
  Chapter 1180 Begging

Hearing Fiat's words, Rhodes felt a little bit in his heart for the two dwarves in front of him. There has been some interest, especially regarding treasure forging, after which Rhodes had been searching for a scholar with this ability for a long time without any success.

Through his own observation, Rhodes noticed that the rank of these two dwarves is not high, only the third rank level, not at the level of formal professionals, far from being able to fight Rhodes. Posing any threat, Rhodes is a level higher than the dwarves in front of him.

Behind these two dwarves, darkness has completely shrouded the underground space. Except for them, no dwarves can survive under the spreading death cloud. They are the only remaining ones in the underground space. Two dwarves.

"I can give you a chance to live." Looking at the two dwarves in front of him, Rhodes said with interest, but in the deepest part of his eyes, there was still an unconcealed coldness. , "But the premise is that I need you to handle a treasure for me."

What attracts Rhodes' attention on these two dwarves is naturally their ability in forging, and the undead mage will not deliberately study it. This kind of thing, in the past, if you wanted to find a Forging Master with this ability, you could only find a way from the scholar of Brakada. These two dwarves were also the only Forging Masters Rhodes had contact with during this period of time.

Rhodes is not worried that the two dwarves will reject his proposal, and believes that under the threat of death, as long as they recognize the current situation, even the stubborn dwarves will change their original ideas.

Hearing Rhodes' this remark, the younger dwarf showed obvious anger, but after noticing the large number of corpse witches around, he finally said nothing and turned to look at him. Fiat, who was beside him, focused his anger on the elf.

Compared with this young dwarf, Fried looked much more stable, his brows furrowed deeply, as if he was thinking about Rhodes' words, his expression was a little moved.

"I advise you not to have any other ideas, Moyas." Seeing the young dwarf staring at him, Fiat felt a little unnatural, "Agree to Lord Rhodes' request, this is you The best choice that can be made."

Facing Fiat's persuasion, the dwarf known as Moyas's face was even more resentful, he moved towards the ground beside him and spat, said solemnly :

"Traitors will never end well."

According to the various concealment methods made by the dwarf villages, those undead mage in Dia, after discovering that this place is empty, must Unexpectedly, those dwarves hid under the ground, only when these dwarves used space spell to evacuate like other creatures before that.

The only people who can know this information are the creatures in Eri, Rhodes who appeared here at this time, and Fiat, who is very respectful to him, who provided this information, even the dwarves did not. An inflexible head can also make a rough judgment.

In Moyas' eyes, Fiat is undoubtedly a complete traitor, not only taking refuge in the enemy's undead mage, but also leading the undead mage to its original compatriots. Its existence is simply a disgrace to all elves.

Moyas wanted to say something more, but seemed to sense something and finally stopped speaking.

Hearing Moyas' curse-like words, Fiat's face turned gloomy, perhaps because Rhodes was still beside him, Fiat did not dare to make any drastic actions, and just looked at the name. dwarf.

The atmosphere in the field became tense again, and it was Fried's words that eased the tense atmosphere.

"I can work for you, whether it's forging equipment, or simply dealing with treasure, I can do it, but only if you release my son, Moyas."


The pain caused by clansman's death did not ease in Fried's heart, but he had to face the choice again, whether to serve the enemy who brought all these disasters in exchange for a chance for his heir to survive, or die with the offspring.

Unlike the resentment in Moyas's heart, Fried knew that resentment couldn't solve anything and he had to face the reality in front of him.

In the heart Driven by emotions, Fried made what he thought was the most correct choice, serving the enemy in exchange for the safety of his heirs. This was also the only way he could think of when he was weak.

Through the existence of the Peeping Eye, Rhodes sensed that Fried's concern for Moyas, even his own life, was not something that could be done by disguise.

"That's not good. It's the greatest kindness to keep you alive. If it weren't for your usefulness, you would have already become an undead creature, and you're not qualified to give it to you.

" I'll talk about conditions."

Rhodes naturally would not agree to Fried's request, as he said, the current Fried is not qualified to ask for any conditions at all.

The existence of Moyas is undoubtedly the best restriction for Fried. With a hostage in hand, many things will be much more convenient. Don't worry about Fried doing any abnormality in the whole process. move.

even more how, Moyas at this time has already seen the fact that Fiat betrayed Eri, and letting him go will only spread the news. The information provided by Fiat will not matter. No use for a long time.

Even without the presence of Moyas, the Fiat offer would soon be outdated, and when news of the attack on the subterranean dwarven village spread, all Eri creatures would realize that within their A traitor appears, and subsequent intelligence will no longer be credible.

In light of the above, Rhodes would not let Moyas go, and Rhodes didn't care about the thoughts of the two dwarves.

"Great undead mage, I beg you, regardless of identity or position, just in the name of a father, please let Moyas go."

"In the In your eyes, Moyas is just an irrelevant little character. He is not good at forging. He doesn't have what you need, but he is everything to me. I can perceive all his emotions and all thoughts. It is the continuation of my life."

"I promise you that I will forge everything you ask for, and Moyas will not disclose any information, please let him go."

Moyas on the side heard Fried's remark, and felt an unspeakable emotion in his heart. The previous resentment for the undead mage brought all this in his heart. His heart gradually turned into a kind of grief. The only thing that didn't change was the resentment towards the elf beside him. If it wasn't for his move to take refuge in the undead mage, this might not have happened.

(end of this chapter)

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