
  Chapter 1118 is missing

The dark top of the Soul Evocation tower, the original traces of ceremony, are now completely gone Go, the precious materials are scattered on the ground at will, and even the Mother of Souls is put aside at this time, no one cares at all, even ordinary Soul Crystals have better treatment than it.

On the side, Rhodes was telling Rowlin about his experience on the Water Element plane.

"...the many failed attempts made my heart a bit frustrated, the connection to the unknown vortex is the only channel for me to go to other planes, but it always leads me to the unknown place, apart from This , other ways seem to be far away."

"Just when I was about to give up, I suddenly realized that there were still people waiting for me in the main plane, and the way back was in sight, but You can't give up at this moment."

Seeing Rowlin at this time, he was completely attracted by his experience after being exiled, and looking at himself intently, Rhodes changed his voice and said:

"Waiting for me in the main plane is not the powerful Lich, nor the subordinate who can only obey orders, but a young man who shoulders the heavy responsibility of the undead mage battle, alone in On the pitch-black tower, the lovely person who performs the endless night ceremony, yes, who is she?"

Hearing Rhodes' this remark, Rowlin laughed angrily and tried to push Rhodes' body, but As if thinking of something, he stopped the movement, and said in his mouth: "big brother ~" , but at the same time, Rhodes' perception seemed to be blocked for a while.

Through the transformation of the ceremony 1st Stage, Rhodes gained a body of skeleton more powerful than a body of flesh, but at the same time, Rhodes also lost some aspects of his senses.

The perception of pain, temperature and hunger is only one aspect of somatic perception, that is, it belongs to the external aspect. In addition to the external perception of the body, the internal emotional perception is also lacking.

Among the missing inner perceptions, the most important is the perception of joy, which Rhodes at this time has a clear feeling.

Looking at Rowlin in front of him, Rhodes could feel her joy from the heart through the blood perception ability, but Rhodes himself couldn't feel this, which made Rhodes feel confused for a while.

Perception can always easily deceive the creature itself. Those with power will not feel how powerful their power is, but crave more powerful power. Those who are in happiness can see It's all misfortune.

After losing the perception of joy, Rhodes was able to have a clear understanding of this. His past perceptions allowed Rhodes to understand the joy in Rowlin's heart, but he could not empathize with Rowlin. Experience this joy.

I don't know why, looking at Rowlin in this state, Rhodes really wanted to maintain the joy in her heart, perhaps to make up for the lack of emotion in her, or to have other thoughts, Rhodes felt in her heart. I had this thought, and acted according to this thought.

To this end, Rhodes deliberately turned to Rowlin, recounting his experiences after being exiled, adding many unnecessary details, and saying words that made her happy. If it was Rhodes in a normal state, he wouldn't do this, at most he would just tell Rowlin his own experience completely.

"Once again, the tentacles of the kraken led me through the deep vortex to the misty Sea Territory, which I knew was the sea of ​​curses that Captain Kane spoke of."


"Finally, I returned to the main plane, and I was one step closer to my goal. Just as I was about to cast space spell and return to Sao City, the inexplicable singing sounded attracted me, and there was a blur in my consciousness. As soon as I returned to the main plane, I was attacked by a sea monster."

"sea monster..." Rowlin exclaimed. "I heard that they have a voice like nature, beautiful faces, and are one of the very best beautiful creatures in the world. Their singing can tempt all seafarers to see the appearance of their beloved, and thus Caused a series of shipwrecks, is that the sea monster that the big brother met?"

Rhodes pondered for a while, but did not answer immediately, recalling the sea monster he encountered in his memory, It's a far cry from what Rowlin said.

The ferocious face like an old witch, the rotten and festering body, the sharp claw used to tear the body, these are the distinctive features of those undead sea monsters in Rhodes' impression, and they have nothing to do with beauty. top.

The only thing that is similar is probably only the effect of the undead sea monster's singing, which can make people fall into a deep fantasy, even Rhodes, even if he is unprepared, he is also caught.

Looking at Rowlin's hopeful eyes at this time, he seems to be very interested in the existence of sea monsters. He can tell the characteristics of sea monsters in one sentence, and also explained this to Rhodes, even if he did not use blood to perceive. ability, Rhodes can confirm it too.

"Yes, that's the sea monster. They...they seem to want to take me to a place, an unknown place in the sea of ​​​​cursed, but because I am concerned about the situation in the city of Sao, I don't care. They just use the space spell to return."

It didn't destroy Rowlin's view of sea monster, Rhodes' answer did not match the actual situation, but Rowlin heard the existence of sea monster in his heart even more. interested.

Just as Rhodes was about to say something, his imposing manner suddenly froze, and the energy of death all over him moved with it.

The lack of physical perception, correspondingly, enables Rhodes to gain a sharper perception of the outside world. The enhanced perception ability is far beyond the past. With the effect of Divine Grade Soul Evocation Technique, almost any death energy Fluctuations cannot escape Rhodes' perception.

At this time, the improvement of Rhodes' perception only comes from the 1st Stage of the Endless Night ceremony. If the entire Endless Night ceremony is completed, this ability will be even more powerful.

Not all Lichs who have completed ceremony have this ability. Rhodes perceives the increase in death energy from the Divine Grade Soul Evocation Technique he possesses. Under the constraints of the human body, Divine Many of the abilities of the Grade Soul Evocation Technique are unavailable.

apart from this , the indication from the spiritual imprint, also explained to Rhodes what was happening at this time.

Compared to when Rhodes first arrived, below the Soul Evocation tower, there was a strong Death Aura at this time, and a large number of undead creatures gathered.

"Looks like some people are ready to interrupt our conversation." Rhodes said in a low voice, and there was no emotion in it.

Perceiving the change in Rhodes at this time, Rowlin was also aware of the appearance of the anomaly.

(end of this chapter)

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