
  Chapter 1308 Bidirectional Monument

Looking at this chill sculpture belonging to the god of mage, Rhodes a Time is a bit ecstatic.

While Rhodes was contemplating matters related to spirit strength, Vera was at his side.

Seeing that Rhodes didn't move for a long time, Vera also put his eyes on the statue, with a little doubt in his eyes: "The person on this statue... Who is he?"

"Don't you know him?" Glancing at Vera, Rhodes said simply: "He is Gwen Magnus, the god of mage in Bracada."

"I've heard about him, so he looks like this," Vera said immediately when Rhodes mentioned the name.

Without answering Vera's words, Rhodes waved his hand casually and looked away.

Thanks to the existence of the magic guild, almost all sorcerers have heard of the deeds of the god of mage.

Besides Bracada, those sorcerers who go to the Magic Guild to learn magic in remote areas may not know who the current leader of the Magic Guild is, but they must have heard the name of the god of mage.

In the most glorious era of Bracada, the god of mage once became the benchmark for all sorcerers, and his name resounded throughout the continent. He was the only recorded Divine Rank creature, even now , his name will not be so forgotten.

Because of this, Rhodes is not particularly interested in Vera's words. He may just hear it, knowing the deeds of the god of mage. What really makes Rhodes care about is the purity contained in the statue. spirit strength.

The mage of the entire island, the spirit strength left by prayers for so many years, is undoubtedly a great harvest. For Rhodes, the importance of these spirit strengths even exceeds that of Death Knight Kane.

With the pure spirit strength in the statue, Rhodes has the opportunity to greatly increase his strength. Maybe the current Rhodes will not use the spirit strength in the statue for the time being, but there will always be a way to use it later.

Under Rhodes' cue, the corpse witches in human form began to gather near the statue. For such an important statue, Rhodes naturally ordered the undead creatures to protect it to avoid any accidents.

What makes Rhodes puzzled is whether these mages on the island know that the inside of the statue has the function of storing spirit strength. It is obviously impossible for ordinary statues to achieve this level. This statue must pass through. special treatment.

Apart from this, Rhodes would like to know who made such a statue, and why it collects spirit strength, which is not something ordinary mage can do.

Once it erupts, it can wipe out the spirit strength of the entire island. It is not something that can be collected casually, and it can only be done by the prayers of the mages day and night.

In Rhodes' impression, when he came to the Water Element plane, which belonged to the gathering place of the Mage in Brakada, although there were also statues of the god Mage, those statues did not have The ability to store spirit strength.

Just when Rhodes was in doubt, he suddenly received a message from the undead creatures in the spiritual imprint. It seemed that the undead creatures on the island had something special to discover.

Under the guidance of the spiritual imprint, Rhodes no longer waited, and immediately walked towards the location where the anomaly occurred. Seeing this, Vera immediately followed.

It wasn't long before Rhodes stopped in front of a large dark arch.

The whole arch is gray and white, and there are holes at the top where small things can be embedded, but now there is nothing.

The ground around the arch is overgrown with weeds. It seems that no one has cleaned up the area for a long time. This area has obviously been abandoned for a long time. this area.

Mage's knowledge allows Rhodes to see the function of this arch at a glance. It is a teleportation monument used in cross-domain space, and it is not an ordinary type of one-way teleportation monument, which belongs to a higher level. two-way monument.

The good texture of the teleportation monument makes it not easy to fail no matter how long it has passed. Although it seems that the place has been abandoned, Rhodes deeply understands that as long as the space is calibrated and embedded in the teleportation monument. At the top, the huge teleportation monument in front of you can immediately play a role and connect the space somewhere.

Involving the spanning of the plane, ordinary space calibration cannot make the teleportation monument in front of you effective. Only the highest quality space gems can reactivate the teleportation monument.

After searching the mines around the Emerald City, Rhodes at this time happens to have the highest quality space gems. In other words, if Rhodes wants to, he can now make the teleportation monument take effect again.

In the face of the two-way teleportation monument leading to the unknown space, Rhodes will naturally not try it rashly. Even if he carries the space gem, Rhodes has no plan to activate the teleportation monument now. Who knows the teleportation monument? What kind of space is connected to the rear, and what kind of creatures exist in it?

In Rhodes' view, the space most likely to be connected by this teleportation monument is undoubtedly the former Bracada, which is also the hometown of mage on the island.

Judging from the degree of abandonment of the two-way monument, it seems that those mages have not been in contact with the mages of Bracada for a long time.

In addition to Brakada, the two-way monument may also connect to other areas. Before the two-way monument is actually activated, no one knows what space exists behind it.

Upon seeing the abandoned teleportation monument here, Rhodes realized a serious problem.

Since discovering the existence of land in the Water Element plane, Rhodes subconsciously regards this island as the mage of Bracada in the Water Element plane in the previous game. The established gathering place, named after the god of mage in the tome of Bracada, is called the Isle of Gwen.

On Gwen Island, there is a two-way monument that never closes, the Water Element magic is prosperous to the extreme, and at the same time, there are traces of the fourth expansion piece.

With the end of the battle, when the whole picture of the island was revealed in front of Rhodes' eyes little by little, Rhodes realized that his thoughts had been deviated from the very beginning, and this was not what Rhodes expected at all. Gwen Island, but also raised from the mage of Bracada, an island never heard of before, and still has a statue of the god of mage on it.

Upon discovering this, Rhodes pondered deeply and realized that the island might not be as simple as he thought.

in the heart silently wrote down the location of the two-way teleportation monument. At this time, Rhodes did not intend to conduct in-depth research on the two-way teleportation monument. He still had more important things to deal with.

(end of this chapter)

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