
  Chapter 1336 Naagh's

was released from the Transmission Gate, and Rhodes returned to the main plane.

Would you carry out the transformation of the undead creatures with the feeling of being enslaved forever, or carry out the impossible tasks with a glimmer of hope in the heart, which method would be more conducive to the actions of Death Knight, Rhodes thinks it should be the latter.

After handing over the transformation task in the Water Element plane to his two Death Knights, Rhodes stopped thinking about the situation over there and focused on his own environment.

At this point, Rhodes returned to the place where the Vala was sent off at first, by the river outside the Emerald City.

As soon as he returned to the main plane, before he could rest for a moment, Rhodes received a message from spiritual imprint in his mind.

Inspecting the information contained in the spiritual imprint, Rhodes was taken aback for a moment. To his surprise, the one who passed the information to him through the spiritual imprint turned out to be Naagh, who had not seen each other for a long time.

Since Rhodes used the effect of Divine Grade Soul Evocation Technique to transform the two Lichs, they have been cooperating with them in Eri. Unexpectedly, Naagh, one of the Lichs, suddenly found him.

I don't understand the reason for Naagh's visit, but since he came here at this time, Rhodes naturally won't ignore it.

Soon, Rhodes returned to the re-established interior chamber in the Emerald City, where he met Naagh, who had been waiting there for a long time.

In terms of appearance, Naagh and Rhodes are very similar. They are both fleshless skeletons. It is difficult to distinguish the difference between the two just by looking at the skeleton.

The difference between the two is that Naagh's robe is blue and black, and his clothes are extremely neat. Rhodes, whether it is the robe or the large cloak behind him, is pure black in appearance. The cloak looked extremely worn.

"Meet again, the owner of Divine Item, Rhodes." Seeing Rhodes appear, Naagh was the first to speak.

Due to the existence of spiritual imprint, Naagh at this time had no way to refuse any orders from Rhodes, so he had to put down his posture.

Looking at Naagh in front of him, Rhodes was keenly aware of the abnormality in him, his breath was not stable, the black mist around him no longer shrouded him, and he was much weaker than before. More importantly, the Naagh in front of him is just a mirror image condensed with spell.

"I don't remember ordering you to come see me. Also, where is your real body? Just sent a mirror image here. Did you take me seriously?"

Looking at Naagh in front of him, Rhodes whispered, but there was an unoffensive majesty in his words, as if Naagh would be punished by Rhodes if he did not give an explanation to Rhodes' satisfaction.

Faced with Rhodes' questioning, Naagh opened his jawbone and revealed a grotesque smile: "I turned up without being invited this time because I got extremely important information, I think, You must be interested in this information."

"oh?" Rhodes was slightly interested in hearing what Naagh said, "Tell me what information you want to report."

"Your identity has been revealed," Naagh replied without hesitation.

"What do you mean?" Rhodes demanded, "Which of my identities was revealed?"

"Of course, the identity of the Divine Item holder."

Rhodes' expression changed when he heard Naagh's words.

"The mage of Bracada deduced your identity, knew that you were the source of the unrest of the undead mage, and told this information to all creatures of other forces."


Seeing that Rhodes fell into silence and did not reply for a long time, Naagh said solemnly: "Are you curious, how did Bracada's mage figure out your identity? Then you have to ask yourself I didn't know that you were the champion of the last potion competition. Those in the Magic Guild have long since recorded your deeds in the heart."

"Many mages have confirmed it. Your existence, among which is included, is a hero who has risen from the dead. Even the Prophet of Brakada made a prophecy for you, which confirms the identity of your Divine Item holder."

From Naagh's words, Rhodes once again heard about the existence of prophets. The powers of prophets are even more unpredictable than ordinary Legendary mage. good thing.

As for the hero who came back from the dead, Rhodes didn't have to think about who it was. From the witchcraft of the blind witch, Rhodes witnessed the scene of Durken's resurrection.

"How did you know this? Did the news spread so fast?"

Rhodes solemnly asked, feeling a little puzzled at the same time, before sending Vera away, obviously other matters were going on It was extremely smooth, and there was no possibility of revealing his identity. He never thought that Rhodes had received such news just after returning from the Water Element plane.

What worries Rhodes the most is his enemies. Do the Eri creatures know this information?

"I'm not a Lich who has just been promoted like Modo, I have my own way of gathering intelligence." Naagh explained: "Perhaps my strength is not the most Peak among many Lichs, but In intelligence gathering, I must be the best at it, even if it is what happened in Bracada, I can quickly know."

"The mage of Bracada will be related to The news of your identity has informed the humans of Erathia, and this has already spread in Erathia. As for Eri, except for a few very high-identity beings, other creatures may not know it, but it will not last long, borrowing As the Thief Guild spreads, the entire continent will know this."

Naagh's words, far from comforting Rhodes at this time, made Rhodes feel more troublesome.

In Erathia, there are not only human beings, but also those extremely powerful angels. Once the identity of the Divine Item holder is revealed, it will not be long before Rhodes will be besieged by those angels.

Apart from this, when the top management of Eri heard the news, they would also send the most elite assassin to attack Rhodes, in order to completely disintegrate the crisis of this time.

Even with all the precautions, the attack from the assassin is still disturbing. Rhodes was more worried about Rowlin and others in Sau City than his own safety.

The aftermath of the battle of the Legendary creatures alone is enough to destroy a town and wipe out all the creatures that exist in it. Even Rhodes would not like this to happen in his own territory. .

For this reason, Rhodes has always tried his best to avoid revealing the identity of the Divine Item holder. Unfortunately, what Rhodes has done still leaves traces.

When Bracada's mage combines the various traces left by Rhodes, Rhodes' identity is naturally exposed, not to mention that in those mages, there are prophets who can clearly understand everything.

(end of this chapter)

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