2020-10-31   Chapter 1051 Wake

From the consciousness awakening among the chaos, when the darkness receded, is no longer around nothingness, magical elements in perception become active, and quickly gathered to the side.

regain consciousness Weita, it does not seem to spirit slowly recovers from the silence which, for a time froze in place, the perception of all things around is not real.

Aron waiting side, looking at the field Weita, flash sight look hint concern.

experienced many events, and even a few times even after life is almost lost, this time Aron, once again saw him worried about a fantasy hero Weita, the hearts of a burst of emotion.

reached this point, so Weita regained consciousness, of course, is a special sense of Rhodes guided.

through a special ceremony, wake Weita silence of consciousness, after Rhodes is a long time ago, so I agreed to matters Aron until all matters relating to the battle, were on the right track, this time Rhodes will its implementation.

ceremony arrangement, Rhodes spent a few days in preparation for the ceremony process, Rhodes also enhance manipulate spirit attribute, carried out some deliberation.

control restrictions spirit attribute is the main problem currently facing Rhodes, even more than the importance of all other matters, only to solve this, Rhodes can quickly get a lot of EXP.

In a lot of ways to enhance the control of spirit among the most conventional of deep meditation, we have to spend a lot of time, and the effect is extremely limited, Rhodes will not choose this natural behavior.

For Lich, it has unlimited time for deep meditation, which manipulation spirit attribute, can reach an incredible point where far from the current Rhodes can compare.

As for using the power of treasure, such as the mother of the spirits of such as special item, direct complete control of the undead, you can not meet the requirements of Rhodes, and not from without its own spiritual imprint of the undead who obtain any EXP.

In this case, for this time of Rhodes, the most appropriate control to enhance the spirit of the way, will be left in Potion Refining.

original kind developed by Northrop potion has proven its powerful effect to Rhodes, relying on drinking potions, Rhodes success to raise a lot of mental manipulation itself, sufficient to control more undead.

During this time, the city also collected a lot of refining material, but due to the North leaving, until now, are not capable of such refining potion dead mage appears.

Rhodes itself, though capable of refining this potion, but the refining step is extremely complicated, not simplified anything, just refining once, have spent nearly half a day, alone Rhodes self-refining, is clearly not a permanent solution.

For this reason, Rhodes need to find this good at Potion Refining the mage.

Prior to the Saou city, Aron also in accordance with the requirements of Rhodes, called the undead mage specializes Potion Refining, and focus on training, but these undead mage, overwhelming majority have died in the last battle among not to at this time Rhodes, bring any help.

Since at this time Saou city, did not exist Potions teacher, like spell Academy did not teach Potions knowledge, undead mage apprentice wants to cultivate refining potion, only to find those there exists this experience.

refining coupled with Northrop left way too complicated, you want to accomplish this level of Potion Refining, not a beginner can do, which is no doubt Refiners potions require more high, until now, are not suitable candidates.

on refining potion, difficulties arise, Rhodes for a time there is no way to solve, can only sigh in the heart, a process, might as well let the North to stay in the city Lian potion system, at least for a time but also stable harvest some of the potion.

However, since the problem, Rhodes can only think of ways to solve, without being able to re-establish a Potion Refining person in a short time, Rhodes can only target, on those present Potion Refining is extremely good at the presence of the body.

Potions in the development of the territory of Dia, the situation is far smaller than the territory of Bracada, Dia which rarely exist Potions Master, even the so-called Potions Master, in Plaka of them, the most they can be considered a little high level of apprenticeship, Potions development of both, is not on the same level in.

Dia internal environment, severely limits the development of Potions, except for some very special existence, there are few souls mage, attention will be placed on the potion.

It is also plagued by reason of Rhodes, Dia among the undead mage, this is difficult to bring any help.

From the Aron mouth, Rhodes learned that he knew a good mage Potion Refining, which were mage Bracada situation in which, it seems not good. When

Rhodes early in order to recruit good Potion Refining creatures, they thought the name Aron mage, and he sent an invitation, but it was always rejected, until recently, his attitude did occur Change.

Knowing this information, and found some cases after, Rhodes began to prepare wake Weita from the ceremony, so there's that scene before.

under the action of spell ceremony, Weita long silence once again be awakened consciousness, and ultimately to the original form, appeared in front of Aron. Process

I do not know why, boot ceremony conducted, Rhodes can be perceived from a familiar sense of, it seems that he long ago had carried out this type of ceremony.

through their own thinking, Rhodes also confirmed That feeling of where it comes from, and that is the feeling that long ago, when Rhodes transformation of the dead Lich, hearts produced.

The same is not part of conventional biological, nor the presence of the undead, so Weita recovery ceremony consciousness, and the conversion process Lich similarities, no doubt to Rhodes found something.

In the absence of through their own testing, Rhodes for a time and can not confirm this speculation, can only be credited in the heart.

controls Weita, still is the original Rowlin. Because recovery Weita spiritual imprint of what they filled the Rowlin remaining spirit attribute, aside watching Rowlin ceremony carried out, suddenly I felt a hard, can not play a normal effect of the spell.

perception among the smell of belonging Rowlin while weakened, aroused the attention of Rhodes.

Just when Rhodes tried to ask the state Rowlin, the side of the Aron has been restored from the original feeling among over, looked once again to restore calm while facing Rhodes said:

"good Potion Refining Mandy mage, which has come to Saou city long ago, in order to avoid interference to the ceremony were the news, I arranged for him to wait in the quiet room not far from them, please fief lord indulgences. "

( End chapter)

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