
  Chapter 1139 Immortal Legion


Inside the Quiet Room , The body that had not moved for a long time, suddenly felt something at this time, began to stand up from the cross-sit state, and looked somewhere, as if it could penetrate the wall in front of him and stare into the distance.

"Lord Elsa found something?"

Feeling the movement not far away, another thin silhouette asked in a low voice, from the From his mouth, people couldn't hear any emotions that belonged to him.

The dim light flashed, but only the completely shrunken flesh was seen sticking dryly on his skeleton. His body was no longer humanoid at this time.

"It seems that there is some extraordinary existence that has come to the City of Shadows, pack up, and prepare to go out to meet his arrival."

The skeleton creature known as Elsa He replied slowly, with an inexplicable meaning flashing in his eyes.


With Rhodes' spellcasting, the dark clouds spread freely in the city. Except for the palace in the center, which was not disturbed by the clouds, even the huge city in the city. Soul Evocation tower, the lower floors are also shrouded in it.

"Are you crazy..." Looking at the scene in front of him, Undead Mage said tremblingly, with unstoppable fear in his expression.

The erosion of violent death energy is enough to destroy all creatures in the city. There are no exceptions. Only undead creatures have the chance to survive this level of death energy.

"How dare you do such a thing, the Skeleton King will surely destroy you and torture your soul forever!" There was even more fear in his expression.

From the cloud of death cast by Rhodes, he has already felt the power of Rhodes. With such a powerful existence, he will naturally not attack the City of Shadows for no reason. If the incident is traced later, he may have a hard time. Escape the responsibility, I am afraid that with Rhodes will be brutally punished.

This is naturally what this undead mage does not want to see, and at the same time, he does not understand Rhodes' actions at this time, only that Rhodes is bringing about one's own destruction, and he still wants to pull it. on other people.

In Rhodes' perception, the undead mage seems to have foreseen the imminent punishment, and the faith in his heart is obviously shaken. The king of Dia in the city can no longer give him any shelter at this time. On the contrary, he will be punished by the king.

However, in Rhodes' view, the undead mage's beliefs are not shaken enough, far from reaching the level of repentance. To achieve this, it may require the person he believes to come forward in person. .

When he sensed that most of the city was completely shrouded by the cloud of death, Rhodes stopped the casting of this spell. The city's cloud of death was broken through a huge passageway, pointing directly to where Rhodes was.

At the same time, there was a very regular vibration on the ground under Rhodes' feet, and the vibration became more and more obvious, as if a huge creature was constantly approaching here.

The appearance of this scene made Rhodes stop what he was doing and turned to look in the direction of the vibration. In perception, the source of the mutation came from that location, and there were special bursts of death. Energy is condensing at that location.

"You are dead." Looking at Rhodes, the undead mage said indifferently, "The undead Legion in the city has assembled, you will definitely pay the price for your actions, you think you can get away from greatness. Can you escape punishment in the hands of the Skeleton King? Stop dreaming."

Ignoring the undead mage's words, Rhodes still looked in that direction.

In the darkness, the first thing that appeared in front of Rhodes was a large number of skeleton warriors with uniform movements. They were equipped with sophisticated armor and poured out from the city gate. There was still a distance from the teleportation monument. The positions of the distance are scattered and arranged into two huge square arrays.

From these skeleton warriors, Rhodes can feel some anomalies that are different from low-level undead creatures, and the white mist always emerges from these skeleton warriors and completely wraps them, just like Rhodes Just like the special undead creatures transformed by the ghost dragon's ghost dragon breath, these skeleton warriors in front of him can give Rhodes this feeling.

Their ranks are naturally not like ordinary skeleton warriors, but have been greatly strengthened, and they can no longer be called low-level undead creatures. All of them have the strength of fourth rank undead creatures. .

Apart from this, Rhodes can also feel a special power from these ghost skeleton warriors. If Rhodes' perception is correct, it should be the controller of these skeleton warriors, bringing them additional support.

Without the existence of the Ghost King cloak, and creating countless corpse witches and Resentful Souls, the Legion composed of these ghostly skeleton warriors has already symbolized the most powerful force among Dia.

The Nether Skeleton Warriors made by special methods are enough to eliminate any undead lords in Dia, and with enough corpse witches, they can even compete with Erathia's orthodox Legion.

In Rhodes' impression, to create this type of ghost skeleton warrior, you need to use a special building, that is, the existence of the skeleton conversion field, even in the city of Sao where Rhodes is located. , at this time there are still not enough resources to build a skeleton conversion field, and the city of shadows obviously has this building.

The skeleton conversion field uses the power of ceremony to transform any ordinary creature into a skeleton creature of the corresponding rank.

Compared with the conventional transformation of undead mage, the skeleton transformation field undoubtedly reduces the loss in the transformation process to the extreme, so that the undead mage can get the corresponding rank skeleton creature without any processing.

If you don't use the skeleton transformation field, only some undead mage who are proficient in transformation knowledge can transform the dead creatures into skeleton creatures corresponding to the original rank after their careful processing. In more cases, Only low-level skeleton creatures with a Second Rank can be obtained.

In Rhodes' view, this is also the origin of these ghostly skeleton warriors. Such a large number of skeleton warriors must have been transformed through the skeleton transformation field.

Following these skeleton warriors are the terrifying Knights who are pitch-black. They exude incomparably violent death energy, and even the breath of death clouds is suppressed by the death energy they emit.

The terrifying Knights gathered behind the phalanx of skeleton warriors, and a little silhouette at the end caught Rhodes' attention.

Setting his gaze on one of them, Rhodes knew that it was the Skeleton King, Catherine, who could give him shelter in the belief of the undead around him.

(end of this chapter)

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