
  Chapter 1142 Shift


Feeling Kathery The meaning of the words, Rhodes had no flesh and blood on his face, and there was a hint of playfulness on his face, and his face became more sinister for a while.

I saw Rhodes raised his hands to the sides, and the wide Ghost King cloak gradually unfolded with his movements, covering both sides of his figure like huge jet-black wings.

"Can't you feel my power? Such a powerful, real and beyond all power, who can punish me? Who dares to punish me?"

Looking at Rhodes with such an expression, Kessery finally couldn't hold back his anger, and was ready to liquidate against Rhodes together with the destruction of the City of Shadows.

"You've been lost in the power. I don't know how many undead mage like you have seen, and I don't know how many have been destroyed."

Rhodes sneered: "As long as You can give it a shot, you think, but think about the consequences, and I don't mind the replacement of the king of Dia."

The energy of death emanated from Rhodes again, adding another dimension to it. In an eerie imposing manner, all around darkened. At this time, Rhodes still had more than half of his mana remaining, and the undead Legion controlled by Kathery could not pose any threat to him.

With just a few words, the atmosphere in the field immediately rose with swords drawn and bows bent, and a big battle seemed to break out.

Seeing Rhodes showing such an attitude, Kathery naturally wouldn't say much, under his control, the undead Legion began to act, ready to attack Rhodes.

In the city behind, a large number of corpse witches gradually poured out, ready to fight with the skeleton warriors in front, and what appeared in front of Rhodes at this time was already the most elite conventional battle strength in Dia.

Just as the battle was about to break out, a space fluctuation broke the balance in the field. Rhodes noticed that a silhouette he had seen and left a deep impression on appeared between him and Kathryl. between.

Looking at the silhouette that appeared, Kathryn gestured to it nodded to express his respect: "Immortal Aisha, you are here at the right time, please follow me to deal with the situation in front of you. Enemy."

Appearing in front of Rhodes' eyes was exactly Aisha he had seen in the Lich meeting, one of the immortal Lichs, and whose attitude was biased towards the royal family of Dia, appeared at this time On the battlefield, it is obvious that he intends to intervene.

Thinking of Elsa's attitude towards herself, Rhodes realized that Elsa, who suddenly appeared here, obviously doesn't have any good intentions. It is very likely to help Kathryn and deal with herself together.

Even so, Rhodes still has no fear in his heart. These enemies in front of him are not in his eyes. The spell cast by Lich has been taught by Rhodes before, and there is no real Legendary mage. powerful.

However, Elsa's next words were beyond Rhodes' expectations and completely disrupted Rhodes' plans, only to hear it say to Kathryl: "I don't recommend that you talk to the present. I'm here to stop this battle from happening."

Aisha's words made Rhodes wonder for a while, this is not like what this Lich would say. Because of this, Rhodes didn't say anything immediately, he wanted to see what the Lich in front of him had planned.

"Aisha, you should be able to feel that the creatures in the entire Shadow City died under the cloud of death he released. This battle is already inevitable, and no one can do it. After such behavior, there will be no punishment."

Faced with the determined Kathery, Elsa shook the head and explained to him: "You missed the last Lich meeting, maybe you You don't know yet, the person who appears in front of you has been recognized by many Lich's and is an existence equivalent to Lich."

Seeing Kathry's unbelievable expression, Elsa added: "From some In a sense, he does have the ability to replace King Dia, but he needs to hold a Lich meeting again, and after many Lich votes, he can make the final decision, and before that, he can't directly kill King Dia."

Aisha's last words were clearly addressed to Rhodes, and Rhodes could hear some kind of warning in it, for which Rhodes coldly snorted a kind of speechless.

"Lich rally..."

As if recalling a special rumor, Kathryl's expression changed instantly, and there were many more in the eyes looking at Rhodes. something special.

"Yes, it was the last Lich meeting." Saying that, Elsa seemed to think of something, "By the way, I remember the Phoenix Envoy, who seemed to be offended, in front of many Lichs, He died in his hands, and next time something like this happens, I suggest you handle it properly."

After hearing the news from Elsa, Kathryl's expression turned ugly. Up, in order to deal with the threat of the elite elf ranger, he had to miss the last Lich meeting and could only send a special envoy he trusted.

However, the finis emissary sent by Kathryn, for unknown reasons, died in the Lich meeting, so Kathery could not get any information about the Lich meeting at this time, many of the latest There is no way for Kathery to know the news, especially when it comes to Divine Item-related information.

Although there is a so-called Divine Item holder brought by Legendary Lich in the Royal City of Dia, in Kathery's eyes, that person simply does not have the imposing manner that a Divine Item holder should have. It's more like a puppet supported by Lich, which is what Lich is best at, and Kathery knows their means very well.

Although Kathery is the nominal king of Dia, in many ways, he is shackled by Lich, and the difference in strength and status makes it difficult for Kathery to give birth to other thoughts. Since Legendary Lich said that he was the holder of the Divine Item, even if he knew that he was not, he couldn't say much, and even punished those who questioned the identity of the holder of the Divine Item.

At this time, Elsa's this remark words undoubtedly made Kathrys confirm some situations, and there were some other meanings in the eyes he looked at Rhodes.

Catherine knew that if the situation was as he thought, the Rhodes in front of him could be regarded as an incredible existence. If he handled it well, he could even help him get rid of Lich's control in one fell swoop. , which truly controls everything within Dia.

"Since the immortal Aisha has spoken, then this matter will be revealed. I will not pursue everything you have done to the city of shadows. If possible, please go to the palace in the city. Talk about it."

Looking at Rhodes, Kathery said, his attitude changed so quickly that even Rhodes had a hard time getting used to it.

(end of this chapter)

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