
  Chapter 1021 Transformation

After completing the collection of the token, Asri's voice was present again ring back.

"Now that you have expressed your attitude and are still unwilling to join this battle, you can leave now. Those who want to join this battle can start discussing the division of the area to attack Erathia."


Esri's low words attracted the attention of all Lich in the arena.

For such a person who is willing to join the battle, Lich showed great care about it, and even took out a magic scroll of the level of reincarnation. All Lich's attention.

As Esri's words sounded, Elsa was the first to use the gate of time and space to leave among the many Lichs present, and she didn't seem to want to stay here at all.

Knowing that other Lich had obtained a large number of corpse witch queens by handing over tokens, Elsa did not dare to stay any longer. What she was worried about was that if she continued to stay here, she might also Change your mind and join the battle.

From the Divine Item ability displayed by Rhodes, Elsa has realized the benefits that joining this battle will bring Lich, accumulating undead creatures far more than all previous processes, even in its In my heart, I also vaguely regret my previous decision.

Rhodes also heard Asri's words in his ears, and couldn't help but look over.

From the moment Asri took out the reincarnation magic scroll, Rhodes realized that she had already been recognized by many Lich, and she had a tendency to surpass herself and become the leader of the battle.

Hearing Esri's words, apart from the few Lichs who left, the remaining Lichs also confirmed the division of Erathia's area.

For this, Rhodes naturally has no interest in this. In the next battle, Rhodes' main energy is not on Erathia, but on the territory of Eri, the area divided by Lich, and Rhodes doesn't matter too much either.

Rhodes didn't join these discussions with Lich, but even so, some of Lich's assignments caught Rhodes' attention.

Among the Lichs who joined this battle, Esri, the strongest and the only one Legendary Lich, naturally chose the most expansive plain area of ​​Erathia. She could even advance all the way to Erathia's capital if the corpse numbers were allowed to expand.

Stephen, who had some connection with Rhodes, contacted another Lich, put the target in the territory of Vernin, and prepared to launch an attack on the border of Erathia based on this.

As for other Lich's choices, Rhodes didn't pay too much attention, but focused his attention on North.

As an existence that will play a lot of roles in the early stage of this battle, Rhodes doesn't expect North to be able to stir up the whole battle situation like Phoenix in his previous life. Performance.

The heroic will that exists in North is something that Rhodes always pays attention to. The only thing that reassures Rhodes is that after a series of previous events, the heroic will of North has not dissipated, but instead. become more intense.

This discovery made Rhodes look up at North, at least in him, there is indeed the potential to become a hero, maybe in front of many Lich in the field, North seems unremarkable, but The existence of this potential is also his most unique place.

Recalling the scene where he first saw North in the potion competition, Rhodes also had a hard time imagining that the mage who was refining potions could finally come to this situation.

The tokens that Lichs handed over to North is the main reason why his heroic will is more concentrated. Apart from him, there is no undead mage who can have so many Lich tokens and get Lich unanimously recognized.

After the remaining Lichs have completed the rough division of the attack area, Rhodes will pass through the gates of time and space in turn according to the order of delivery, and go to each Lich's territory to complete the transformation of the corpse witch king.

The number of conversions, as Rhodes promised those Lichs before, was just a matter of performing the Soul Evocation Technique many times for Rhodes.

Rhodes didn't notice anything unusual during the conversion. With the blessing of Divine Grade Soul Evocation Technique, Rhodes did not consume too much mana even though a large number of Corpse Witch Kings were transformed in a short period of time.

The existence of Divine Grade Soul Evocation Technique enables Rhodes to make unimaginable use of biological corpses. Even in the dead tombs, which belong to different creatures, Rhodes can also combine them. And through the Ghost King cloak, transform it into the Witch King.

The long-term accumulation of other Lich in their respective territories has also provided Rhodes with a lot of convenience. If it is replaced with a general undead mage, it will cost a lot of money to just take out the corpses of the creatures that can be transformed. less time.

Rhodes travels between Lich's realm and the Tomb of the Dead by the existence of the Gate of Time and Space.

The styles in each Lich territory are different, but in general they are similar. They are all gathering places for a large number of undead creatures based on the energy of death.

Having seen various scenes in the Tomb of Death, it is difficult to impress Rhodes with the rest of Lich's territory.

After coming to other Lich's territory, due to the level of Soul Evocation Technique, all kinds of abnormal scenes in the territory bring a kind of intimacy to Rhodes, Rhodes can feel the death in the territory The energy becomes active just because of its own arrival.

In these special terrains, Rhodes easily completed the transformation of undead creatures, and according to the original agreement, handed over the Witch King to Lich's control.

In order to let Lich understand the abnormality of the spiritual imprint occupied by the Witch King, Rhodes specially selected the corpses of creatures with extremely low rank, and carried out the transformation of the Witch King.

There were several Lichs who took out the corpses of already extremely powerful creatures, hoping that Rhodes could transform them into the corpse witch king. Among these corpses, Rhodes even saw the corpses of adult dragons. far beyond the scope of ordinary organisms.

Relying on the power of the Ghost King's cloak, Rhodes is able to transform any dead creature into a Witch King, even a dead dragon, into a Witch King in dragon form.

Including the low-strength animals in Eri, the same is true, there are no conventional creatures that can resist the transformation of Divine Item, which is also the reason why Rhodes finally chose Eri.

Rhodes did not deny Lich's request.

Rhodes realized that he had only mentioned the number of corpse witch kings before, but did not mention the types. This was a loophole in his own words. These Lichs are keenly aware of this and use it, which is also their ability.

(end of this chapter)

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