
  Chapter 1128 Vita's Dream

After learning about the curse, Rhodes knew that he would later When you see other elemental creatures, you should probably pay more attention to avoid unnecessary troubles. The curse from the Legendary element lord may not take effect at any time.

It's just that Rhodes wasn't very worried. Even the Legendary element lord who imposed the curse died in his hands. The effect of the curse was naturally extremely limited.

At this moment, Rhodes picked up the packaged potion from the side. The translucent vial contained a pale yellow liquid, and the entire amount in it was enough to increase the control spirit by 2 points.

After picking up the potion and confirming the potion's efficacy through the system's test, Rhodes did not drink it as before. What made Rhodes feel a headache at this time was how to use the potion's effect. , acting on the body.

Without flesh and blood, Rhodes can't drink the potion directly in front of him as he did before, and he has to do this through other means.

For Lich, they must have other ways to finish drinking the potion, but Rhodes didn't know it at this time.

Fortunately, Rhodes at this time has its own unique way to communicate with the real Lich. Although Rhodes does not know how to drink the potion, he can ask the real Lich for advice.

Perhaps the effect of ceremony, or the loss of flesh and blood, in Rhodes' perception, his ability to control spiritual imprint has been significantly enhanced, and he can transmit information to undead creatures farther away.


Among the ruins, in the half-collapsed building, a humanoid creature who was meditating suddenly received a sudden change in perception, interrupting the meditation process.

His stature is very thin, the skin on many parts of his body is shriveled, and the strong death energy exudes from his body, which proves that he is different from ordinary creatures. This person is Rhodes who was in Warren. Death Knight Green, who controls the city.

Green, whose meditation was interrupted, had no complaints in his heart. The information from the spiritual imprint made him understand the situation at once.

Soon, Green arrived at the only intact building in the ruins, outside a seemingly long-abandoned magic guild, and asked to meet Modo, the real lord of the place, one of the immortal Lich.

Led by the undead creatures, Green entered the abandoned magic guild and saw Modo sitting on a huge seat.

In this piece of ruins, there is no living thing, only the energy of death is constantly permeating from it, and Green, who came here with Modo, took a long time to get used to it.

It is said that this was a medium-sized undead town. Although it can't be called prosperity, it has complete facilities and can provide space for the undead to mage and develop. The arrival of Lich has changed everything. In this way, the appearance in front of Green's eyes was finally formed.

On the seat, Modo's eyes turned, and his face was mutilated with a lot of flesh and blood, but his face was not completely in the form of a skeleton, like a dried corpse, obviously aware of Green's arrival.

"I have received a message from Lord Rhodes, who wants to ask you how to drink something like a potion in the body of a pure Lich."

Hear Green's words , Modo's expression seemed to be touched, coldly snorted, said solemnly: "Lich's body? It seems that he has completed an incredible ceremony during this time."

Having said that, Modo is still very aware of his own situation. After the recovery of Ghost King's cloak, Modo can feel some special changes in himself, so he said: "The body of Lich who is opposed to the living, naturally There is no way to drink potions directly like ordinary people, and you need to go through some special secret techniques to achieve this."

Speaking, a sealed scroll appeared in Modo's hand, and he threw it away. When he reached the ground in front of Green, Green quickly leaned over and picked it up.

"Convey the above content to your master in detail, and at the same time tell him that Naagh and I are ready at the border of Dia, and will only wait until he officially launches an attack on Eli. Join the battle."

With Modo's low words, Green keenly noticed that in the depths of this abandoned magic guild, two huge scarlet light spots appeared, like fiery burning Generally speaking, according to the size of the corresponding undead creature, there seems to be an undead creature that he cannot imagine exists here.

Don't dare to stop here, Green quickly returned to the building where he had rested, opened the sealed scroll, and fed back the information recorded in it to Rhodes.


“fief lord, with your current body, can you drink the potion?”

See Rhodes holding one of the bottles of magic Medicine, without any other action for a long time, Vita took the initiative to ask.

In addition to Vita, both Elon and Rowlin who followed, all discovered the existence of this problem, but did not ask Rhodes.

Among this, Aaron didn't want to ask more, whether Rhodes could drink the potion or not, it had little to do with him, and Rowlin knew that she didn't need to ask more, she believed that Rhodes must have a way , using the potion in front of him, only Vita took the initiative to ask.

"The premise of drinking potion requires a human body. Other forms of creatures cannot do this. Even elemental creatures cannot obtain the improvement brought by potions."


Seems to be thinking of something, Vita sighed.

Noticing Vita's actions, and recalling her previous words, Rhodes put down the potion and asked, "What? Do you really want a human body?"

Hearing Rhodes' words, Vita's expression became solemn, nodded, replied: "I have dreamed of getting a human body, but I know that this is an impossible achievement, a human body that can only be obtained beyond the Legendary level, but it is just a It's just a dream chased by elemental creatures."

Seeing that Vita didn't hide anything, she admitted it, Rhodes was a little surprised, but she understood the meaning of what she said before.

Elon on the side also listened to Vita's words with a thoughtful look, but in the end, he hooked the head and didn't say much.

As Vita's words said, the only way for elemental creatures to obtain a real human body is to become an existence beyond the Legendary level.

In Elon's impression, for countless years, only one creature has reached the level beyond Legendary, and that is the former god of mage, Gwen Magnus, even after countless years have passed. , his glory has not dissipated in Brakada, and the name is still sung by all mage, trifling an ordinary elemental creature, and in any case can not achieve this.

In this way, Vita's dream until now is doomed to fail. Thinking of this, Aaron couldn't help but sighed.

(end of this chapter)

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