
  Chapter 1378 The Prophet's Word

After returning to Sau from the Water Element plane, Rhodes intends to check In the case of Xia'an, in the room at the top of the Soul Evocation tower, he met Messika who was invited by Rowlin.

The moment she saw Rhodes, Messika figure trembled, seemed to have found something terrifying, raised her finger to Rhodes, but couldn't say anything for a while.

"What's the matter, Prophet?" Rhodes asked, noticing the abnormality on Messika's body.

"Your body... is contaminated with an evil breath..." Messika said word by word.

Rhodes coldly snorted: "Where do you think you are now? Erathia? Sorry, Erathia is also full of evil now, and I took it with me."

" No... I didn't mean that." Messika sighed, "The breath that exists in you is not ordinary evil, but ancient and primordial, the first evil in the world, the crimes of the undead mage, in this Evil is not worth mentioning at all. There is only one person who can have this kind of evil..."

Rhodes touched his head: "Please explain in a language I can understand, I really can't understand What do you mean."

"Have you been in contact with that existence." Messika said resolutely, her voice was low and hoarse, "The one mentioned in the prophecy will bring down the final judgment on the world. The devil...you are stained with the breath of that existence."

"You mean, Lucifer Kerrigan..." After hearing the prophet say this, Rhodes also roughly understood her. mean.

"Shh! Don't mention this name!" Messika exclaimed, the amethyst rays of light flashing above her head, and hurriedly stopped Rhodes' words, "This name symbolizes curse and ominous, It's never good to mention it."

I don't understand why the Prophet responded so much to the name, Rhodes didn't intend to hide anything about [Praise of Blood], and he needed some advice from the Prophet.

From the space ring, he took out the dagger blessed by demon power, Rhodes looked at Messika and said, "I did have contact with that existence, and he seems to have poured his own power into it. In my treasure, it finally helped me out of danger."

According to the system log, the changes in [Blood Praise] were derived from the power of that demon, Rhodes said that no problem.

Mexiga's face changed upon hearing this remark from Rhodes: "This is not good news. It was mentioned in the prophecy that before the final judgment came, who got the devil's Strength, whoever belongs to his followers, will offer his own blood and soul to receive his arrival."

"Unfortunately, I am not his follower, and I have no interest in it. He offers ideas of anything." Rhodes said with a sneer, "I once helped him out of a difficult problem in the future, and this is my well-deserved reward."

"You, maybe, Not his followers." Mexiga sighed, "Look at the demon weapon in your hand, such an evil and powerful force, even the Divine Item cannot necessarily surpass it in some aspects."

"He saw your potential, and in order to make you his follower, this gave you such a powerful weapon. Once you get lost in the power of this weapon, you will never be his Followers are not far away," added Mexica.

"It's powerful, but it's far from moving me." Rhodes said solemnly.

The power that can move Rhodes' heart is only the power of the system, the will of the real hero, and the powerful Divine Item. Other powers are rarely able to affect Rhodes at this time.

"That said, but Myriad Transformations, the way the demons lure humans, especially for some creatures who don't want to lose their powers, this method can easily work."

Deeply aware of Rhodes' attitude towards power, Mexica explained.

"If you, who have already felt the power of demon weapons, suddenly find that the dagger in your hand is restored to its original state, and the power in it no longer exists, will you allow this power to pass away like this? What's the price to pay to regain this power?"

"Although I won't be moved by this power, I won't tolerate it being taken away at will." Rhodes said coldly, "I What price will I pay to regain this power? I will gather the undead creatures under my command, and even if I come to the deepest depths of hell, I will recapture the power that belongs to me."

Mexijia sighed: "What a crazy idea. But it's really feasible to rely on undead creatures to deal with hell creatures."

"A long, long time ago, when the world was invaded by hell creatures, a special hero was born .In my impression, he is the most powerful vampire in history, as long as he can see, all creatures, whether human, angel, or hell demon, will be forcibly transformed into undead creatures, only the same as a hero There are exceptions to his existence."

"Innumerable bats shrouded his body, no Legendary creature could come close to his body, and he walked like a real god descending."

Mexiga added that the words were filled with reminiscence.

"I have always believed that with a strong love in the heart, a hero can turn everything around, do what other creatures can't do, and defeat all enemies in front of him, whether good or evil. Love is called 'hero's will', in any case, this is just a change of name."

"So, what is the love in your heart? Hero Rhodes?" Looking at Rhodes in front of him, Maisie Ka asked.

Watching from Messika's empty eye sockets, Rhodes felt a strange feeling, as if she was not looking towards herself, but something behind her.

Rhodes fell into silence for a while, did not take Messika's words, but changed the subject and asked: "If the vampire hero you are talking about is really that powerful, there must be something about Dia. Sadly I have never heard of his record. What was that hero's name? Erich?"

"Of course not Erich, Erich is not a vampire." Macy Jia said angrily, "But he is indeed a contemporary of Erlich. I have checked all the books of Erathia, and there are no books that record the deeds of this hero, and perhaps the Legendary about him exists only in those Lich's word of mouth."

At this moment, the purple crystal above Messika's head suddenly flashed dazzling rays of light.

"I found something interesting." Mexiga said slowly, "Not long ago, Erich's consciousness was revived, and Lich, who died countless years ago, was reborn in this era."

(end of this chapter)

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