Chapter 0109: Free Throw Line Riding!!!!

Seeing Sprewell who turned around and ran, everyone’s jaws suddenly dropped! How did it run?

Good guy, I saw you rushing up with your fists clenched and thought you would do it! Ran straight together!

For a time, the scene booed!

This can stop the journalists waiting to watch the play!

“Made, do it!”

“Lao Tzu’s pants, no, Lao Tzu cameras are all set up, you especially hit ah!”

“Turned around and ran away? You also deserve to be called a madman! ”

“Soft egg, you are in the fighting arena, this is deception!”

UFC reporters roared angrily.

The group of unruly reporters on the sidelines were frantically coaxing, and those mocking words, even Mullin felt blushing when he listened!

But where the madman stood seemed to be inaudible, a picture of light wind.

He is not stupid, that is, these brave ten players on the field are tied together, and it is estimated that Zhang Fei is not enough to fight!

Do it? That also scores whom!

Sure enough, to be a madman, you have to be thick-skinned!

At the same time, this scene also made the fans on the other side of the ocean laugh non-stop, and it became a famous scene in the mouths of future generations of fans!

“666, it is recommended to enroll!”

“Made, how did he turn around so naturally!”

“He didn’t even dare to turn his head, as if he was afraid that Phineas would catch him and spank him!”

“After the identification, allow the pulp!”

In the next round, the madman decided to defend Zhang Fei inside! Recall the face!

Just when the group of undisciplined reporters on the sidelines were coaxing, Zhang Fei had already dribbled the ball through the half, and when he came to the middle circle, he suddenly began to accelerate!

At this time, Chris Mulin was still far away, and he began to accelerate at such a distance, did he play special ball attack like this?

Mullin was able to give him a fake throw in minutes.

But Mullin on the field suddenly contracted his eyes!

Because Zhang Fei, who rushed towards him, brought him too much oppression! It’s like a tank roaring at itself!

But Mullin is a veteran superstar after all, and he will not do such a thing as a madman to turn around and run!

Almost instantly, Chris Mullin, who was originally standing still in place, leaned over to meet it, and for this kind of straight line breakthrough, he naturally would not be stupid enough to collide head-on!

If that continues, I’m afraid he will have to be carried out directly!

Only leaning forward to stick Zhang Fei and let Zhang Fei stop the ball is considered a victory, because Zhang Fei has no long-range shooting ability at all!

“How is that possible?!”

It’s just that when Chris Mullin, who had already calculated what he should do, really faced Zhang Fei and came into contact with Zhang Fei’s body, the super striker of the dream team was knocked away by Zhang Fei like a piece of paper!

“This, how is it possible?!”

After being directly knocked by Zhang Fei, Mu Lin, who was flying in the air, was directly blinded

He was sideways, he thought that Zhang Fei’s breakthrough was extremely impactful, like a humanoid tank!

But I didn’t expect to be hit by the side! It’s just flying!

After crushing Mullin, Zhang Fei rushed into the three-point line like a small tank, and everyone was stunned to watch him rush into the Warriors penalty area!

At this time, the madman standing on the inside line panicked! Why should I come to the inside line!

Originally, he planned to run directly and give the task of defending Zhang Fei to the inside of the warriors

But when he turned his head, he found that the restricted area was empty except for him!

The inside line of the two warriors had already wrapped Uncle Mu the moment Mu Lin took off!

Uncle Mu suffered the treatment of a star scorer again! He was also a little puzzled!

No, why did I come to the general contract?

There is no way, the madman can only put down a defensive position and bite the bullet! The trouble you have caused yourself must be solved with tears!

Zhang Fei roared excitedly, he felt that his feet were getting faster and faster, and he even had an urge to get rid of gravity!

“It’s now!”

When Zhang Fei stepped on the free throw line, he actually jumped directly at the position of the free throw line!

“Here, Zhang Fei’s free throw line jumps and dunks, oh my God, you must know that there is this Prewell in front of him!”

When Zhang Fei jumped in the free throw line, almost all the fans on the sidelines stood up!

Even the mad scientist Nelson immediately stood up from his seat!

Looking at Zhang Fei, who was getting tighter and closer from him, Sprewell’s face was nervous, and he subconsciously had an urge to turn his head and run!

No wonder there is a saying in the NBA!

When you face Zhang Fei directly, you can feel his horror! Zhang Fei’s straightforward breakthrough is really too scary!

Even Jordan didn’t dare to be so abrupt!


Just when the madman hesitated whether he should retreat or not! A thunderous dunk sounded above him!

He suddenly felt a huge force hit his body, which almost made him lose his center of gravity and let his feet go straight off the ground!

At the same time, he felt that his shoulders were slammed by something! Immediately it was directly overturned to the ground!

When he looked up, Zhang Fei was hanging on the blue basket with one hand! Domineering!

And it was Zhang Fei’s legs that hit his shoulders just now! It’s a no-compromise ride!

Sprewell’s face suddenly turned ashen!

He has always been proud, but he was completely shattered by Zhang Fei in two rounds!

This clasp will definitely make headlines in the sports media around the world the next day! Reminiscent of the pre-match clamour!

The madman can’t wait to find a seam to drill into at this time!

This black history will accompany him, and it will never be purged!

When Zhang Fei completed this dunk, the Pepsi Center scene fell into a dead silence for a short time, whether it was the fans on the scene, the players on the bench on the sidelines, or the commentators and reporters on the sidelines!

At this time, there was a dead silence, and the sound of the photographers under the basket actually became the lead voice of the Pepsi Center!

And after a short silence, for a while, the Pepsi Center immediately boomed, as if it had been exploded!

The sky above the entire arena 1.7 sounded Zhang Fei’s name madly!

Incredible, incredible riding buckle, riding buckle from Zhang Fei’s free throw line!

“Oh my God, how can there be such a perfect player in the world, I don’t believe it, I absolutely don’t believe it!”

Many fans jumped up with excitement!

Mad scientist old Nelson sat on a chair with his hands trembling slightly!

This series is completely over!

He never expected Zhang Fei’s physical fitness to be so strong! This kid was born for basketball!

Many superstars turned off their TVs after watching this goal.

“Why don’t you watch it, Michael?”

Jordan’s wife on the side asked.

Jordan leaned back on the sofa and said lightly: “The Nuggets have won this round of the series, is it necessary to watch it?” ”

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