
  Chapter 1358 Choice

Looking at the lesser dragon species awakened from the corpse, after a long time, Yossi Ya replied in a calm tone: "I know all about the situation. The gate of the ice prison has been opened, you should leave now."

Hidden in this calm is an extremely powerful force Anger, perhaps because she was unwilling to lose self-control in front of the lesser dragon species, Yusia suppressed her inner emotions.

The lesser dragon shivered and leaned down, wriggling and leaving quickly towards the exit of the ice prison.

After the lesser dragon species was gone, Inota asked worriedly: "Yusia...what should we do now..."


The dull dragon's roar echoed in the ice prison, and the entire Snow Mountain seemed to vibrate. Inota hurried forward to try to appease Yusia at this time.

It took a while for Sacred Dragon to calm down, and she gasped, "Didn't you hear the lesser dragon seed? McDowell is still alive. I'm going to Those human towns, save McDowell!"

Seeing that Yusia was completely in anger, Rhodes said helplessly, "I don't recommend you do this."

"You, a small human, dare to question my decision?"

It's not a good idea to stand in front of the angry giant dragon, the giant dragon won't care, when they are angry Which creatures angered.

Looking at the blue-blue Sacred Dragon in front of him that was like a hill and was looking down at him, Rhodes said with a sneer: "If Inota wasn't worried about you, even if you wanted to die, I would have said more. One sentence."

"Think about it, why did the other giant dragons die in the hands of mage, but McDowell survived?" Rhodes's voice sank.

"You mean..." The anger did not affect Yusia's judgment, and in a short time, she figured out everything Rhodes said.

“For a dragon slayer, slaughtering a giant dragon is an honor.” Rhodes explains, “The more powerful the giant dragon is slaughtered, the more honor is that honor.”

"Just a young Sacred Dragon can't satisfy the Dragon Slayer. His goal is always you, the true Lord of Ice." Rhodes said solemnly, "Medore is undoubtedly the best bait. , I believe he is fully prepared and is waiting for you to walk right into a trap."

Another roar came from Sacred Dragon's mouth. The lesser dragon species near the entrance of the ice prison, after hearing the roar, trembled for a while, and did not dare to do anything else.

After a while, Yusia gradually calmed down.

"Then what do you say? I can't just give up on McDowell. As long as there is a glimmer of hope, I will find a way to rescue him."

Rhodes looked solemnly. shook the head: "It's not good to attack like this. In the magic guild of Brakada, there is a prophet who can clearly understand everything, maybe she has already expected your arrival. I suggest to go back to the city of Sao first, Seek the corresponding revelation from the Skeleton Prophet.”

After experiencing the power of revelation firsthand, Rhodes is more aware of the strategic significance of this ability. Facing the enemy prophet who also has this ability, Rhodes immediately I thought of Messika.

"Even more how, you don't have any help right now. We alone can't deal with that dragon slayer." Rhodes added, "Can't you command other giant dragons? There are still many giant dragons in Eli's Dragon Kingdom, and you can use the identity of Sacred Dragon to order them to attack with you."

"Of course, this may be falling into that Sacred Dragon. A trap for the Dragon Warriors," Rhodes said immediately.

Yusia fell silent, and after a while said, "I can't do this... I can't let my kin die in vain like this."

"What do you mean? Yes, you don't want to save McDowell?" Rhodes was a little puzzled.

"No...the responsibility of being a Sacred Dragon prevents me from making such a choice. I can risk saving McDowell on my own, but I can't pull other giant dragons."

Recalling the strength that the dragon slaying hero had shown, Yusia let out a sigh. In the face of this level of strength, the number of giant dragons is meaningless.

Looking at the huge Sacred Dragon in front of him, Rhodes sneered, wanting to achieve a difficult goal, but not wanting to see sacrifice, what a ridiculous idea.

"Then there's nothing I can do."

"The longer McDowell is left there, the more dangerous he will be." Inota said actively: "My current The mana is only enough to open the door of another dimension once, and after this, plus the recovery of the mana, I am afraid it will take several days, we must act quickly."

Said, Inota took the initiative to come to Rhodes' side, gently pulled down his large cloak, and said, "Rhodes, didn't you master two Divine Items? The previous dragon slaying hero was also solved by you, you can't Think of a way?"

Rhodes raised his hand to release the energy of death, helpless.

Suddenly, the charred corpse burned by the dragon's breath inside the prison trembled violently, the dark flesh peeled off the surface of the corpse, and the corpse witch king with death energy all over his body stood up.

"With the power of the Divine Item, I can use the lesser dragon corpse in the ice prison to create an army of undead." Rhodes explained, "But, want to deal with the dragon slaying hero, the undead The number of creatures is far from enough, and without the cover of those giant dragons, I can't compete with that Legendary hero."

"If you simply compete for spellcasting ability, neither I nor you are the Tu Tu. The opponent of the Dragon Hero, and he has to go to the home field of Mage, it is even more difficult to defeat him, and it is not an exaggeration to describe it as bringing about one's own destruction."

General Inota She leaned down slightly, and it was difficult to see her emotions in her skeleton-like face, but her hand was still holding Rhodes' cloak tightly without any intention of loosening it.

Rhodes was helpless. After the last battle, the dragon slayer must have been prepared for the effect of the Titan's arrow, and there was an impossible chance like the last time.

If Rhodes has the Legendary rank, with the blessing of two Divine Items, he may be able to fight the dragon slayer hero head-on, but now, Rhodes' various methods are difficult to work on that hero. .

"You mean that as long as there are enough corpses, you can create an army that is enough to compete with that mage, right?" Beside, Yusia, who had not spoken for a long time, turned towards the mage. Rhodes asked.

"Yes," Rhodes replied affirmatively.

"Follow me, I'll take you to a place." Yusia said solemnly.

Rhodes was a little puzzled, and just as he was about to ask a question, Yusia's huge body took the lead in taking action, heading away from the ice prison.

Seeing this, Rhodes and Inota looked at each other and followed closely behind.

(end of this chapter)

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