Chapter 0155 – Braces Break You!!!!

Looking at the imposing Zhang Fei, O’Neill stood up and was ready to cover, but when his feet just left the ground and jumped, Zhang Fei had already rushed over, and the whole pressed on him, and the huge impact made O’Neill be knocked back!

Zhang Fei knocked over O’Neill directly in the air, ending the first round with an exaggerated violent chop!


The basket seemed to be dragged down by Zhang Fei.


O’Neill fell hard to the ground.

O’Neill, who was sitting on the ground, grinned in pain, and he felt like his ass was going to fall in half!

Magic coach Hill held his forehead with one hand, a little helpless.

On the other side, Isaiin opened the thermos cup and drank! At the Pepsi Center in Denver, it’s all small scenes!

After landing, Zhang Fei squirted garbage talk to look at Oh Ni.

“Waste, you’re like relying on defense, you can’t stop me at all!”

O’Neill’s face turned dark, and he was completely enraged by Zhang Fei!

In the next round, the 12 sharks went berserk, madly furious against the Nuggets’ interior!

That look looks like it’s going to smash the basket!

Isaiin under the field nodded: “See, you all learn Zhang Fei’s psychological quality, after angering O’Neill, you can still be calm!” ”

If it were another league player, I am afraid that he would have already become nervous.

Jaylen Ross nodded thoughtfully, well, the coach was right! Listening to the conversation under the scene, Uncle Mu died of laughter!

You guys don’t look at who is opposite O’Neill!

Zhang Fei is defending Hardaway in the front line, he can be nervous! It’s me who should be nervous!

“Bang! Bang! ”

O’Neill roared and pushed towards the inside, and with a pure confrontation, Uncle Mu’s face darkened, and he felt that his whole body was about to fall apart!

And not only confrontation, O’Neill also ‘snapped’ a right whip leg when turning around to find a position, and then ‘snapped’ a nest elbow!

If only these two blows were enough for O’Neill to be sent off in later life, but in the 90s, when murder and arson belts, this could only be regarded as routine operation

Another fierce back-to-back blow, Uncle Mu was out of position, and Rogers wanted to make up for it, but it was too late.

After forcing a close hit and knocking out of the space to get up, O’Neill turned and burst into the ball with both hands.


Uncle Mu could only jump up and cover, but he slapped O’Neill’s wrist.


When the basket burst, the whistle of the tailor also sounded.

“2+1! O’Neill completes revenge perfectly! ”

O’Neill, who completed the violent buckle, hit his chest excitedly and yelled at Zhang Fei: “Waste, your inner line is like relying on defense, and you can’t prevent me at all!” ”

Uncle Mu:???

What are you bringing me for?

Zhang Fei smiled disdainfully, wait for the next round Laozi to enter the inner line, I see if you can still play so cool?

O’Neal walked to the free throw line and made free throws, and the basketball bounced a few times on the basket and finally fell into the net!


O’Neill waved his fist excitedly! In the next round, Zhang Fei entered the paint area!

People saw this scene and knew that O’Neill and Zhang Fei were on the bar again tonight! But this time, it was not O’Neill who came up to entangle Zhang Fei, but Cobra Grant!

Facing Grant, who weighed only 111kg, Zhang Fei directly forced him and relied on his body to knock him back!

But as soon as he entered the basket, he was wrapped by O’Neal!

“Get out of here!”

Zhang Fei put his hands together, opened his elbows, turned sharply, and put an elbow on O’Neill’s chest!

“Oh me!”

O’Neill roared, and even swept down!

Facing Grant alone, Zhang Fei’s eyelids did not lift, he stepped up, and directly stormed one.



With the violent sound of the explosive basket, the audience thundered with joy, and countless fists were waving.

“Yayy Our giant beast, he is a giant beast from the Xia Kingdom, crushing each other madly, he is invincible under the basket! Oh no, he’s invincible inside the three-point line! ”

“Cheers for King! The king of basketball deserves your warmest applause! ”

Excited, the two live commentators roared vigorously.

After landing, Zhang Fei looked down at O’Neill and Grant at his feet, and smiled faintly: “Don’t try to stop me, otherwise the braces will be shattered for you!” ”

After that, he turned around and celebrated with his teammates.

“Fak, this bastard!”

O’Neill got up from the ground and yelled at the referee on the side: “He just gave me an elbow, didn’t you see?” ”

The referee glanced at him and ignored him.

Didn’t you just play Mutombo? How can you only elbow others, and can’t others elbow you?

Unlike the angry O’Neill over there, Grant is a little powerless at the moment!

Can you really beat this guy?

In the next round, Nick Anderson missed a shot, and Uncle Mu protected the backcourt rebounds and Nuggets launched a counterattack!

Zhang Fei held the ball and quickly killed towards the front court!

“Bag! Bag clip! ”

Hill’s voice sounded on the sidelines, very sharp and crazy!


In the next moment, Zhang Fei had already rushed into the inner line, and at this moment, there were only Grant and Hardaway in front of him!

The Magic’s most formidable interior gate, O’Neal, just ran out of the three-point line at this time!

Facing the two who had not yet 187 Nier Shen, Zhang Fei was like a bulldozer, directly pressing the two to charge!

Hill’s eyes under the scene are about to fly out! Is this Nima still human?

“Knock them over, Basketball Emperor!”

Countless home fans roared excitedly.

“The two of them are too light to carry at all, even O’Neill can’t carry Zhang Fei who rushes up at speed!”

Magic Johnson said.

Hardaway and Grant were pushed all the way inside, and Zhang Fei roared angrily, exerting the power of S+ and the explosion of S-level to the extreme!

The two snorted in pain, and then directly landed on their backs and fell immediately!


Countless fans shouted, rose from their seats, and shouted wildly.

O’Neill, who just ran to the midfield, was dumbfounded!

The next moment, Zhang Fei exploded in one step and flew directly over the heads of the two.

You who just ran to the basket did not dare to go over and send people’s heads, and could only look up at the pangu-like crash on the left side of the blue basket!


Zhang Fei stretched out in the air and slammed a one-handed dunk into the basket! Pepsi Center is boiling again!

“Ahem… I feel like I’m going to die! ”

Amidst the buzzing of people, Grant’s cough was completely drowned out, he spit out the braces in his mouth, and breathed heavily!

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