
  Chapter 1040 decides

The changes in the field have long exceeded North's expectations. Why didn't expect something like this to happen.

In Dia, Lich's words have absolute authority, and there is no undead mage. Dare to question this, all undead mage who dare to offend Lich's majesty, their fate need not be said.

The Schank in front of him is undoubtedly the best example, and he explained this to North. During the previous conversation with Asri, North almost forgot and appeared in front of him. Yes, but one of Dia's only two Legendary Lichs, a creature standing at the top of all undead mage.

In the face of Schank's offense, Asri's ruthless punishment undoubtedly shocked everyone in the field, even though Kathery, who was the king of Dia, had faint anger in his expression, still only Let the severely injured Schank thank Asri and thank Lich for not killing him.

Looking at Kathryn who spoke this remark, Asri continued to ask:

"Do you also want to verify that the effect of Divine Item is true or false?"

Esri's actions directly dispelled the doubts in Kathryl's heart, which is also the reason why Esri took the action against the human man in the name of offense.

If North took out the two Divine Items, North would definitely not be able to. The Divine Item in full form exists only in the hands of Rhodes. If it is real, it may completely expose North's identity.

Being aware of this, Asri chose to punish Schank who questioned him. Facing this move by Legendary Lich, even King Kathery could only regard it as this. Due to Lich's temperamental character, he felt sorry for his subordinates.

Soon, Kathryn adjusted his emotions, there was no longer any obvious expression on his face, and he regained his calm on the surface, saying:

"I don't dare. Questioning the holder of the Divine Item, on the contrary, I have one thing, and I want to ask him for help."

Facing the temptation of Kathryn changing his tone, this time, Asri did not speak any more, Instead, he looked towards North, who was on the side, and gave him the right to choose.

Noticing Asri's sight, North said according to what he had thought about before: "According to the requirements of the Lichs, I will stay in the royal city of Dia for a while, waiting for the advance of the battle, you If there is anything, please tell me."

Noth's answer made Asri shook his head secretly, obviously not satisfied with his answer.

In Esri's opinion, no matter whether North blunt's refusal or readily agreed, it is much better than the current answer. At this time, North's answer was undoubtedly to return the right to speak to Kathryl again.

Once Kathryl made his request, it was not for some simple reasons to refuse it.

Hearing North's answer, Kathery naturally wouldn't give him a chance to change his tune, saying one after another:

"The elf ranger army led by a Legendary hero. , I came to the vicinity of the royal city of Dia, and slaughtered the nearby undead mage, I will be absent from the Lich meeting at this time, just to deal with them personally."

"Originally, I was leading my men to encircle and suppress this area. A ranger army, the strength of these elves is beyond my expectations, even the undead Legion of the royal family is difficult to take advantage of this elite army."

"I learned that Lich After the arrival of the undead Legion, I handed over part of the command of the undead Legion to the generals under my command. I think that during this time, many undead mage died in their hands, which is undoubtedly the loss of the entire Dia.”

Saying that, Kathryl's eyes were completely on North.

"Fortunately, with Lich, there is also the controller of the Divine Item. I believe that with the power of the Divine Item, it is undoubtedly easy to solve this group of elves."

The words he said made North not knowing how to answer again for a while.

North knew in his heart that he was only a Divine Item controller in name, but he didn't actually have the power of a Divine Item. Naturally, he couldn't solve those elite rangers, and it was impossible to agree to his request.

For this reason, North must find a suitable reason to reject it, without being seen abnormal by Kathryl in front of him.

Not giving himself too much time to think, North asked directly: "It's just a team of elf rangers, can this also beat the king of Dia?"

Kathrysshook the head: "You don't understand the power of that group of rangers, I have never seen elves like them, if it wasn't for their small numbers, they couldn't face the undead Legion head-on, and they could only use guerrilla tactics, I am afraid that even the capital of Dia has already fallen."

"Especially their leader, the Legendary hero, can be said to be the most powerful melee professional I have ever seen, no matter how many undead creatures are sent. , can't consume his physical strength, even a terrifying Knight can hardly withstand his full strength attack."

"Originally, I sent the Phoenix envoy to ask Lich in the rally for help. Come on, he obviously didn't bring my request to the rally."

"Apart from Divine Item and Lich, I don't know who in Dia can really deal with this ranger force."


Hearing what Kathryl said, even Asri, who had no words on the side, could deeply feel the troublesomeness of these elf rangers.

The past experience has made Asri understand that if the situation is true, these elves are no longer something that King Dia can deal with. The last Legendary Lich, who underestimated the Legendary melee creatures, has been dead for a long time. , even the name, forgotten by all the creatures of Dia, is undoubtedly the best example.

At this time, what filled Esri's mind was more of a question, she asked:

"When did this and the others appear among the elves of Eli Are you done?"

Asri tried to recall the legendary heroes of Eli in his memory, trying to find one to match the elf mentioned by Kathery, but no matter how Asri recalled, Can't think of a definite existence.

In Asri's impression, in these several decades, although there are a lot of Legendary creatures in Eri, there has only been one Legendary hero, that is the red-haired half-elf Gru. .

Due to his background, Gru finally chose to join Erathia instead of staying in Erathia.

This Legendary hero is most famous for his elite "Jungle Warriors" troops. In the field of guerrilla warfare, no army is better than the Jungle Warriors. The descriptions are consistent. Could it be that Gru led his subordinates to the ranger troop that appeared near the capital at this time?

However, the information provided by Kathryn denied Asri's idea.

According to the information provided by Keith Rui, the leader of the elf army, that is, the Legendary hero, the hair is not red, but a kind of pale-gold, which obviously does not match the characteristics of Gru, apart from This, among the jungle warriors, is also the most famous shooter, and the ability to fight in close quarters is not outstanding.

"It is said that he is an elf hero who has only appeared in Eri in recent years. In a very short period of time, he has achieved the Legendary rank and formed a ranger team to hunt undead mage. I don't know. What kind of grievance does he have with the undead mage, which undead mage has provoked such an existence?"

Hearing Asri's question, Kathery took the initiative to answer and said what he knew. intelligence.

In the heart to make a decision, without North opening, Asri said directly:

"To deal with such a Legendary hero, it really needs to be resolved as soon as possible, otherwise With his behavior, I am afraid that in the near future, it will become a problem for the entire Dia."

"Nos alone may not be able to deal with these elf rangers, and even some The risk of losing the Divine Item, before the battle begins, can't be a problem."

"To deal with this ranger force, I will ask several other Lichs to come to assist, I believe that with Lich's joint efforts, Please, it will be resolved soon."

Asri said his decision to Kathery next to him.

Catherine can only choose to accept such a result. He doesn't want to question Lich's decision. The original example is still on the side, which undoubtedly reminds Kathery deeply.

Although I still haven't been able to test out the true capabilities of the Divine Item controller, for Kathery at this time, I don't need to worry about the threat of that ranger army.

"The controller of the Divine Item seems to be staying in the Dia city for a period of time. I don't know what can I do during this time?"

After discussing about the elves After the Ranger's handling opinion, Keith Rui asked.

From the previous discussion, Kathryl had already learned that North, who was in control of the Divine Item, would stay in the royal city for a while, so he took the initiative to ask about this.

Catherine's words finally got to the point, Asri replied:

"Dia has been silent for too long, and the petty troubles of ordinary undead mage are nothing at all. , I need you to announce his identity to the world and attract more undead mage to join this battle."

"This is also the common decision of all Lich, the sooner the time to reach this point, the sooner Well, I hope you won't let Lich down."

Hearing Asri's words, the native vampire's expression also changed slightly, as if he had thought of something, but he didn't show it. , just simply replied: "Please rest assured, Mother Earth, Lich's words are my will."

After confirming that everything was correct, Asri raised his hand, accompanied by the rapid accumulation of death energy , a deep black Transmission Gate appeared in front of her.

"Lich, who will deal with that ranger force, will arrive soon, don't forget your mission."

Finally, he confirmed to Kathryn at the rear, Ace Rui stepped into the Transmission Gate, and his figure was suddenly disappeared.

Looking at the slowly closing Transmission Gate, North was faintly sighed in his heart, and turned to look at Kathryn who was on the side, just in time to meet the line of sight it was looking at.

(end of this chapter)

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