
  Chapter 1355 Eve's choice

Eve took a deep look at Hakashi Road, He didn't expect it, Hakka Xilu even came up with this kind of tactic.

"In order to avenge the undead mage, I have involved too many innocent creatures. I don't want to hurt another elf who trusts me. Is there any other way to do it without hurting Fiat? Under the circumstances, Enron can defuse this riot?"

Ever's question came from his ear, Hakashilu thought for a while, and replied, "There is indeed another way, but this method is more complicated. A lot."

"I'm never afraid of trouble, tell me how to do it." Eve said in a flat tone.

"Yes. As far as I know, the source of the riots of the dwarves this time was a dwarf named Moyas. Because of the injustice that Moyas suffered, after the riots started, he was among the dwarves. With a high status, he has become the leader of all the dwarves in the city."

"Moyas?" Eve seemed to recall something, "You mean the one who survived from the undead mage. The dwarf? I heard Jenny mention him."

"It's the dwarf. As long as they can deal with Moyas's problems and defuse the reason why the dwarves started this riot, those dwarves have no reason to Continue to make trouble."

"Unless the Fiat is handed over, otherwise, the dwarf will not give up." Yves sighed, "I know what hatred feels like, the impossible is easily resolved. "

However, Hakka Xilu looked at the head: "We don't have to deal with the hatred on Moyas, we just need to deal with him directly."

"You are Do you mean... assassination?" Eve asked uncertainly, "This is not a good idea, not to mention whether there is a jungle Guardian secretly protecting him, how to resolve the negative impact of assassination? Exciting dwarves will not stop the riots just like that.”

“Of course it’s not assassination.”

Looking at the slightly puzzled Yves in front of him, Hakashilu’s face is full of expressions With a bright smile.

"We will find a way to change the reason for Moyas' riot, completely change his image in the eyes of other dwarves, and solve the problem from the root cause."

"Specifically What's the method?" Eve asked calmly, his expression unchanged.

"According to the current view of the dwarves in the city, Moyas is a poor dwarf who was attacked by the undead mage and treated unfairly by the elves. What we have to do is to find a way to shape Moyas into a By fair means or foul's ambitious, riots are just a means to his goals, all his experiences are lies, so that he can change other dwarves' perceptions of him."

In the words of Hakashilu Full of confidence, it seems that everything is within her grasp.

"Those dwarves won't believe the words of the elves at this time." Eve questioned: "No matter how we slander his reputation or deny his experience, those dwarves will not Believe it."

"Naturally, it's impossible to do this with elves alone." Hakashilu explained at a moderate pace: "But what if there are different voices among the dwarves?"

"Before the riot, Moyas spent some time in the tavern in the city. Many dwarves there knew him. After the riot, the dwarves in the tavern were the least likely. Trusting his experience, we can contact the dwarves in the tavern."

Yvere frowned deeply: "Why do you think that the dwarves in the tavern will definitely help us, even more how is help Are we dealing with their kin?"

"In fact, it was the dwarves in the tavern who took the initiative to contact me." Hakashilu explained: "One of these dwarves is the same as one of my former dwarves. His subordinates are old, and more importantly, he dislikes the current Moyas very much, and is willing to take the initiative to help us."

"Is this dwarf credible?"

"I dispatched an elite member of the team to monitor him at all times. From the current point of view, his performance is not any problem." Fu said solemnly: "It seems that you have already arranged all this. Even if I fail to rush back to the quiet city, you can successfully defuse the riots at this time."

Hakashi Road laughed, no Answer Eve's words.

"Do you think I'm praising you?" Eve's face turned gloomy, "Look at the means you use, either sacrificing innocent companions or slandering dwarves who are also suffering. Is that what the elves should use? Hakashilu! When did you become like this!"

Ever's anger came from his ears, and Hakashilu panicked and knelt down immediately Falling to the ground: "Lord Yve, I'm all for your sake. If I want to defuse the dwarves' riot, I have to use these methods..."

In the end, in Hakashilu's words With a bit of choking, she bent down completely and tried to kiss the instep of Yves. However, her figure was firmly grasped by one thing, which was the arm belonging to Yves.

Seeing Hakashilu make such a move, Yves immediately bent down and raised his hand to help her up.

"I don't mean to blame you." Gently wiped away the tears on Hakashilu's face, Yves sighed, "It's just that this is my fault, whether it's Fiat or That dwarf can't bear it for me."

"I can understand the pain in the heart of that dwarf, how much he wants the undead mage and the elf traitor to be punished, if not desperate, he will also Wouldn't have started this riot...If I had contacted him earlier, maybe this wouldn't have happened."

Hakkaxilu heart startled: "You...you're going to disclose about Fiat Everything..."

"No...not yet when the time comes." Eve closed his eyes and said slowly: "My revenge hasn't been avenged yet, and that undead mage is still a deep threat. I can't just accept the punishment for the whole of Eli."

"When I first met him, he was just a Swordsman with some undead spells, but now he's the mage of all undead mage. The leader, holds the real Divine Item in his hands. If he is not dealt with as soon as possible, I cannot predict how his strength will grow, it will be a deep catastrophe for the entire world.”

"Rhodes..." said the name angrily, and flames seemed to condense in Eve's opened eyes.

"Just do it the second way." Looking at Hakashi Road in front of him, Yves said solemnly: "Although I'm sorry for the dwarf, it's impossible, wait until everything is over. , I will definitely plead guilty to the upper council, but now, the threat of the undead mage has not been lifted, and what Eli needs most is internal stability, so that the riot cannot spread further."

"I obey you. order." Hakka Xilu said softly.

(end of this chapter)

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