
  Chapter 1396 Spring of Life

Under the guidance of Elon, Rhodes and his party are going to the city's Potions Guild.

Along the way, Rowlin kept reporting to Rhodes about the potions guild during this time.

"Big brother, you may not know that the amount of potions provided by the Potions Guild is getting smaller and smaller! The amount of potions they provided in the past was barely equal to that of the Potions Factory. , has now been far surpassed by the potion factory."

"I once reminded Mandy to turn in more mind-manipulating potions every time, but he didn't listen at all, instead it was mine. Some of his subordinates said that the mage of the Potions Guild took the gold coin we provided and went to do other research."

Listening to Rowlin's continuous talk, Rhodes's tense mood was relieved. , I don't know if it's the role of bloodline perception, or just hearing Rowlin's voice.

Rhodes knew that Mandy, as Rowlin spoke, was the current president of the Potions Guild.

In order to avoid the civil strife in Bracada, Mandy came to Sao City under the recommendation of Elon, and got the support of Rhodes, and successfully became the president of the potions guild in the city, while attracting With the arrival of many orthodox mages, the development of the Potions Guild has been greatly improved.

"Did you know about this?" Rhodes asked Aaron, who was beside him.

"I do know some..." As Mandy's introducer, Aaron still trusts him, "but I believe Mandy must have his reasons to provide the gold of the Potions Guild. coin is also used in the research of potions."

"Potions? Why do you care so much about potions, I hate those liquids full of strange smells." Inota stretched out his hand and fanned in front of him He slapped the fan, and his words were filled with disgust for the potion.

"Vita's ceremony is ready. After you make a decision, bring her to me." Rowlin said, looking at Aaron beside him.

"...When I'm done with this, I'll go to you." Aaron replied in a low voice, with such a firm will that even Rhodes couldn't help but turn to him. Take a few more glances.

This level of will is very close to the level of a hero.

Hearing Elon and Rowlin's conversation, Rhodes didn't say much.

After chatting without a word, Rhodes and his party came to the location of the Potions Guild.

Soon, in a relatively spacious quiet room, Rhodes caught sight of Mandy's silhouette at a glance.

Mandy's hair is thinner than in the past, and the Dark Sky Curtain has shrouded the place for a long time, and her complexion has become a little sallow.

In the center of the quiet room, a flat pool is recessed from the ground, which has long been filled with crystal clear and near-transparent liquid.

Rowlin seemed to feel something, and sniffed all around. The strong fragrance penetrated into Rowlin's breath, which made her feel intoxicated.

Looking at the pool of jade green liquid, Rowlin could not help but sigh: "So, this is the true appearance of Spring of Life."

After losing the shroud of the realm of the dead , Spring of Life shows its true appearance, with a breath of vitality and recovery, and all kinds of auspicious scenes.

Seeing Rhodes' arrival, Mandy hurried forward and handed a treasure to Rhodes, and said at the same time: "Master Rhodes, according to your request, I have used special materials to strengthen the Spring of Life. You can check the effect."

Taking the crown of the world that Mandy used to take out the Spring of Life, Rhodes checked it carefully, and after confirming that the effect of the treasure was correct, he accepted it. He got up and asked bluntly:

"I heard that the potions provided by the potions guild have been greatly reduced recently, far less than the output of potion factories. What's going on?"

Feeling the chill on Rhodes, Mandy felt a panic in his heart, and quickly replied: "The fief lord doesn't know something, the arrival of the war has caused the members of the Potions Guild to pass away greatly, and the original situation can no longer be maintained. "

"In the past, the Potions Guild could rely on your name to attract some mage from Brakada, but now it is impossible to do it." With that, Mandy shouted the head : "Even if Mage wanted to join the Potions Guild, he was probably killed by other undead Mage on his way to Sao City."

Mandy sighed: "I The knowledge of potions can only be taught to the undead mage in the city, and those undead mage are not willing to study potions at all, they just want to create more undead creatures, and I can't change all this."

As if thinking of something, Mandy showed a complicated expression: "Every bottle of potion that the potion guild handed you over is time-consuming and painstakingly hand-refined by potion scholar, and the degree of completion is generally high. Like a potion factory...there is no potion scholar at all, even a mage apprentice can make a lot of potions by following the prescribed steps..."

"I see." After listening to Mandy's narration, Rhodes made his own decision, "In the future, the members of the Potions Guild do not need to refine potions that control the mind, but only need to develop potions."

After hearing Rhodes' words, Rowlin seemed to understand something, and Mandy said in a panic: "fief lord, please forgive the slack of the Potions Guild, I promise to bring out the potions that satisfy you. Quantity, please be sure to trust the Potions Guild!"

"I don't mean to blame you, I just hope you can go back to what you are good at." Rhodes said solemnly, "It has been proven, The potion refined by the potion scholar is far from efficient, both in terms of efficiency and cost. Like Vita's Potions Factory. "

"Since that's the case, you'd better do research on potions." After all, things like enhancing the efficacy of Spring of Life cannot be done by apprentices in a potion factory alone. "Speaking, Rhodes glanced at the jade green spring in the field.

With the improvement of strength, Rhodes still needs a lot of manipulative spiritual potions, but it is no longer the original shortage. The situation is more of a numerical improvement.

In this case, Rhodes simply asked the members of the Potions Guild to stop refining potions and concentrate on researching potions.

The outbreak of civil strife has caused a large number of talented scholars to be lost in Brakada, the kingdom of Mage, and the potion guild in Sao City took this opportunity to attract a large number of potion scholars. If it can be reasonable Utilizing it can also be a force.

"Praise your generosity, great Lord Rhodes. Mandy bowed his head deeply, expressing his gratitude to Rhodes, "I'll step back first. ”

After glancing at the other people, Mandy left the quiet room wisely, leaving the space and the most important Spring of Life to Rhodes and his party.

(end of chapter)

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