
  Chapter 1112 Unknown ceremony

Entering the Soul Evocation tower in the city, Rhodes did not encounter it along the way Any obstruction, even the undead mage stationed in front of the tower, immediately bowed his head after seeing Rhodes, daring not to have any other ideas.

This scene made Rhodes feel puzzled. According to the information fed back by the peeping eye, in the hearts of these undead mage, there is only fear and fear of being punished, but there is no doubt about their own return. He didn't seem to know that he had been exiled for a long time.

Having such doubts in his heart, Rhodes came to the tower. The structure of the Soul Evocation tower in front of him is very similar to the one in the City of the Dead. There is an upward connecting tower in the center for ordinary creatures to climb. The ladder clings to the tower wall and hovers on the inside of the tower.

The inside of the tower is solemn, there are many undead mage on the stairs, and there is a Lich waiting outside the connecting tower, which is forbidden for any creatures to use.

Perceiving the breath related to the Ghost King's cloak in Lich's Soul Fire, Rhodes was naturally unafraid of their attacks, and walked straight into the connection tower, looking at the position calibration above, and cast teleportation. , ready to go to the top of the tower to find out.

Because the overall height is not as high as the Soul Evocation tower in the city of death, the connection tower where Rhodes is located, there are only two location calibrations for mage to cast teleportation.

After completing a teleportation, Rhodes' figure appeared in the middle part of the Soul Evocation tower. As soon as he landed, Rhodes was shrouded in a dense cloud of death.

With the existence of the Divine Grade Soul Evocation Technique, Rhodes will naturally not be eroded by the cloud of death. It can be said that no matter how many clouds of death gathered by the corpse witch king, Rhodes cannot be threatened. With the blessing of Divine Grade Soul Evocation Technique, Rhodes already exists at the apex of the world on the cloud of death.

Moving towards all around, Rhodes noticed that the cloud of death was released by a large number of corpse witches all around. All spaces of the floor are shrouded.

The corpse witches that appeared in front of Rhodes were all transformed from the corpse witch king he left behind before he was exiled. With the control of the Ghost King cloak on the derived undead creatures, Rhodes was able to make these corpses. Wu stopped casting spells, but he didn't.

It stands to reason that the undead creatures generated by the power of the Divine Item will not attack the holder of the Divine Item at any time, even if they receive the command in the spiritual imprint, they will use the Divine Item holder Lord, and at this time, the cloud of death cast by the corpse witch completely shrouded Rhodes.

Rhodes realized that the target of these corpse witches is not themselves, but the space where the location calibration is located. Any undead mage that teleports in the connection tower without authorization will instantly die in death. in the cloud.

As the distance gets closer, the aura that belongs to Rowlin becomes clearer in perception, and Rhodes can also find more anomalies from it. Obviously, these corpse witches are exactly what Rowlin arranged here.

Ignoring the corpse witch in the tower, Rhodes teleported again to the top of the connecting tower.

As soon as it appeared, the first thing that caught Rhodes' eyes was a large area of ​​deep red nicks on the wall above his head.

The death energy of all around has gathered to an unprecedented level. Even Rhodes itself will take a long time to gather such a strong death energy.

Whether it is the core corresponding to the red notch or the accumulation of death energy, their true core points to the upper layer above Rhodes' head. On the floor where Rhodes is currently, apart from a few decorations, there are only a lot of corpse witch kings guarding in front of the stairs.

In the perception, Rowlin is getting closer and closer, but Rhodes has a bad premonition in his heart.

Even so close, Rowlin was unaware of Rhodes' arrival. Her consciousness, as if asleep, fell into a deep silence. If Rhodes guessed right, she should be leading the way. Some kind of ceremony going on.

The surrounding traces related to ceremony, plus the extremely strong energy of death, are all explaining this to Rhodes, and the ominous premonition that came from Rhodes made Rhodes realize that the ceremony going on in the tower, Far from being a typical spell ceremony.

The ceremony that can make Rowlin so much trouble, and at the same time needs the existence of the Soul Evocation tower, and a sense of deja vu, Rhodes seems to have the answer to the ceremony that is being held.

Without any hesitation, using the Ghost King cloak to order the Witch King to get out of the way, Rhodes walked quickly along the spiraling stairs towards the upper level of the Soul Evocation Tower, and soon, the scene of the upper level appeared in him. in front of you.

Noisy whispers constantly entered Rhodes' mind, accompanied by waves of evil spirits and ghosts, affecting all of Rhodes' perceptions as if they were affected by mental magic. The entire wall of this floor is covered with red traces of fast wriggling, and many precious items are placed on the ground to maintain the ceremony.

In the center, a silhouette is sitting cross-legged, and above its head, there is a crystal thing floating, if Rhodes is not mistaken, it should be the mother of the dead that he once gave to the centaur leader. .

Under the action of ceremony, the effect of the Mother of Souls is fully activated, and countless spiritual imprints that have been imprisoned on the Mother of Souls are burning with the Soul Fire at this time, and the illusory shadow looks hideous Constantly resurfaces on the Mother of Souls, as if suffering unimaginable pain.

The dark glow envelops the entire Mother of Souls, goes straight to the darkness of Death Source, devours all the rays of light around, even Rhodes with Divine Grade Soul Evocation Technique, in this brief moment Can't help but feel emotional.

The rays of light of deep red, constantly released from the traces all around the wall, illuminate the special silhouette that sits crossed below the Mother of Souls.

The man sitting cross-legged is wearing a black robe, his short hair is very messy, his eyes are closed, his face is very similar to Rhodes, but there are some faint scars, just looking at it like this, Rhodes still thinks See your former self.

After being in this world for so long, Rhodes is already very familiar with his own body, and naturally he will not fail to recognize his own appearance.

The signal in the bloodline perception is even stronger, and the object of perception points directly to the person sitting cross-legged under the Mother of the Dead. At this point, Rhodes also recognizes the identity of the person in front of him, it is his younger sister Rowlin .

For some reason, Rowlin's outfit has changed a lot, and she doesn't look like her at all. Looking at Rowlin in this state, Rhodes almost didn't recognize her. Because of the similarity in appearance, Rhodes almost regarded him as himself.

Ignoring the changes in Rowlin, Rhodes at this time has more important things to deal with, which is to terminate the ceremony that Rowlin is doing.

(end of this chapter)

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