
  Chapter 1123 Questions

The sudden spread of the cloud of death exceeded all undead mage's expectations, They didn't expect that, after dealing with the enemy in front of them, Rhodes would suddenly attack them.

The cloud of death released by Rhodes has the ability to erode everything. As soon as these undead mage reacted, their figures were already submerged by the thick cloud of death.

The cloud of death that spread out instantly took away the lives of a large number of undead mage, and at this time, there were also some undead mage who found that the coming cloud of death completely bypassed themselves, making them avoid This fatal cloud of death survived.

However, compared to the large number of dead undead mage, only a very small number of undead mage survived. Even they didn't know why they were able to survive, so they could only stay in place and feel death. The spread of the cloud.

Aaron at the back is naturally not in the shrouded range of the cloud of death, and the scene in front of him also made him startled.

"Why..." Looking at Rhodes who had finished casting the spell, Elon asked, his eyes dignified and his voice trembling. "These undead mage are not enemies."

Aaron was naturally dissatisfied with Rhodes' behavior. Many of the undead mage stationed outside the Soul Evocation tower were his trusted hands. It was cleaned up by Rhodes in this way, and I don't know how long it will take to recruit such people again.

Apart from this, there are also many undead mage. During this time, I was in the lower level of the Soul Evocation Tower to conduct research on the Soul Evocation Technique, but was involved in the battle. Rhodes cleaned up equally, and Aron naturally didn't want to see this happen.

"They saw things they shouldn't," Rhodes replied simply.

Seeming to see the dissatisfaction in Elon's heart, Rhodes added: "Once they spread the news on the battlefield, Lich's other abilities may be noticed by the Divine Item, and the city of Sao will be noticed in an instant. He will be besieged by Lich."

Hearing Rhodes' explanation, Aaron roughly understood the reason for what he did, and sighed: "Even so, there is no need to take the lives of these undead mage, It can be completely replaced by another way, so that they don't spread the news."

Rhodes shook the head, and did not see any change in his expression: "Only the dead keep secrets."

"No." As if thinking of something, Rhodes raised his hand, and the pure death energy spread out and entered the dark cloud. For a time, the light spots of scarlet began to emerge continuously. A new stance stood up, "Dead people don't necessarily keep secrets."

This move by Rhodes made Elron silent for a while, and he couldn't help but feel a little disappointed. Given the status of Lord Rhodes, plus Just after dealing with the powerful enemy in front of him, Aaron couldn't say anything more.

"Are you questioning my decision?" Feeling Elon's current state, Rhodes' imposing manner changed, and he took the initiative to ask, "For those undead mage who are nothing?"


"How dare I question the decision of the great lord." Aron said in a suppressed tone, but the look in his eyes at Rhodes undoubtedly betrayed his true thoughts.

Perhaps it was because of the loyalty that Elon had shown before, the will to guard until the last moment in the face of an invincible strong enemy, which is not something ordinary creatures can show, even if it is Rhodes also felt moved in his heart, for this reason, Rhodes planned to have a few more words with him.

"Haven't you seen the essence of undead mage? What they desire most is undoubtedly the pursuit of power. As long as the Divine Item is still in my hands, countless undead mage will flock to them, one after the other. The death of these undead mage will not have any impact on the city of Sao, don't worry about the sacrifice of the undead mage, without this group of undead mage, there will be Other undead mage join the city of Sau, like flies attracted by filth, and in the dark places you can't see, they always breed."

Heard Rhodes The words, Elon's mouth twitched, and he always felt that there was something inappropriate.

Rhodes' words touched Aaron's heart. Looking at Rhodes in this state, Aaron didn't know whether it was because of his experience during his exile or because of his body's loss of flesh and blood. In the past, it was more cold-blooded, and even lost the emotions that creatures should have.

Aron was not afraid of Rhodes in this state, but he could not help sighing in the heart.

At this time, the cloud of death gradually dissipated in the field, revealing a large number of corpse witch kings shrouded in dark clouds, and a very small number of undead mage figures who survived.

"In order to reward your previous actions, I have left behind a few undead mage that you identified, and you will use your method to ensure that they will not spread the news on the battlefield, as for the others who died. The undead mage of the undead are counted on Ori's head."

The existence of the Peeping Eye allows Rhodes to perceive the thoughts of Aron and these undead mage.

Through his own confirmation, during the release of Death Cloud, Rhodes deliberately left a few of Elon's cronies. Elon and Sao City have enough loyalty, leaving these undisclosed undead mage can be regarded as a confession to Elon.

Although Rhodes doesn't care about Elon's thoughts, in view of his previous performance, he still uses the lives of these people as a reward for Elon. Stand up at the moment.

"Speaking of which, where is Vita? As a Death Knight under Rowlin, when a powerful enemy is attacking, why don't you see her silhouette." Until the end of the battle, Vita's silhouette was not seen. , Rhodes naturally had doubts in his heart. He knew that Vita did not appear on the battlefield and must have an inseparable connection with Aaron.

Elon reached out and touched his nose, showing a thoughtful look, "Vita, she should be in the potion factory outside the city now, dealing with all kinds of matters, and she doesn't know what Rowlin is holding. ceremony, and did not know the news of the strong enemy's attack, so he did not appear on the battlefield."

Aron's words immediately made Rhodes interested.

Regardless of whether Vita really didn't know the news of the arrival of the powerful enemy, or Elron deliberately concealed this from Vita, Rhodes didn't care at this time, what Rhodes really cared about was still. Another thing Elon was talking about was the existence of the Potions Factory.

Rhodes recalled that before he was exiled to the Water Element plane, there was no potion factory. The potion factory was obviously a special building that only appeared during this period.

(end of this chapter)

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