
  Chapter 1186 The Quiet City

After walking out of the tent, Moyas came to this place. In a completely unfamiliar town, right now, he must find a leader with sufficient identity in this unfamiliar area and report the situation to him.

Walking through the quiet city, Moyas looked around and saw a large number of creatures coming and going in the city, and there was even a dwarf who couldn't name it. Different types of creatures gather here, but they are in harmony with each other.

The secluded city far away from the strife, even though there are a large number of creatures escaping the war, the beauty in it has not been shattered by their arrival.

After learning the news that the undead mage came to invade, most of the creatures in Eri were sent by the mage to use the space spell to evacuate to the safe town behind, in the quiet city at this time. , is such a scene.

During the journey, many dwarves met on the road, and they took the initiative to say hello to Moyas. The elves who originally lived here also cast a kind gaze, and groups of fairies were flying in the air. Fluttering the wings of butterflies that were larger than their bodies brought a burst of fragrance, and the city was filled with a peaceful scene.

However, for all this, Moyas only had a moment of worry in his heart. Under the beauty, it is difficult to cover up the approaching crisis. Those undead mage will not care about everything in front of them, but will only destroy everything in front of them and replace them with decaying undead.

By asking other dwarves in the city, Moyas also got a lot of useful information. At this moment, there is unimaginable unity among the dwarves for his companions far away.

From another dwarf, Moyas learned that in the quiet city, the existence with the highest status is the City Lord Aiwo who is in charge of managing this place.

Aiwo has a prominent identity, comes from an ancient family in Eri, has a very noble bloodline, and can decide the big and small matters in the city, but for the information provided by Moyas, I can't immediately deal with it, I can only think about it. Ways to report and alert other creatures near the border.

In addition to Aiwo, there is another group of elves stationed near the quiet city, who are not under the control of Aiwo, and are responsible for guarding the safety of the creatures in the city.

From the dwarves in the city, Moyas learned that this elf force is called "Kill the Undead", which belongs to an important branch of the Jungle Guardian. It is led by a Legendary hero. The undead mage who came to invade is fighting to protect the safety of various creatures in Eri.

It is said that until now, the elves belonging to the undead slaying army are all near the border, fighting against the evil undead mage from Dia. This army has become a sharp blade for Eli's resistance.

To deal with the undead mage, killing the undead army will not have any mercy. All creatures that have been confirmed to be related to the undead mage also belong to the object of this army.

Moyas chose to report the information of the elf traitor, more because he hoped that the elf traitor would be punished and give an account to the dead clansman.

It is foreseeable that the village where Moyas lives will never be the only victim of the elf traitor. Once he is allowed to reveal the information, I am afraid there will be more innocent creatures. Died at the hands of the undead mage.

Report the traitor's news to City Lord Aiwo, although it can ensure the safety of other creatures on the border, but it cannot punish the traitor. The undead army in front of me is capable of doing to this point.

Apart from this, Moyas also got a lot of information from Fried in his heart. Moyas learned that when he was released, Freed was left underground in the village by the undead mage and was undergoing treasure treatment.

The only thing that can save Fried from the undead mage at this juncture is to kill the undead army, and Moyas clearly understands this.

After learning this information, Moyas made a decision in the heart. He wanted to report the news of the elf traitor to the undead army. As for City Lord Aiwo, Moya Si will also inform the news, but to the back.

When Moyas asked a dwarf for information on killing the undead army, the dwarf who was asked showed a rare look of awe, but Moyas didn't care about it.

According to the guidance of the dwarves in the city, Moyas went all the way, and finally came to the outside of the station where the undead troops were killed.

What appeared in front of Moyas was a lot of elves dressed in strange clothes. They did not choose green, which is similar to the overall environment of the forest and easy to hide their whereabouts, as the main color of their clothes, but chose green. Black, which symbolizes unknown and death, can be recognized at a glance.

At first glance, looking at these special elves, Moyas thought he had gone to the wrong place. It was not until he confirmed it again and again that he realized that this was the location of the undead corps.

"Stop your steps, ignorant dwarf, this is not a place you can enter."

Going outside the station, Moyas, who was trying to enter it, immediately He was questioned by the elf guard.

He was also dressed in black armor, and even his leather armor was dyed pitch black. The elf guard didn't mean to punish Moyas, but urged him to leave quickly.

"I have some important information that I need to report to the officers here. It is related to the battle in Eri."

Seeing Moyas' serious expression, there was no joke in his words, The elf guards outside the station also realized that this matter is no trivial matter, and it is not something he can call the shots.

No longer blocking Moyas' entry, the elf guard pointed out to Moyas where he should go. Soon, another elf guard who learned of this time and dressed in the same way stepped forward. , which leads Moyas to the central area of ​​the station.

On the way, Moyas looked around and saw the situation in the entire station in his eyes. The elves in it all had the strength of the fourth rank or above, even the big elves above the fifth rank. , also can be seen everywhere .

Relying on the innate talent of the elves and their long life, the promotion of rank is not a difficult task, and in this process, the elves do not even need to pay any extra cost.

At this time, these elves with higher rank are undergoing training items, preparing for the battlefield in the future.

Going deep into the station, a faint fishy smell permeated all around, Moyas faintly felt something abnormal, but the expression of the elf guard on the side did not change at all, thinking that he had become accustomed to this.

Moyas felt familiar with the fishy smell in the space. It came from the smell of blood in the body of living creatures.

(end of this chapter)

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