
  Chapter 1130 Leah

The silhouette that appeared here immediately caught the attention of Rhodes, from her On her body, Rhodes didn't feel any sense of threat. Her rank was far lower than Rhodes imagined. Even if she tried her best, she couldn't hurt Rhodes in the slightest.

After noticing her appearance, Rhodes didn't say much, but Elon immediately said: "Leah, why are you here? The lord is inspecting the potion factory, come back to where you should be. go to the place."

Elon, who is familiar with Rhodes' character, understands what he will do, and when he sees Leah appearing here, there is a sudden anxiety in his heart, afraid that Leah's words will offend Rhodes, so he said so before Rhodes could speak.

In the face of Elon's persuasion, Leah shook the head and said firmly: "Lord Elon don't have to worry about me, I'm here just to see the lord, I have some questions and want to Ask the lord."

This remark of Elon also reminded Rhodes of the identity of the woman in front of him. It was Leia, who was related to North. It was because of the anxiety of the past few days that Leah's figure was a little swollen.

Just as Rhodes was about to ask Leah, who was in front of her, her intentions, Rhodes suddenly heard Rowlin's signal.

"big brother, she is here for the undead mage that you took away, she has asked me many times during your absence, I don't know the specific information, I can only Put it away, since the big brother is back, please tell her the truth."

Rowlin's words, directly through the ability to perceive blood, appeared in Rhodes' mind, and Rhodes could feel it from it. To her earnestness, it seemed that during this time, Rowlin had recognized Leah who kept asking her.

Although he didn't understand what happened between them, with Rowlin's request, Rhodes couldn't ignore Leah in front of him, but simply said: "I remember you, you want to ask about North's news, right? ?"

Leah nodded, and then heard Rhodes' words again.

"Noth is now in the city of shadows, the capital of Dia, on an important mission. With the king of the kingdom of the dead, he will not feel lonely."

Listen When it came to Rhodes' this remark, there was a surprised look in Leah's expression, and the intuition in her heart told her that Rhodes' this remark was not like a casual talk.

The meaning contained in the words is naturally what Leah is worried about at this time, and the anxious look on her face can't be restrained: "What did you do to North? He is an ordinary undead mage. , how could it have anything to do with King Dia! It must be you..."

"Cough..." Feeling Leah's state at this time, Elon hurriedly said: "Pay attention to what you do to the fief lord. Attitude, Leah."

Fearing that Leah might offend with words that could lead to devastating punishment, Aaron's seemingly rebuke Leah's actions were in fact a reminder of what she saw in front of her. The right lord, it's not a good thing.

For the North mentioned by Rhodes, Vita on the side showed a lot of interest: "Noth? Isn't he the developer who manipulated the spiritual potion?"

"Yes." Rhodes confirmed the content of Vita's words. Rhodes seemed to attach great importance to Vita, who managed the potion factory for him, "The refining method for manipulating spiritual potions was developed by North. ."

After understanding this information, Vita nodded, with a clear meaning in her expression, and then looked towards Leah and explained:

"Human woman, although I I don't know why you want to meet North so urgently, but what I can confirm is that the fief lord has no intention of harming him."

From Vita, Leah could feel an affinity I mean, the feeling in my heart is relieved a lot, but I continue to ask: "What should I do to see North again?" Thought: "The potion developed by North is something that fief lord desperately needs. Even those of us who are trying to improve the way Potion Refining are not qualified to see him. I think his mission is at a critical stage. Time cannot escape."

"But..." Leah's expression showed a trace of unwillingness, obviously unwilling to accept such a result, "I have some reasons to see him, some words You must talk to him face to face."

The existence of the peeping eye allows Rhodes to perceive more thoughts in Leah's heart, Rhodes perceives the unwillingness and pain in Leah's heart, as well as other things that he had neglected Information.

The existence of these information seems to have made Rhodes realize something, and his views on Leah in front of him have also changed, so he asked: "Do you really want to see North?"

Leah answered immediately, with a hint of firmness in her words: "Yes, I would even give up my life for this."

"humph." Rhodes coldly snorted, and continued: "I Didn't you say that, North is in the palace of the City of Shadows. If you want to see him, you may as well go here by yourself. Don't blame me for not warning you, now Dia, there are no ordinary creatures, it is not safe Place, for the sake of life, I don't recommend you to do this."

Speaking, as if thinking of something, Rhodes took out an object from the space ring and threw it to Leah's place.

Leah caught it, and after checking it, she found that what Rhodes threw was a blue crystal with a smooth surface, and there seemed to be a special will and a very special death energy in it.

Meanwhile, Rhodes' words reached her ears again.

"What you are holding in your hand is the element core that contains my spiritual imprint. Showing it at the right time will save you a lot of trouble, but it should be noted that ordinary undead mage, I don't understand the meaning of my spiritual imprint, only those with powerful existence can recognize the meaning."

Feeling the joyful look on Leah's face, Rhodes added: "I don't It is recommended that you leave Sao City, but there will be no intervention, and you don't need to expect me to use space spell to help you. Since your will has reached a level beyond life, then you might as well do it, perhaps in the process There may be a miracle happening in the middle of the night."

Seeming to think of something, Rhodes sneered and stopped talking.

Lea was very satisfied with the whereabouts of North and the promise from Rhodes that she would not intervene. As for the elemental core that Rhodes handed her, she kept it in her pocket. , not mixed with other things.

After getting the required information, Leah said a simple goodbye, and at the same time expressed her respect to Rhodes, then looked towards and left outside the potion factory.

(end of this chapter)

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