
  Chapter 1110 sea monster

The creature that was hit head-on by the Titan's arrow and fell into the sea is a A strange being that looks half-human and half-bird, they have the upper body of a human, the wings of a bird and the follow-up body, apart from this, there are still a lot of wounds on their bodies, it seems that not long ago, they had experienced a fierce battle .

In terms of appearance alone, these creatures in front of them are somewhat similar to the eagle-body Banshee in Rhodes' impression, and they are also in this shape. too powerful.

In addition to the means of direct attack, these creatures in front of them can cast a special mental magic, which in turn makes the enemy lose all defenses. Even Rhodes almost got hit without warning. Not to mention other creatures.

Combining with the previous feedback from Kane, Rhodes was able to confirm that he, who had just returned to the main plane, should have been attacked by the sea monster of the Cursed Sea.

The appearance of the Titan's Arrow dispels the mist within a certain range around it, allowing Rhodes to observe the situation all around very well.

Rhodes noticed that the flying sea monsters, their bodies are incomplete, there are all kinds of ferocious wounds that have not healed, and even serious internal structures can be seen, apart from this, their whole bodies, It is shrouded in extremely strong death energy, far exceeding the level of ordinary undead creatures.

This discovery also made Rhodes aware of the abnormality of these sea monsters. Through his own understanding of undead creatures, Rhodes can confirm that these sea monsters have long lost their original lives and have been transformed into A special kind of undead creature.

Aware of the breath of undead creatures, Rhodes tried to use the mother of undead on the crown to control all these sea monsters, but was unable to do so. These sea monsters resist spiritual imprint control well, like the vampires common in Dia.

If Rhodes performed spiritual imprint himself, he might have the opportunity to control some of the sea monsters, but Rhodes naturally wouldn't spend his spiritual attributes on controlling these sea monsters.

Compared with this, Rhodes is more concerned about the origin of these sea monsters, including how they were transformed, and why they chose to attack the self who just returned to the main plane here.

It is impossible to get more information about them simply from these sea monsters. After getting rid of the control of mental magic, Rhodes immediately waved the Titan Arrow in his hand, and in an instant, a large amount of lightning burst from the blade. Go out, and dispel all the mist all around.

All the sea monsters that were hit by the Titan's arrow head-on, all fell toward the sea, without any exception, for a time, there were also bursts of changes within the sea monster.

Before that, Rhodes faced extremely powerful enemies, whether it was the Legendary sorcerer or the sea monster immune to all magical damage, to a great extent, limited the enemy. The ability of the Titan Arrow can only be fully exerted when facing the weaker sea monster.

Releasing a dense amount of Titan's arrows, Rhodes didn't even consume any mana, and then cleaned up the large sea monsters around all around, and the remaining sea monsters, in this brief moment, did not dare to stay, Instead, it flew away toward the depths of the mist.

The appearance of this scene also gave Rhodes a different view of those undead sea monsters. They are like vampires, they have their own consciousness, and they will take the initiative to retreat when facing an invincible enemy. Instead of fighting until death like low-level undead creatures.

As the sea monster went away, the undead creatures controlled by Rhodes gradually returned to normal, and the spiritual imprint was awakened again.

Rhodes didn't have any idea of ​​chasing the sea monsters that left. He just waved the Titan's arrow and shot down a few sea monsters that didn't have time to escape, and the rest let them go.

Rhodes can feel that these sea monsters seem to be hiding some secrets. Their identities as undead creatures are enough for Rhodes to care about, and the ferocious wounds on their bodies also explain to Rhodes. at this point.

The creatures in the ocean cannot leave such special wounds to sea monsters that can fly and can cast mental magic. The origin of these undead sea monsters is extremely unusual.

It's just that Rhodes at this time has more important things to deal with, so he has no time to devote his energy to following these sea monsters and exploring their secrets.

In this brief moment, Rhodes' thoughts couldn't help but recall the silhouette of the sea monster who used mental magic in the previous battle, which is the existence of Rowlin.

Rhodes can easily defeat the phantoms produced by mental magic, and will not be affected in any way by the shape of Rowlin transformed by the sea monster. What really worries Rhodes is still at this time. Rowlin in Verning.

Rhodes doesn't know what happened in Verning during the time he was exiled, especially at this juncture when the battle has already started, will those Lich rebel because of this, for the Divine Item The whereabouts of the city, the attack on the city of Sao, or the emergence of some difficult enemy.

Even if it is Rhodes himself, it is not an easy task to solve these enemies. Even if he exerts his full strength, he may not be able to win. Rowlin's power alone cannot deal with these enemies.

Relying on the ability of vortex to cross the space, after returning to the main plane, Rhodes immediately cares about the situation in Verning. For this reason, even if he knows that the sea monster who is far away may contain something that belongs to him. Their secret, Rhodes still has no plans to pursue them.

Everything all around gradually returned to calm, and the huge vortex was still circulating, as if it would never stop at that moment, Rhodes raised his hand and displayed the dark green gate of time and space.

The Grandmaster Level Earth Element magic gave Rhodes the ability to directly cast the gate of time and space across extremely long distances, connecting the space calibration with his spiritual traces.

This point is also limited by the plane. The gate of time and space ignores the distance of connection and is limited to the same plane. Rhodes cannot cast the time and space that returns to the main plane in the Water Element plane. door.

Apart from this, due to the limitation of strong space turbulence, the gate of time and space cannot be used by users, and it can directly travel between the surface world and the underground world. It must pass through the middle place and cast the gate of time and space many times to achieve it.

At this time, the gate of time and space opened by Rhodes is directly connected to the space calibration in Sao City. Just enter the Transmission Gate in front of you, and Rhodes will be able to return to his own territory to understand himself. Everything that happened during that time.

(end of this chapter)

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