
  Chapter 1372 Praise of Blood II

While Rhodes was viewing the attribute of Praise of Blood, Eli Ke also discovered the strangeness of the treasure in Rhodes' hands. From the red light, Eric felt the extreme evil, and immediately cast spell to try to destroy the undead mage in front of him.

rays of light once again bloomed from Eric's body, an intense white sphere of light that seemed to purify everything.

Bursts of discomfort came from in front of Rhodes. The white radiance with purifying effect made Rhodes' skeleton emit bursts of black smoke. Apart from this, there was a pale flame that spread over Rhodes. , Rhodes' entire body would melt away if he stayed under the white radiance's light for a long time.

The closer you get to the ball of light, the more intense the burning sensation is. The breath of the ghost dragon can't even touch Eric in the distance, and it is illuminated by the rays of light. dissipated.

The effect of the white light ball is enough to restrain the overwhelming majority of undead creatures. Even after the undead creature destroys the white light ball, it will be destroyed by the strong white light emerging from the light ball. Before that, Rhodes has learned this.

Like Eric, the ghost dragon had already risen to high altitude, and above his head was the chain wall blocking the sky. Eric's spell did not affect the other skeleton giant dragons below.

Seeing this, Rhodes not even think, jumped directly from the body of the ghost dragon, and seemed to want to use this method to avoid the burning bite of the rays of light.

Naturally, Eric would not let Rhodes fall. He knew that Rhodes must have a treasure to ensure that he would land safely. Once on the airship in the potion race, Rhodes relied on this move to escape. Because of his identity, he did not come forward to pursue him, which caused all kinds of calamities.

A strong magical element condenses around Rhodes' body, and even the space can't bear this level of magical element, and it may burst at any time. The mist was released from his body.

A thunderous rumbling resounded in the sky, causing a cloud of smoke and dust, making it difficult to see the scene.

Eric was a little puzzled. When he wanted to approach the smoke, countless bats suddenly rushed out of the smoke and continued to approach the mage below.

Eric secretly said in one's heart is not good, although he didn't know what Rhodes had planned, but from the dagger Rhodes had taken out, he sensed an ominous aura, naturally he couldn't let it go. Rhodes made this move.

Eric was just about to cast spell and used the Titan shield to block the bats in the air. With the dazzling rays of light flickering, a huge pale creature came to him.

Just as Eric was distracted, the ghost dragon used its own body to smash the huge light ball in the sky, and the strong light of purification spilled out, causing the ghost dragon outside the ghost The energy was greatly weakened, and the entire body could not maintain its original nihilization, revealing its original shape.

According to Rhodes' orders, the ghost dragon will drag the Legendary mage in the sky to death, even at the cost of life.

The high-altitude battle, coupled with rapidly descending bats, also caught the attention of the mage below. These mages begin to cast spells, intercepting and killing bats that descend from the sky.

At this moment, the remaining skeleton giant dragon seemed to have received some kind of order, and at the same time, it spewed the cloud of death downwards.

The incomparably dense cloud of death instantly shrouded the bottom of Trisi City.

In terms of the huge size of the skeleton giant dragon, the cloud of death that a single dragon corpse spit out is equivalent to the sum of dozens or even hundreds of humanoid corpse corpse kings. Working together to breathe out the cloud of death, the effect is no less than a salvo from Legion, the corpse witch.

However, in the face of the cloud of death falling from the sky, the whole body of these mage is covered with a layer of pure white barrier, apart from this, countless rays of light with the power of purification, also from Mage emerged from the ranks, resisting the dark clouds all around.

Under the strong resistance of mage, the cloud of death could not erode half of their bodies, and even the cloud of death that came before them could not penetrate the white barrier.

In order to deal with the undead mage, these mage are obviously well prepared.

Even so, Rhodes' purpose has been achieved. Another effect of the death cloud is to block the enemy's sight.

When the dark clouds gradually dissipated, these mages were surprised to find that the giant dragons, who had suddenly attacked and seemed to want to fight to the death, rose to the sky one after another, and they seemed to want to escape. , but in the sky there are clearly war shackles.

Under the cloud of death covering the heavens, shielding the sun, plus the attention is attracted by the giant dragon in the sky, no Mage notices, those bats in the sky , when did they come together and when did Rhodes come to the edge of the mage formation.

It wasn't until the rays of light of red bloomed, accompanied by the fall of a mage, that these mages noticed that Rhodes, holding a dagger in his hand, had come to them.

Relying on the blood belonging to mage, after activating the effect of [Blood Praise], Rhodes didn't have any idea of ​​fighting, and immediately tore open the magic scroll he had already carried, and his figure was disappeared in an instant.

After using the only teleportation magic scroll, Rhodes returned to the ghost dragon body in the sky.

In order to deal with the possible mana depletion, at Rowlin's request, Rhodes deliberately brought a lot of magic scrolls. one.

In order to maximize the effect of this teleportation scroll, Rhodes kept it for last use, nearly killing the ghost dragon. If he can return smoothly, Rhodes has made up his mind to bring the endless scroll of teleportation magic.

Coming to the sky, the Nether Ghost Dragon at this time is far worse than Rhodes imagined. The Nether energy on his body is extremely weak, and he can no longer recover from his injuries. If Rhodes arrives a little later, it will will die at the hands of Legendary mage.

Seeing Rhodes appearing, Eric was about to cast a spell, and the dense cloud of death that gathered together through the skeleton giant dragons shot at him first.

Unwilling to have his sight blocked, Eric quickly used teleportation to pull his figure aside.

Eric's move undoubtedly gave the ghostly giant dragon a chance to breathe. Under Rhodes' cue, the ghost giant dragon quickly rose to the higher sky, until a wall made of iron chains emerged above the head that was originally empty.

Seeing this, Rhodes didn't hesitate, and immediately waved the [Blood Praise] in his hand that was bright to red, and slashed towards the chain wall above his head.

(end of this chapter)

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