
  Chapter 1314 Search

Keep moving towards the interior of the cave, after crossing the open area ahead, it is very Quick, something different appeared in front of Rhodes.

On both sides of the road, there are separate cells, and the frontmost room is full of various torture instruments, which are covered with traces of dark red.

Recalling what she had noticed from the female mage's consciousness, Rhodes knew that the prison built on the cliff was for those who betrayed the will of the god of mage on the island.

Judging from the dark bloodstains on the walls of the cell and these carefully forged torture instruments, the creatures imprisoned here will never feel better.

Even in the real Brakada, the exposed witches and undead mage will only be expelled, not imprisoned and punished. Inside the island, Much more brutal at this point.

As he passed the prisons on both sides, Rhodes looked at the middle of the prison at will. There were no creatures in the prison, and he did not know whether the creatures were brought to the depths of the prison by the mage on the island, or here. Originally it was empty.

Rhodes noticed that there were unknown reptiles everywhere in the cell, and there were still excrement residues in it, and no one had cleaned it up for some time. Rhodes' body at this time, although he couldn't smell any odor, But you can also imagine what kind of odor it will have in the prison.

Recalling the ice prison where Rhodes once lived, Rhodes can simply compare the general environment to know which side is better. At least in the ice prison built by giant dragon, the internal environment is still clean and tidy. Such a situation arises.

Among the prisons, Rhodes is most concerned about the special ceremony that exists inside each cell and below the ground.

Through his keen perception, Rhodes discovered traces of ceremony under the ground, and there are such ceremony in almost every cell.

The function of the ceremony is to continuously absorb the mana of the creatures in the cell until the creatures in the cell have no mana remaining.

At the same time, the constant flow of mana is also an extremely serious disturbance to mage itself. In this state, mage cannot concentrate at all, or even meditate. , for a mage, this is undoubtedly the worst state.

Rhodes was not surprised by noticing the existence of ceremony in the cell, which was also in line with Rhodes' judgment on Kane's state. Rhodes would be surprised if there were no restrictions in the cell where the sorcerer was imprisoned.

Continuing to walk for a distance, messy voices came from the front, and at the same time, human silhouettes began to appear in the cells on both sides of Rhodes.

Noticing the appearance of Rhodes, especially his skeleton appearance that is completely different from all the mage on the island, the creatures imprisoned in the cell have different expressions.

Someone walked past the front of the cell, ignoring Rhodes, not caring what was going on, some curled up with fear in their eyes, and another grabbed the railings of the cell and yelled at Rhodes who passed by.

Regardless of how these people reacted, Rhodes responded with the same action, which was to cover their bodies with a dark cloud, making them one of the undead creatures.

I don't need the help of these people. What Rhodes needs more is to transform them all into undead creatures and let them serve themselves in the form of undead creatures.

Not only the prisons on both sides, but after sensing the aura of the living, Rhodes went all-out to the depths of the prison, releasing the cloud of death that belonged to him.

The dark cloud filled the entire prison in an instant. Under Rhodes' control, the cloud of death continued to spread, and only one of the cells was avoided, which belonged to Kane. prison cell.

The corpse witch kings took shape in the cells on either side of Rhodes' body.

Through the control of Ghost King's cloak, the Witch King beside Rhodes quickly stepped forward, broke the door locks of each cell, and released the Witch King in the cells.

At the end, as the cloud of death spreads, the creatures hiding here cannot escape the fate of being eroded by the dark cloud.

In the system log, the EXP column kept beating, showing Rhodes the harvest of his trip, but Rhodes didn't care about it. At this time, Rhodes stopped outside a cell.

Looking towards the inside of the cell, the creature in it is the Death Knight belonging to Rhodes, Kane.

Kane's condition is not as bad as Rhodes imagined. His body is relatively intact and there is no trace of torture on his body.

It belongs to Death Knight's body and can't feel any pain. A torture tool that is useful to ordinary people is not worth mentioning in front of Death Knight. This may be the reason why Kane's figure is still intact at this time.

Rhodes noticed that Kane was lying on a pile of straw mats. Kane did not respond to his arrival. He seemed to have lost his consciousness.

The body of the Death Knight enables Kane to maintain a motionless state for a long time, neither needing to eat nor breathe, and his body exudes a kind of death, which looks like he has died a long time ago Don't know how long in general.

Looking at Kane in this state, if it wasn't for Rhodes who could feel the existence of the spiritual imprint, even Rhodes himself couldn't confirm whether he really died long ago.

After waving the Titan's arrow in his hand and slashing the door lock of the cell, Rhodes entered it and came to Kane's side.

As soon as he entered the cell, Rhodes felt that the mana in his body was showing signs of being out of control, and it was rapidly flowing to the outside world. For a time, the entire cell was filled with extremely pure death. energy.

Coming to Kane, Rhodes pushed his body, but got no response.

From Kane's body, Rhodes felt a very special force, this force made Kane fall into a deep silence, and he wanted to wake up Kane in this state, Rhodes may also It takes some effort.

The silent Kane's consciousness is not chaotic, it belongs to Kane's consciousness, and it is more like being trapped in an illusion.

Seeing that Kane showed no sign of reviving for a while, Rhodes pondered for a while, then walked out of the cell, and then issued an order with spiritual imprint.

Due to the special ceremony that exists in the prison, Rhodes will naturally not stay in the prison for a long time. If you want to check the abnormality of Kane, Rhodes also needs to do it outside.

Under Rhodes' order, several corpse witch kings quickly came to the cell and carried Kane, who was lying on the straw mat, to the corridor outside the cell.

Putting his hand on top of Kane's head, Rhodes made his own consciousness into Kane's body and began to investigate the abnormality inside Kane's body.

(end of this chapter)

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