
  Chapter 1149 Ehrlich

"I can feel the effect of this arm on my body The change."

Looking at Rhodes in front of him, North said, Rhodes could hear a sense of pride from his words, at this time, he had already found the fastest way to improve. way, no longer the ordinary undead mage.

"What you perceive now also stems from the power in the arm. This domain of the dead, which was researched by Legendary Lich, has now been mastered by me."

Heard Rhodes seemed to realize something at North's words, and took the initiative to ask: "Is there any memory information belonging to Erich in your mind?"

North was stunned, but still nodded: " There is indeed memory information, but most of it is related to combat, the matters are extremely trivial, there is not even a complete secret technique, and there is not much information related to Lich's life."

Feeling the promise Rhodes was silent for a while.

Perhaps due to abnormal perception, Rhodes' peeping eye can't work on North, he can only probe his basic attributes, and can't know any thoughts in his heart.

From North's words, Rhodes learned one thing, that is, at this time, he has received the consciousness of Legendary Lich, which, in Rhodes' view, does not seem to be an issue. good thing.

The emergence of Legendary Lich's consciousness also shows that its soul has not completely died out, and it is likely that there are still some soul fragments that exist in that arm.

Noth chose to replace the arm. While gaining various special abilities, it also gave the former Legendary Lich a chance. It is likely to directly occupy North's body through the connection of the arm. A true rebirth.

Thinking of this, Rhodes was silent for a while, and there was something different in the eyes he looked at North.

"I don't know what Lord Rhodes came to the Dia palace this time to deal with? He didn't come here to find me."

Rhodes shook the head: "Naturally. In order to deal with matters related to the campaign, by the way to see how you are, the abilities that belong to Legendary Lich are strange, but not to the point of shocking."

The main purpose of Rhodes' trip, It's not like he said, dealing with matters related to the battle, just to meet Rowlin's request and let Leah meet North, which has obviously been achieved at this time.

"I have a question, and Lord Rhodes must answer it for me."

Feeling the imploring meaning of North's words, Rhodes simply replied: "I can't Guarantee, what I said is correct."

North sighed, said: "Now I have no way to close the field of the dead, any creature affected by this ability, as long as it gets close to me to a certain range You can't get rid of the effect of the dead domain."

North's words were paused, and it seemed to calm the emotions in his heart, and after a while, he continued: "I want to know, who came here with you. The creature, the skeleton soldier you see under the influence of the domain, who is it?"

Rhodes' expression remained unchanged: "It's an ordinary servant."

" Is it just a waiter?"

"Yes, as you know, the interior of the castle is extremely complicated, and there is no waiter to lead it. I don't know how long it takes to walk through the castle to find this place."

"But why, when I saw it, I felt a burst of sadness, and this feeling was even stronger when it left, as if something important was leaving me..."

Recalling the original situation, North's expression suddenly collapsed, and there was no joy in his heart to prove his ability in front of Rhodes, and even his original will could not help but start to shake at this time.

"What does it matter?" Rhodes asked, "You can't hear its voice, you can't touch its body, or even imperceptible to its existence, who it is, really to you. Does it matter?"

"If you really want to know that much, you'd better ask it yourself."

After hearing Rhodes' answer, North sighed and didn't ask any further. , just answered simply: "I see."

There seemed to be unstoppable tiredness in North's expression. For a moment, Rhodes thought that he had seen that his body was completely in the same state as before. Nos, who looks like a humanoid, but returns to his original state in an instant.

"Your willpower is fading, this is not a good omen. I hope you will be able to master more abilities when I see you next time."

Finally toward the promise After explaining a few words, Rhodes didn't say anything more, and when he saw that his expression still showed no sign of improvement, he turned and left from the quiet room.

Outside the quiet room, the abilities belonging to the domain of the dead still haven't disappeared. Rhodes' body still maintains a human shape. Rhodes realizes that this may be because he has not left North too far.

In the space outside, Elsa and Kessery were talking about the Shadow City. After seeing Rhodes' appearance, Elsa in human form took the initiative to say:

"If you want to transform undead creatures, I suggest you seek the help of the undead mage. I didn't join those Lich battles, and I don't have the ability to transform any dead creatures into corpses."

Following Elsa's words, Kathryn also looked at Rhodes who appeared here. Seeing this, Rhodes just said casually: "The holder of the Divine Item can directly transform him in the quiet room. Can't you do it?"

"I know your identity, you are the holder of the Divine Item." Facing Rhodes' answer, Kathryn said sternly, "I would like to be the king of Dia. , join the battle."

Hearing Kathryn's words, Rhodes couldn't help but look at Elsa, in his impression, except for a very few people, only the real Lich , to know his identity.

"I didn't reveal your identity." Seeing Rhodes looking at herself, Elsa gave him a white look, and then said: "Your attack on the City of Shadows has already explained everything, Fortunately, all the creatures in the city are dead, but not many people know your identity."

Seeing that Rhodes did not deny this, Kathery took the initiative to say: "Those Lich, it seems that they do not welcome me on the battlefield of Erathia. On top of that, even the information of the Divine Item holder has to be withheld from me."

Rhodes could hear his resentment from Kathryl's words, so he asked:

"Aren't you going to avenge the creatures that died in the City of Shadows? Don't you think this is an offense?"

Kathery lowered his head slightly: "I'm used to Lich For the destruction of the City of Shadows, it is undoubtedly an honor for these creatures to die in the hands of the holders of the Divine Item."

Rhodes sneered and said: "Since those Lichs are not in the frontal battlefield. You are welcome, then how about you come with me and attack Eli?"

(end of this chapter)

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