
  Chapter 1132 Divergence

After wrapping up his conversation with Aaron, Rhodes seems to be feeling something and will Looking in the direction of Rowlin.

"Rowlin stay, you can leave, I will take these potions with me."

Hearing Rhodes' orders, Aron and Vita naturally would not continue Stay here, and wisely give space to the two of them.

In line of sight, Vita and Elron walked out of the room where the potions were stored one after the other. From them, Rhodes also faintly felt an unusual atmosphere, Rhodes shook the head, no Think more.

It wasn't until their figures completely disappeared that Rhodes looked at Rowlin beside him.

"Are you trying to help that human woman? Use the space spell to send the person named Leah directly to the Dia capital?"

The thoughts in my heart Directly exposed by Rhodes, Rowlin also showed a hint of sorry expression, and then nodded, which was admitted to Rhodes.

The existence of bloodline perception makes the concealment between the two of them meaningless. Even if Rowlin denies this on the surface, she cannot deny what she really thinks in her heart.

even more how, in Rowlin's opinion, Rhodes' previous words did not restrict her from using the space spell to help Leah, she thinks there is no problem with her own ideas, and Rowlin does not think there is any problem with Rhodes. The need to hide this idea from it.

"Don't do that," Rhodes said flatly. "I mean, don't help the human woman in any way."

Rhodes' words were extremely flat, but in the middle The meaning echoed in Rowlin's ears like thunder, which made her feel deeply puzzled.

As if recalling something, Rowlin hurriedly added: "Maybe big brother doesn't know yet, Leah's body is now..."

"Stop." Rhodes was indifferent Interrupting Rowlin's words, "I found this out when I saw her. It's anomalous, and naturally I can't hide it from my perception, and this is why I forbid you to help her."

"Why..." Rowlin asked his own question, "She wants to see that undead mage, it is precisely because of this, because of her status, the big brother may not be able to come forward in person, so why not let me help her? ?"

Rhodes shook the head: "I have never seen a person with such a pure will, without any impurities in it. Such a person is destined to be unaffected by anything and become a Great hero, I can't wait to see the moment when the hero's will blooms, so I forbid you to help that human woman."

"Great hero..." From this remark of Rhodes, Rowlin seemed to sense something, and she knew that the greatness that Rhodes spoke of was not greatness in the traditional sense.

"If that's the case, why didn't big brother let me help Leah?" Rhodes' words failed to solve the doubts in Rowlin's heart, but made them even more confused, "According to Leah's current state , you don't have to wait for her to go to Dia, and she will die on the way, how can you become a real hero?"

"Lea?" After thinking about it, he sighed, and then said:

"It seems that you don't understand what I mean, people with great heroic potential are not Leah in your mouth, but what she is looking for. People, give up everything, and also become North of the real undead mage."

"I don't understand..." Rowlin's voice trembled faintly, as if foreseeing something bad to happen, "big brother's Didn't this move hurt North in Dia? Why didn't Leah stay in the city as Elon said?"

Rhodes didn't change his expression, just explained to Rowlin briefly. Said:

"As you know, the undead mage always symbolizes death and misfortune. Happiness and happiness have never been related to the undead mage. If he wants to become a real hero, he must Feeling this, neither a lover nor an heir should be owned by him."

As if thinking of something, Rhodes looked into the distance: "In this way, it won't be long before a A great hero will rise in Dia, as for Leah..."

Looking at Rowlin beside him, Rhodes added: "Forget about her, as if this person never existed, no , maybe there is still a chance to see her in the undead creatures controlled by the undead mage, that is the ending that belongs to her."

From Rowlin's expression, Rhodes could not see it, he wanted to Seeing a look full of interest, only to see a silence. Bursts of sentimentality are being conveyed into Rhodes' mind from the bloodline perception.

The body that has experienced ceremony still retains the perception ability to these negative emotions. Rhodes can clearly feel this. He doesn't understand why Rowlin's expression changes like this.

"I know the big brother doesn't care about the lives of other creatures..." Rowlin said this remark in a trembling voice, looking at Rhodes with inexplicable emotions, "But the people around him What? Not the creatures that have nothing to do with the big brother, but the people who follow you, doesn't the big brother care about them? Does the big brother care about everything in Sao City?"

Note When Rowlin's mood changed, Rhodes was silent for a while, and he realized that he didn't seem to have said those words before.

"I care about you." Rhodes is so replied, so affectionate, that it is not possible to pretend.

"Answer my question, Rhodes." Rowlin asked, ignoring Rhodes' answer, even changing his title.

Seeing that there is no way to simply prevaricate the past, Rhodes can only answer hard: "It depends on what you use to measure it. If you don't care about other things as a comparison, it is undoubtedly meaningless."

"As you can see, the creatures that follow me, such as Elon, Vita, and even the previous Leah, must be concerned in my heart, but I don't care so much, I can only say that it depends on the What compared to..."

sighed, Rhodes didn't want to go on.

"I don't want to tell meaningless lies. There are some things you can feel, just know in your heart. Why say them and make each other feel embarrassed?"


Hearing Rhodes' words, Rowlin was silent for a while, and there was a sparkle in his eyes.

"I rarely ask big brother." Rowlin said in a trembling voice: "I just hope that these people around me can get a good ending, not a meaningless sacrifice."

Without answering Rowlin's words, Rhodes just watched her calmly.

Under Rhodes' gaze, Rowlin bowed his head, turned to weep in secret, and left the room without saying a word, using the space to spell.

(end of this chapter)

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