
  Chapter 1032 Harvest a

With the ability of Ghost King's cloak, Rhodes can do what other Lichs do very well The hard thing to do is to transform the dead Lich and control it.

With the existence of this ability, the speed at which Rhodes obtains EXP will increase linearly, and Rhodes even has the idea of ​​converting more Lich into this undead creature.

It's just that Rhodes knows that it's not the time to transform, Modo and Naagh are the two Lich's who shot themselves first, even the other Lich's in Dia won't say much. , and Rhodes has no reason to convert other Lich.

Due to the lack of mental control, Rhodes actually controlled only some corpse witch kings.

Rhodes did not control the two Lichs after completing the transformation, and Rhodes directly handed them over to Modo for control of the Titan Corpse Witch King whose legs were repaired.

The problem of manipulating the spirit has always plagued Rhodes. Although North has carried out Potion Refining before, which has alleviated the lack of Rhodes' manipulating spirit, in front of the real Lich, this attribute that Rhodes has is still completely Not enough to see.

Even if the two Lichs wouldn't make any resistance to Rhodes' spiritual imprint, Rhodes couldn't control it.

When North decided to leave Sao City, Rhodes deliberately instructed Elon to recruit some creatures who were good at Potion Refining, preferably those above the apprentice level, even if they were not undead mage, as long as they were innocent. It doesn't matter, it is specially used to refine magic medicine.

This is what the Spell Academy of the undead in the city should do, but when the basic buildings in the city are not perfect, Rhodes can only think of other ways.

Fortunately, the previous North had already informed Rhodes about the refining method of enhancing and manipulating the spirit attribute potion. As long as the construction of Sao City is on the right track and the Spell Academy of the undead in the city is established, Rhodes will not need to use it. Take the Heart Demon drug.

Rhodes at this time did not control the transformed two Lichs through spiritual imprint, but the special effect of Ghost King's cloak ensured that these two Lichs would obey Rhodes' orders.

After completing the conversion, Rhodes also tested the special ability of the two Lichs.

Rhodes discovered that Modo's heroic specialties enabled him to ignore the existence of the spiritual imprint and control all the corpse witches he transformed. In his hands, the reason for regaining control of all corpses.

This seems to be similar to the effect of Ghost King's cloak. It can also ignore the existence of spiritual imprint and directly control the undead creatures that are transformed by themselves at the root, but Modo's This ability, however, has stricter limitations.

The control of the Ghost King's cloak extends to all associated undead creatures, whether or not they are transformed by the owner of the Divine Item. After the start of the campaign, all the corpses transformed by Lich using the Corpse Witch King are in the Divine Item's control category.

Even the transformed Lich is also subject to this limitation, not to mention the Ghost King cloak has the ability to capture spiritual imprints in a large area, and Modo's ability can only Acts on the corpse transformed by it.

When he was in the tomb of death, Modo deliberately transformed the dead Phoenix into the form of a corpse witch. Perhaps he also wanted to use this ability to stay behind. At that time, Rhodes faintly disappeared from the corpse witch. An anomaly was found on the body, and spiritual imprint was not used to control it.

Apart from this, after completing the transformation, Rhodes also has a detailed understanding of the black mist on Naagh's body.

The existence of the black fog is also based on Naagh's heroic specialties. In addition to blocking the line of sight, it can also prohibit all spatial spells in it. The effect is extremely powerful, especially in the face of some mage. .

The space spell that high-level mage is good at greatly enhances their life-saving ability, making it difficult for them to be killed by conventional means, but the existence of black fog can effectively restrain them, even Rhodes. He was almost hit hard by the black fog.

And Naagh's last treasure, Rhodes also understood its effect after checking it. It was a dark crown inlaid with various gems and crystals. Perhaps due to the age, the color of the surface had already dimmed, and there were a lot of cracks in some places.

What attracts Rhodes' attention are the precious things inlaid on the surface of the crown. One of the unremarkable pale emeralds is a space gem that can guide the opening of the gate of time and space, and the other is a small dark crystal. , is actually the mother of extremely high-quality souls.

These rare things on the surface of the crown have long exceeded Rhodes' expectations, and the gems set on it are not only decorative.

Rhodes noticed that in addition to the space gem and the Mother of Souls, there are other gems of different colors inlaid on the surface of the crown, all of which have different effects.

The spread of the cracks on the crown has caused the surface to be filled with gemstones in several places, but at this time there are only concave holes and nothing in them can be seen.

The prompt from the system made Rhodes realize that this crown is not a formed treasure. Except for the basic function of inlaying things on it, the crown itself does not have any function, only Counted as special item.

This may also be related to the incompleteness of the crown at this time. If it can be restored, the preciousness of these things may not make it a real treasure.

As if thinking of something, Rhodes took this crown from Naagh's hands as a token of his hand, and transformed part of the Witch King for him.

Suppressed by the material of the crown itself, even if its surface is inlaid with space gems, Rhodes can still include it in the space ring without being affected by the characteristics of space gems at all, which makes Rhodes very concerned.

There are two main gaps on the surface of the crown. Rhodes couldn't find anything suitable to fill it for a while. At this time, the effect of the crown is more like a slightly larger space calibration.

From Naagh's mouth, Rhodes learned the origin of this crown. According to him, it was a crown worn by a long-dead Legendary Lich. Destroyed in a battle, it was eventually taken by Naagh's.

In these countless years, Naagh tried to collect things that could be embedded in the crown through a series of methods, but the gems and crystals with special effects that are common on the continent have already been embedded in the crown. Among them, until now, Naagh's has not been able to restore this treasure.

After countless years of trying to no avail, Naagh has no hope of restoring this treasure. He just regards it as a spatial calibration to confirm his position, and if necessary, let his Death Knight open the time and space. The door to meet.

(end of this chapter)

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