
  Chapter 1370 The Way to Escape The figure returned to the body of the ghost dragon.

The pale mist is constantly gathering on the surface of the ghost dragon's body, repairing all the damage it has suffered. If the enemy can't solve the ghost dragon in a short time, it can quickly damage it with any degree of damage. recover.

From the body of the former Sacred Dragon, it created such a powerful ghost dragon, coupled with its nihilistic ability, it finally became the key for Rhodes to solve the Duken image.

Relying on the infusion of mana, after investing 300 mana, Rhodes condensed the Titan Arrow with damage as high as 1740. As long as it is within the explosion range of the Titan Arrow, it will receive high damage. Amount of damage, even the ghost dragon that came to get below did not dodge, and finally relying on this spell, Deken's mirror image dissipated.

Solved the most difficult enemy, Rhodes' plight is still unresolved, the shackles of war still block this space, outside creatures can't enter this battlefield, and Rhodes can't escape.

When Durken's mirror image unfolds the shackles of war, the treasure turns into an iron chain wall, enveloping the space in all directions, making the creatures in it have no way to escape.

apart from this, because the battlefield was selected outside the city of Tris, Rhodes didn't know whether Yosiah and Inota in the mountainside had achieved their goal and sent McDowell. rescued.

The arrival of Rhodes, coupled with the display of the war shackles, has already attracted all the attention of Mage in the city. He believes that Yusia and the others will be able to grasp this plan and achieve the purpose of the plan.

Looking at the angry mage below, Rhodes is also facing a bigger problem, that is, he has no mana.

In order to ensure that Durken's mirror image can be resolved, Rhodes poured almost all the remaining mana into Titan's Arrow. At this time, Rhodes was unable to cast other spells.

Looking at the remaining mage in front of him, Rhodes felt a faint unease, relying on the power of the Titan's arrow alone, Rhodes could not handle these mages that had mastered a lot of fifth-order magic.

According to common sense, only one or two of the high-level mages below can master fifth-order magic. However, with Deken opening the magic guild, almost all of them have mastered fifth-order magic. Rank magic, if it is not for the inexperience of the casting process, these mages alone are enough to solve the giant dragon in the sky.

These mages below are the same magical mages as Deken in terms of rank. Deken not only opened a magic guild, but also taught all the mage the secret of becoming a magic mage. , they are not limited by mana.

Just as Rhodes was having a hard time, the devastating spell struck him again.

The sky-shattering rumbling sound exploded from where Rhodes was, and even an extremely stable space couldn't bear this level of spell strikes, let alone Rhodes and the ghost dragon.

As thick smoke filled the air, a huge pale creature soared into the sky. It was the ghost dragon that had entered nihilism, with Rhodes behind it, trying to escape this blocked space.

However, as the Nether Ghost Dragon's height increased, a wall of iron chains suddenly appeared in the void above its head. Unprepared, it slammed into the wall abruptly. Even Rhodes behind it was almost thrown out.

Looking at the shackles of war that trapped him completely, Rhodes felt a rush in his heart. With little mana left, he had no choice but to continue fighting with the mage below.

Waving the Titan's Arrow in his hand, this time, Rhodes did not let the lightning attach to it, but was ready to rely on the sharpness of the Titan's Arrow itself to destroy the wall of iron chains.

Finally, with Rhodes' unremitting efforts, there was some hope in his heart.

The material of the war shackle itself cannot be compared with the real Divine Item. As the Titan's arrow swept across, the surface of the iron chain left a layer of light nicks, it seems that as long as Rhodes is given enough time , he can destroy the chain wall.

However, at the next moment, Rhodes' hope was in vain. The iron chain that was nicked by the Titan's arrow was quickly repaired over time, and no trace remained in the blink of an eye.

The Titan's Arrow, which is much sharper than ordinary weapons, can destroy the war shackles with special materials in front of them, but it is still not sharp enough, and the speed of destroying the war shackles is not as fast as the war shackles. speed of repair.

Whether it is the high-speed impact of the ghost dragon or the slashing of the Titan's arrow, it cannot cause effective damage to the chain, and perhaps only the sharpest weapon in the world can cut through all armor, or It is the pure heroic will that has the ability to instantly destroy the wall made of chains.

Is there really such a weapon? Or the will of a hero? Rhodes has doubts in his heart, there are not many weapons in the entire world that are sharper than Divine Item.

Suddenly, Rhodes seemed to have thought of something. From the space ring, he took out a treasure that had been dusted by him for a long time.

It was a short dagger with a mysterious serpentine decoration on the hilt, and there was no trace of blood on the blade. It looked like it had been well-maintained from time to time, but Rhodes had not used this treasure for an unknown time.

When Rhodes' rank is raised, with his current knowledge, he can naturally see the extraordinaryness of this dagger.

Once, Rhodes got this unique dagger from the blue robe mage of Business Group. When the dagger soaks in the owner's blood, it can show the sharpness of Supreme. A dagger that blocks this state.

However, with Rhodes' use of the dagger, he felt the hallucination from hell. In order to prevent it from being more seriously affected, Rhodes finally placed the dagger in the space ring, and it will not last for a long time. use.

At this time, facing the chain wall that was blocked by the shackles of war, Rhodes thought of this dagger and took it out, but Rhodes sighed secretly after thinking for a while.

Even the real Divine Item can't use the shackles of war, what can this dagger do? even more how, Rhodes in skeleton form, has been unable to awaken the power of the dagger with blood.

Being restrained by the skeleton giant dragon, the mage below has no time to take care of Rhodes in the sky, but those giant dragons can't be dragged on for too long, and the number is constantly decreasing.

Eric, who was thrown away by Rhodes, also came to the sky and appeared in front of Rhodes, watching Rhodes' attempt indifferently.

The enemy has arrived, but Rhodes still has not found a way to escape. It seems that the only way is to fight to the death.

Just when Rhodes was about to put away the dagger and try to deal with Eric, he suddenly found some special tips from the system log.

(end of this chapter)

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