes with wide eyes, feeling the power of the Titan's arrow.

"Of course I agree, but you learned it impossible. This spell is for the Titans...exclusively..."

Rhodes had not finished his words when his eyelids snapped. After a twitch, Inota in front of him even raised his hand to condense a flash of lightning.

Compared to the lightning in Rhodes' hands, the lightning in Inotar's hands does not have an impressive imposing manner, nor is the electric pulsation strong, but it is still a genuine's titan arrow.

"Why does my lightning look so weak?"

Looking at the calm and tiny lightning in his hand, and at the thick, violent lightning in Rhodes' hands, Ino. Tower asked angrily.

"..." Rhodes was stunned for a while, not knowing how to answer, maybe she should bluntly tell her that the lightning in her hand is only Lv1, while the Titan Arrow in her hand is Lv4 The level of damage is not a level at all.

No...Rhodes realizes that this is not the time to be concerned.

"How did you do it?" Rhodes asked slightly puzzled, "How can you master this spell?"

The purple-haired girl raised her eyebrows and looked at her. Rhodes glanced, "Didn't you teach me?"

"..." Rhodes didn't know how to answer, so he had to open the system log to check.


"You are trying to teach the fifth-order spell [Titan Arrow] to Inota."

"The academic level meets the conditions, wisdom The skill level meets the conditions, and Inota has learned the fifth-order spell [Titan Arrow].”


Looking at the news in the system log, Rhodes was silent for a while.

Fairy dragons are far more skilled in spell than all creatures except mage. Once, when she was on the elemental plane of air, when she learned the gate of different dimensions from Inotana, Rhodes noticed that she had a very high rank academic and wisdom technique. She never thought that she could easily learn Titan by relying on this ability. arrow.

"Use this spell as little as possible, it will inadvertently change the bloodline in your body, just like I am now." I'm very interested in spell and can't wait to try it, Rhodes hurriedly reminded.

"Really?" Inota frowned with some doubts, "but I didn't feel any bloodline-related changes from this spell at all."

Words That is to say, but the purple-haired girl in front of her still dissipated the lightning in her hand according to Rhodes' reminder, "Are you sure this spell has changed your bloodline?"

" ..." Rhodes was a little puzzled, not knowing how to answer.

Even the information in the system log mentions the bloodline change brought about by [Titan Arrow], what other reasons could there be?

At this moment, Rhodes seemed to realize something, a gleam of divide light flashed in his eyes, and at the same time he looked at the irregular blade at his waist. The Titan Arrow mentioned in the system log may not refer to fifth-order magic at all, but to this Divine Item.

Seeing Rhodes' expression of thought, Inota looked at him quietly and didn't say anything to disturb him.

After a long time, Rhodes sighed, stopped thinking about it, looked at Inota and said, "ready to go, the sorcerer is probably no longer in his original position, and he needs to go. Do some searching, Enota, and become a giant dragon."

However, Rhodes's this remark was just an annoyed stare from Enota.

"Forget it, let's go to the top of the tower and bring the ghost dragon with us." Rhodes changed his face without changing his expression.

(end of this chapter)

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