
  Chapter 1304 Frost

As the words fell, Rhodes waved the blade in his hand, jumping Lightning, instantly shot in front of Legendary mage.

The special Plane Rule in the Water Element plane will suppress all other spells. Even if Rhodes relies on the power of the Divine Item to release the Titan's Arrow, this spell cannot cause full damage.

Even so, the effect of the Titan's Arrow is still powerful. If it can hit the Legendary mage directly in front of it, it can be severely damaged in an instant. No matter how powerful the spellcasting ability of the Legendary mage is, it cannot change its own physical weakness. fact.

At this point, the magician who can strengthen his body in various ways is undoubtedly much stronger than the orthodox mage. Compared with the orthodox mage, the magician who has mastered all kinds of strange secret techniques has a stronger survivability.

In the face of the Titan's arrow, Legendary mage's expression remained unchanged, while the blue robe on his body shook, a thick ice wall instantly condensed in front of her, and even protected her behind. other mage.

The Titan's arrow hit this thick ice wall, but it didn't break the ice wall. It just left a small pit on it, causing the broken ice to scatter.

Rhodes saw the Legendary mage's actions in his eyes, and saw that she did not intend to cast a spell to counterattack, but stayed where she was, waiting for the next spell to arrive.

"Fallen sorcerer, is this your most powerful spell?" Legendary mage said coldly.

Looking at the Legendary mage, Rhodes coldly snorted.

From her body, Rhodes felt a special battle method. She should be good at using spells for defense to ensure her own safety, rather than actively casting spells to attack.

Defending through spells allows the attackers to release more powerful spells, while consuming more mana, and eventually depleting their own mana, which is a suitable battle method, which is also an orthodox mage Favorite battle method.

Especially in the Water Element plane, due to the blessing of the Plane Rule, the Water Element magic, which is good at defending, has a much stronger effect than normal release. The suppression of other types of magic elements will invisibly cause the attacker to consume more mana.

The Legendary mage in front of me is good at this aspect. Water Element magic itself is not suitable for violent attacks.

Unfortunately, under the action of the Titan's arrow, the Legendary mage's defense is destined to be ineffective.

With the help of the power of Divine Item, Rhodes can release the special spell by swinging his sword without consuming any mana. The idea of ​​the Legendary mage was wrong from the very beginning.

Continuously waving the blade in his hand, the lightning of the silver was almost connected in a straight line, constantly strikings above the ice wall raised by the Legendary mage.

Meanwhile, Rhodes raised his other hand, unleashing a massive cloud of death.

A dark cloud spewed out from before Rhodes, enveloping the Legendary mage in the blink of an eye.

Facing Rhodes' offensive, Legendary mage raised his hand, and a strong cyclone instantly rose with her as the center, covering several mages behind him.

The cyclone mixed with frost and Icicle just swirled around her. The dark cloud couldn't get close to half a minute, so it was blown away first. In front of her, there was a thick ice wall for protection. , Under the layers of protection, it seems that no means of attack can threaten her.

Above the sea monster, Vera is staring at the situation on the field, this level of battle, Vera has been difficult to intervene, the only thing he can do is to face all around the weak Creatures release clouds of death.

While the frost cyclone continued to rotate, two huge tentacles suddenly penetrated the cyclone's barrier and rushed towards it.

The Icicle, which originally rotated with the cyclone and could easily split everything in it, seemed to have lost all its efficacy when facing the strong tentacles of the sea monster, and even a trace of scars could not penetrate the tentacles. surface left.

Sensing the approach of danger, Legendary mage quickly raised her hand, trying to cast a spell to block the tentacle's advance.

The frost spreads continuously on the tentacles of the sea monster. The extremely low temperature can freeze the flesh and blood of all creatures and make the body of the creature lose consciousness, but it can't have any effect on the sea monster at all.

The ability of the sea monster's magic resistance, in this brief moment, once again showed its advantages, any level of spell, it is difficult to cause damage to the body of the sea monster itself.

This characteristic of sea monsters is also the main reason why Rhodes deliberately transformed them into traditional undead creatures instead of using the power of Divine Item.

Unable to use the power of spell to stop the tentacles of the sea monster, Legendary mage can only reinforce the surrounding ice wall in an attempt to resist the advance of the tentacles.

However, the target of the sea monster tentacles, from the very beginning, was not the Legendary mage. The tentacles flexibly circumvented the ice wall in front, and then wrapped around the two high-level mages at the back.

Under the entanglement of the tentacles of the sea monster, these high-level mages hurriedly cast spells to resist, but they could not stop the tentacles from moving forward. They were instantly rolled up by the tentacles and then strangled.

Rhodes noticed that, perhaps because of the lack of battles, the mage on the island is much worse than the mage in the main plane, in terms of spellcasting skills and spell types. , they simply cannot exert the strength corresponding to the rank.

Before that, there were already quite a few Legendary mages who died in the hands of Rhodes. Compared with them, the strength of this Legendary mage on the island was undoubtedly much worse.

After destroying the high-level mage behind, the tentacles continue to roll towards the Legendary mage in the middle.

As a last resort, the Legendary mage could only raise bursts of ice and completely cover his body, in order to avoid the same fate as the previous high-level mages.

The tentacles of the sea monster are constantly beating on the ice outside the Legendary mage. Apart from this, the sea monster will also stretch more tentacles into the cyclone composed of frost, and it will soon be a blink of an eye. Cover this layer of ice.

Seeing this situation, Legendary mage no longer hesitated, and immediately cast teleportation, ready to escape from the predicament.

Feeling the unique space fluctuation of teleportation, Rhodes holding the blade saw a dive light flashed in his eyes. He had been waiting for this opportunity for a long time.

Momentary movement, according to the type of spell, also belongs to Water Element magic. When in the Water Element plane, Rhodes' ability to cast this spell has been greatly improved. This is in the The effect that the main plane cannot achieve.

As the Legendary mage vanished from the ice that enveloped her, Rhodes also vanished from the sea monster.

Next moment, Rhodes and Legendary mage appear in the same position, the blade in Rhodes' hand has also penetrated Legendary mage's chest from behind.

(end of this chapter)

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